The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty, the fourth natural disaster (20)

Obviously, Green Light's self-centered style since its birth, and its style of annihilation without alliance, can bear the name of the "fourth natural disaster", and if it forms an alliance with Ute and then exterminates Bao, it will be recognized and de facto This feature has officially evolved.

Four cannot be chosen. Three is a bit too miserable. Although one is not a big problem, the result is not in line with my original intention of awakening this ethnic group, so I can only choose two.

[Who said ‘I want them all’ before? 】

'These options are obviously branches that involve the development of civilization. Just like when driving, you can't say you want 40, 60 and 80 speeds at all. That is impossible. However, it is necessary to survive all these two branches of civilization. no problem. ’

[That's impossible. Even if you let the green light shrink completely now, the original faction and the fusion faction will only enter the 'respect' branch. 】

‘It is common sense that there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, and it is natural that there are [additional options] in addition to the four options. ’

【is that so? 】

‘Yes, that’s right, but first, I have to wake up Malefia from standby. ’


In the Temple of All Green, Pamela is praying to Sorian.

"[Great Father God, please wake up temporarily. We have encountered the 'extraterrestrial evil spirit' that you may have mentioned in your oracle. The negotiators we sent have not yet sent back the news. We need your guidance——]"

I'm not saying that this kind of prayer is completely useless. Solian consumed too much when "inspiring" her. If Bao didn't face the risk of extinction, it would be impossible for him to wake up reluctantly.

And is the Ba'ao ethnic group at risk of extinction? Of course not. No matter which side Green Light chooses to help, it will be a development opportunity for Bao, unless I chose the fourth option before.

"Don't try, your Father God won't wake up." A bright white light beam hit Pamela through the roof of the temple, and then Malefiya walked out of it while saying, and she completely stepped out of the light beam. , the light pillar disappeared as abruptly as it appeared.

"[Welcome to the Immortal!]" Pamela looked very surprised.

"I have left positioning coordinates for each civilization that I guided to develop. I only receive specific keywords. If necessary, go and check." Malefia explained briefly: "Did you just say 'Tianwai Demon'?"

"[Yes,]" Pamela replied: "[They descended from the sky, and their overall appearance is different from any known creature.

It was hit in the front by our strongest weapon, the 'Spore Cannon', and it didn't even stagger. ]"

After all, not even a tenth of the shield was broken.

"Don't worry, they are not 'extraterrestrial evil spirits'," Malefia pretended to check, and before Pamela could take a breath, she added: "They are the 'fourth natural disaster'."

“[Excuse me, Immortal, what is the ‘fourth natural disaster’?]” Pamela was stunned for a moment and then asked.

"The fourth natural disaster means that there are four more powerful forces like it." Malefia replied instantly.

"[...Ah, really?]" Pamela responded blankly, as if she hadn't yet grasped the skill of complaining.

"Although it is not an 'evil from outside', it is a subordinate of 'evil from outside'. It is responsible for selecting civilizations worth conquering in advance every time the 'evil from outside' invades." Malefia continued to talk nonsense.

But it’s not nonsense if no one can refute it.

"[It should be so,]" Pamela immediately accepted this setting: "[If we directly send troops to all cosmic civilizations without investigating in advance, some may have excess combat power, while others may come back defeated. .】"

After all, evil spirits outside the world also have to pay attention to efficiency.

"Although it is not difficult to repel this vanguard, the planet has already entered their field of vision. Any rash action will bring unexpected dangers." I am going to let Malefia start to deceive based on this point.

"[Indeed, if we, Bao, can defeat the vanguard of the 'Fourth Natural Disaster' before we enter space, then we will definitely be targeted by the next 'Fourth Natural Disaster Force' and 'Outer Demons', and I will become Bao's sinner.]" Unexpectedly, Pamela sorted out the cause and effect faster than me.

Self-strategy is the most deadly, but I can't say "You're right" now, that would be too out of style.

"However, now is an opportunity," Malefia raised her spear and pointed: "The 'Fourth Natural Disaster' contacted the original Bao first, and has accepted their statement and judged you as mutant monsters."

"[So... our fusion faction should take this opportunity to leave? Not only did the 'Fourth Natural Disaster' think that the native Ba'au is the master of the planet, but they are still too early to enter space, and then gave up the strategy of our home planet, but also It preserves the possibility of Bao's continued development.]" Pamela once again taught herself without a teacher.

How much intelligence did Thorian add to her?

"Are you going to say next that you don't have the means to leave the galaxy or even the planet?" As a last resort, I could only let Malefia also show off her words: "But I do. My spaceship is big enough to hold everything." Everyone in your fusion faction—except those ancient trees of war."


"Don't worry, even if your Father God falls into a deep sleep, he will follow him on his own." Malefia continued to answer.


"The 'Fourth Natural Disaster' cannot detect my ship. Their attention will temporarily focus on the strange characteristics of the original Pai Bao. I will send you to other unowned planets in the same climate as this home star to settle, and do the same. Leave a position there, do you have any questions?" Malefia said a series of words, and finally stopped without knowing what she wanted to say.

"[No, I have no problem anymore. Thank you, God, for helping me.]" Pamela seemed to want to say something, but in the end she chose to give up.

"Then, you gather the clansmen, and I'll call the spaceship." Malefia nodded to Pamela, walked out of the temple and began to call for the Therasido, and by the way, she put an end to the debate on the Green Light side: This topic selection B.


Green Light finally decided to help the native Bao. After releasing the Dryad Messenger, they asked the native Bao to retreat in the original military-controlled area, and began to formulate plans to place crop circles and Stonehenge around the planet, preparing to drain the bottom of the cauldron. Finally, When the "Fusion Monster" has no time to take care of itself, it launches a massive counterattack.

However, after everything was ready, the native Bao discovered during a routine inspection that the fusion Bao had disappeared without a trace, leaving only an empty giant tree trunk city in their original capital "Green of All Things".

The Green Lights argued again and again at the meeting held for this purpose, but no one could give a reason that could convince others.

The secondary group consciousness of the original Bao was not interested in how the opponent disappeared. It only controlled the sub-body to occupy the "Green of All Living Things", and after some transformation, renamed it "Red of All Living Things".


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