The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and twenty-eight, the fourth natural disaster (18)

As for plant compatriots...that's actually true, right?

After all, green lights reproduce through spores, and there is no lifespan limit. If they are injured or die in battle, many new green lights will grow at the battle location after a certain period of time.

Compared to the fusion sect's Bao who clearly has animal characteristics, Green Light is indeed more similar to the original sect's Bao.

But just being similar in origin and appearance is not enough for their telepathy to connect.

"Well, what do they seem to be trying to express? Do you understand?" Looking at the vines dancing in ecstasy, the cultural consultant was at a loss for a moment and turned to the translator and asked.

"I'm sure I feel... kindness," the translator frowned: "But the frequency of this telepathy does not match all the frequency bands we have."

"Haha~" the cultural consultant smiled maliciously: "Then shouldn't it be time for you to perform 'that'?"

"Damn it, I shouldn't have taken this position in the first place. It would be great if all aliens had their own language like Ute, and only needed to decipher and transcode it." The translator complained while taking off his gloves and rolling up his sleeves.

"[Can't you hear me?]" The secondary group consciousness of the original Bao looked a little anxious: "[Wait while I adjust the frequency band of telepathy... What are you going to do?]"

The translator tentatively walked towards the vine closest to her and stretched out her hand. The original Bao child shook its body in confusion, but did not avoid it and allowed her to hold it.

Hiss, hiss - brush -

The translator's slender palm instantly lost color and began to deform. Judging from the texture and color, this "hand" looked more like a plant than the vine it held.

"Can you understand what I mean?" The translator narrowed one eye as if he was not very adaptable to this situation: "We are [Green Light], our hometown is [Green Grassland Planet], and we come for [Peace]. "

"[Welcome! Green light friends!]" Bao, the native sect, was so excited that the vine grabbed the translator's hand and shook it hard.

"Determine the new telepathy waveform, tentatively named [1296β]," the translator withdrew his "hand" and turned to telepathy to reply to Bao: "Have you received our psychic signal?"

"[Oh, of course, it's very clear! We are indeed born from the same origin! We are not alone!]" The native Bao started to dance.

"Uh... yes, that's right." The cultural consultant who was connected to the spiritual communication channel thought for a moment.

Decided not to refute this irrelevant question: "Mr. Vine..., I wonder what your tribe should be called? And where did the previous attacks we received come from?"

"[We, no, I am 'Bao',]" the secondary group consciousness responded: "[Unfortunately, the 'vines' you see are all 'me'. Before defeating those 'hybrid monsters', I cannot Let Bao give birth to individual consciousness. Their will is too weak and they will only be devoured when encountering a 'hybrid monster'.】"

"Perhaps you would like to tell us about those 'hybrid monsters'?" The cultural consultant immediately started talking in formula mode.

"[That's it...]"

'Well? Listening to its meaning, are you ready to "induce" Bao to fall into a deep sleep after he awakens? It is indeed a degraded version of Solian. ’

[But it is not the true group consciousness of Bao. If you do that, you may never wake up. If you are lucky, there will be a small chance that it will be reawakened through a lucky Bao one day in the future. 】

'Then it can certainly do it. ’ Zilang Literature

[There is no need to use the law of cause and effect, right? 】


"So, we encountered a 'Gestalt consciousness ()'?" Green Light Zero sat in the captain's seat, holding his chin with one hand, and asked the returning cultural advisor and translator.

Although I really want to complain about this term, judging from the development history of Green Light, they do not have the environment to give birth to the word "Alaya".

Obviously, even though Qiseguang monitored the entire "meeting", things like telepathy couldn't be photographed, so they had to wait for them to report back.

"Yes, it means that it controls the 'Bao' on the entire planet - this should be their self-proclaimed name," the cultural consultant replied: "But there are still other half of the Bao on the planet that have been contaminated by unknown sources and have turned into It found a 'hybrid monster', and it was they who attacked us, and it asked us to help them destroy those monsters."

"Oh... what do you think?" Green Light Zero's expression remained unchanged.

"Compared to the ancient civilization that has taken shape like Ute, this new plant civilization that has not yet entered space is likely to become our firm ally after getting our help and entering space. I think we can help them." The cultural consultant replied.

"I don't think so!" Before Green Light Zero responded, the military adviser interrupted her: "You can't assume that they are orthodox just because you have contacted them first. In fact, they are the 'rebels'."

"Oh?" The cultural consultant did not directly refute, but looked behind the military consultant: "In other words, when I went to negotiate, you had contact with the other faction?"

"To be precise, she found us." The military adviser moved half a step, revealing a "tree demon" being followed by two green light guards.

"[Are we being invaded? Are we being invaded? Are we being invaded?" She said in a voice that was about to burst into tears.

"Have you bullied others?" the cultural consultant squinted at the military consultant.

"How did I know? She landed on our spaceship in a plant aircraft that looked like a dandelion. After being controlled, she kept crying. Uh, maybe she was crying?" The military adviser touched the back of his head.

"If they have a language and have developed aerospace technology, then they really don't look like 'monsters'... It's up to you." The cultural consultant tilted his head to the translator on the side.

"Hmm, although she does look like a mixture of plants and animals, as long as she's cute, there's no problem." The translator smiled and stepped forward to "shake hands" with the deer-shaped dryad.

The little tree demon looked at the changes in the translator's hands, looking as if he was so shocked that he couldn't stand still.

"Okay, girl, I can understand you now. Say something casually?" the translator said gently.

"[Feear some fury of the forest fawn! (Fearthefearsomefuryoftheforestfawn!)]" The tree demon said fiercely with wide eyes.

"What did she say?" Before the translator deciphered the transcoding, the other green lights obviously couldn't understand.

"I feel like it's some kind of tongue twister..." The translator put his free hand on his forehead helplessly: "Listen girl, those vines call themselves 'Orthodox Bao' and call you 'hybrid monsters'. Should you say something?" ?”

"[I, we are all Bao, no one is a monster...]" The tree demon shook his head repeatedly.

Okay, okay, although I don’t know what Pamela chose to send her here, but as soon as these words came out, the negotiation was already half successful. _

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