The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty-two, Halo War (2)


Exercise battlefield.

Kangna probably guessed that the joint command was paying attention to her, and maybe was still judging her, but she had no time to care about that now. After breaking through the heavy mecha interception, she continued to rush forward without stopping.

To talk about the process of just defeating the mecha, it is also very simple. First, take the initiative to close the distance and make its two countermeasures useless, and then use a short sliding shovel to rush under the hand with the palm cannon, and the mecha A's "pilot" will subconsciously continue to aim the muzzle at himself, so that the arm is high enough from the ground for an N7 elite to do something.

For example - use a multi-purpose tool to make a knife, and when it passes by, it will directly cut off all the control nodes on the mecha's arm, and the combat effectiveness of its hand will be directly cleared.

Kangna was certain that she only destroyed the nodes on one arm. As for why the entire mecha was paralyzed, it could only be attributed to the fact that the remote pilot was startled and made an operating error.

However, a single mecha cannot constitute combat effectiveness, and a commander with a normal IQ will not use them as patrols and interceptors under normal circumstances. This means that if this mecha encounters the enemy and is destroyed, The news had already reached its blue allies before he defeated it. A wave of support might arrive at any time, and it would be difficult to sneak away by then.

The only advantage at present is that the blue side only knows that Kangna belongs to the red side and wants to help the red side come back and defeat the blue side, but it does not know that her "extra task" requires it to be completed alone, otherwise their strategy will definitely be adjusted significantly.

Speaking of strategy, I don’t know who wrote the script for the entire exercise, but it looks serious:

——Humanity discovered a new galaxy and the new planet Gaia through an unknown mass relay. However, there are a large number of ancient civilization relics scattered on this planet. The exploration fleet immediately sent out reconnaissance troops and scientific research teams to land to study and study it. Evaluate.

——But not long after the reconnaissance force landed, the exploration fleet in space was attacked by aliens. They were completely unwilling to communicate or negotiate, and refused to accept prisoners. They were determined to destroy the entire exploration fleet.

——So, after losing the encounter in space and the exploration fleet being outnumbered, they had no choice but to abandon the reconnaissance troops on the surface of the planet and flee at full speed to seek help from the Star Alliance headquarters. And those aliens did not pay much attention to this small group of reconnaissance troops on the surface. , casually deployed five times their troops, and then went to chase the main force of the exploration fleet.

Kangna's mission is to help the almost-surrounded red reconnaissance force resist the onslaught of the blue alien pursuit force. The minimum requirement is to support the exploration fleet or the Star Alliance, and if the aliens can be pursued in turn, The troops were all wiped out,

The results of this graduation exam will definitely be very good.

Although this background seems to have quietly darkened the exploration fleets affiliated with the First Fleet - it is obvious that the exploration fleet can be attacked by others, but who makes N7 the elite among the elite? The generals who must be watching the battle at the joint command headquarters Even if they are a little unhappy, they will not take the initiative to raise objections.

After all, an exercise is just an exercise, and it is impossible for the N7 base to arrange a too real battlefield for an exam to last for several days or even a week. Do other graduates of the same period also need to take the exam? Therefore, the maximum test time allowed by the Joint Command to Kangna is 24 hours. If there is no obvious tendency to win or lose before the time runs out, the staff of the Joint Command will analyze and score the battlefield situation.

However, if you want to become an N7 and cannot change the battlefield situation or even make a comeback for such a long time, then the probability of failing can be said to be quite high.


"Well, I'm really on guard."

After passing through a jungle that was theoretically filled with alien plants, Kangna arrived at the perimeter of the cordon of the "alien force's" temporary military camp. 678

Each and every "alien" was in a hurry and always on alert, indicating that the destruction of the mecha had been noticed, but because there was only one intruder, they did not pay enough attention to it.

The blue team's drill soldiers naturally knew that the N7 graduate was here, but those "aliens" did not know the importance of the infiltrator, so they could not deliberately target her.

But similarly, Kangna knew that these "enemies" were humans, but she had to treat them as "aliens" with unknown intelligence. She had to spy on the intelligence before taking action. If she acted directly as she would against normal human armies, she might be The "script setting" is a scam.

After confirming that no alarms or surveillance were triggered along the way, Kangna penetrated the loose cordon and successfully sneaked into the edge of the military camp, and then began to confirm the functions of those buildings.

【Sneak into the armory and investigate enemy armaments. (model)]

[Sneak into the radar station and eavesdrop on enemy communications. (Rebellion)]

[Sneak into the supply station and confirm the enemy's supplies. (Gluttony)]

"..." Kangna frowned and stared at the third item.

What strange suggestion for action is that? This exercise lasts for at most one day, and most of the soldiers in the exercise can get it done with the compressed military rations they carry with them - wait?

Just now I was thinking about not being fooled by the superficial human troops and human military camps, but here I am habitually being fooled by the human troops.

If this is an alien army, and they are temporarily abandoned by the main fleet to pursue a small group of human troops, then if the main fleet is temporarily unable to return to rescue, supplies will be sufficient.

On the contrary, it is weapons and communications. Even if you see familiar styles of firearms and hear familiar languages, are they really still the same?

The guy who wrote this script has a really dark heart, Kangna thought as she sneaked towards the supply depot from various guard posts and surveillance blind spots, and some of the soldiers' daily conversations she heard along the way made her even more convinced of this.

"Waibibabu." "Wow wow wow~"

What kind of careless alien language is this? I guess even if I successfully infiltrated the radar station, I would only hear such weird words.

PASS is a plan to create opportunities for the red team by disrupting communications.

As for the armory, there is no need to think about it. Kangna saw at least several strange firearms along the way. It was obviously a small pistol but with a huge silencer, and something that looked like a Gauss rifle had a large magazine. , if you want to "borrow" it for use, I'm afraid it will be inexplicably judged as a failure after just a few shots.

The plan to detonate ammunition and seize powerful weapons to create chaos in the blue base is also PASS.

This is simply unreasonable, Kangna thought. If what she saw at the supply depot were still similar weird things and did not give people a chance to solve the problem in a lone hero way, then they would just flip the table and knock out all the soldiers. Anyway, according to the settings They are also humanoid creatures.

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