The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty-one, Halo War (1)


Earth, South America, 22°54 south latitude, 43°11 west longitude.

A graceful figure was running through the dense forest.

She wears a set of combat armor with a pink base and bright white armor, and a pair of red windproof goggles on her face. Her beautiful and heroic face is full of confidence, her expression is focused and alert, and her long, almost snow-white hair is tied into a bun. Her single ponytail was fluttering like a flag with her movements.

The rugged mountain environment and thick bushes did not hinder her movements in the slightest. Every leap and rise and fall were flawless. She looked like a female leopard patrolling her territory, calmly and gracefully.

What finally stopped this "ranger" was a huge black shadow falling from the sky.


Before the huge black shadow landed, the woman in pink armor had already made an emergency change of direction and performed three additional hollow rolls, completely avoiding the attack range of the thing, and she let out a sigh of unknown meaning.

"Oh, incredible~"

What stood in front of Kangna was a heavy mecha with a total height of more than 5 meters. It faced Kangna, with its left hand clenched in a fist and ready to go, while its right hand was stretched forward, revealing a dark hole in the palm of its hand.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was a bit awkward. No matter whether Kangna chose to escape or attack the mecha, she could not easily achieve her goal at this distance.

If it chooses to dodge, the "palm cannon" in its right hand will fire and continue to suppress it. If it chooses to rush, its left fist will punch out. Even if a flesh and blood body is wearing armor, it is unlikely that it can withstand such a big attack. Iron Fist.

Although she is not actually flesh and blood.

In addition, the options given in the "Recommendations for Action" are:

[When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins! (model)]

【All roads lead to Rome! (Rebellion)]

【There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain! 】

Kangna felt that it was a bit stupid to fight with a remote-controlled mecha, but turning around and running away was not her style. Maybe... she could go around it?

She glanced at the third action suggestion, ducked slightly, and suddenly turned into a pink phantom. It was not about escaping.

Instead of seeking a breakthrough from the unarmed side, he rushed straight towards the launch path of the palm cannon.

This unexpected situation caused the staff behind the mecha to be stunned for a moment, which directly caused the mecha to move its muzzle a little slower, causing Kangna to pass under the muzzle.

Creak - creak -

Boom boom boom...

The next moment, several rays of lightning flashed across the body of the mecha that was trying to turn around, and then bursts of dull explosions came from inside, and then the entire mecha became motionless.


At the same time, 13 kilometers south of Kangna's location, a hall filled with numerous large screens, computers, monitoring equipment, and data analysis instruments was filled with noise.


"Who saw what Kangna did? What did she do?"

"Oh, don't you choose to escape, but charge towards the muzzle?"

"There is a similar technique in fighting that prevents the enemy from launching its attack when it is most powerful, but I forgot the name."

"Humanoid robots really have no combat advantages."

"Don't be so strict with construction machinery."

"Shut up, everyone, and keep watching."

Although Kangna had already left the battle site, her image of destroying the heavy mecha with one blow was played repeatedly on several large screens. Except for those who commented and looked like military officers in straight military uniforms, all the people in the hall were There are also many people who look like clerical and technical personnel who are busy analyzing and entering data.

On the largest screen in the hall, the arrows representing the red side and the blue side were crisscrossed on the military map, but anyone with a clear eye could see that the red side was at a serious disadvantage.

Obviously, what Kangna experienced was not an ordinary battle, but an exercise. As for here, it was natural that he knew the situation of both sides well and was in charge of the general headquarters that scored after the exercise.

The exterior of the general headquarters is a group of well-proportioned buildings hidden in the deep forest. Their layout, exterior decoration, roads connecting the buildings and roadside service facilities are all full of science and technology, and almost all pedestrians running among them are wearing clothing. A combat armor similar to Kangna's, but the color scheme is not consistent.

This is the "N7 Training Base" of Star Alliance. Its main building complex covers an area of ​​nearly 40 hectares and has various equipment and places for training soldiers. The nearly 200 hectares around it are all military restricted areas, including ordinary paths. None of them exist. Personnel in the base can only enter and exit and transport supplies by plane.

The N in N7 refers to the field special forces. The entire Star Alliance force is divided into 13 services codenamed by letters. Compared with other services, the service N is most familiar with is S, the defense special forces. Although the functions of the two are similar, they have similar functions. The scope of responsibilities is opposite. Not only are there no conflicts, but the relationship is quite close. An example right now is that a big boss from S came to observe this internal assessment of N7.

And 7 refers to the "level" of the soldier. In simple terms, the criteria for selection into N1 are soldiers who have basic professional qualities and are relatively elite in the ordinary army, while the criteria for N2 are soldiers who have the same external conditions. Three uniforms against three N1.

After that, the higher you go up, the more stringent the conditions for promotion are, and the weight of "simply being able to fight" is getting lower and lower. In addition, due to the trend of awakening powers that has been hyped in recent years, whether there are powers, and the role of this power in combat Whether it is helpful or not is also taken into consideration.

However, in order to avoid confusion, from N1 to N6, special forces who are transferred before graduation are not allowed to wear the corresponding level logo. Only those who successfully pass the N7 promotion assessment can spray N7 on their armor. This It directly led ordinary people who were peeping into the dark to think that they were a special force called "N7", which was actually correct.

To use more intuitive numbers to describe the difficulty of N7 promotion - there are only 8,030 N7s in the entire Star Alliance, of which 7,789 are combatants. Such a low pass rate not only did not allow Star Alliance to relax the standards, but instead made those people old-minded. The Star Alliance generals have begun to take pleasure in increasing the difficulty in the assessment of N6 graduates. However, if they can complete those "additional questions" that are deliberately difficult, they may be promoted even if they fail the original assessment. .

At this time, Kangna is taking her N7 promotion assessment, and the content of the exam is "helping the red team that is at a huge disadvantage to make a comeback."

Normally, this kind of assessment is not too difficult when both sides' troops are "acting out a certain situation." However, some crazy general made an additional request: Kangna must not mobilize the red troops, but must Fang completed the turnaround of the entire battle on his own while operating on his own.

As far as common sense is concerned, this is an "impossible mission."

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