The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty-eight, Halo War (8)


Unknown star territory.

"How did the Mass Effect repeaters end up like this? What happened?"

"What do we do now?"

"Oh, God, what is that?"

"This galaxy is a little too clean, as if it's been cleaned."

The nearby crew members who were performing their duties gradually became panicked.

"[All units prepare for battle!]" Anderson issued an order through the ship-wide broadcast: "[But no unauthorized fire is allowed without permission from the flagship!]"

Although it was a repetition of General Grissom's previous instructions, the effect was not bad, and the crew gradually calmed down.

Kangna frowned and looked at the "rings", raised her hand and tapped her headset: "Etty?"

"[No signals were received except for the internal communication of the fleet,]" Yidi replied in a flat tone: "[Optical observations show that the nine giant space entities are artificial creations, but they are too far away to obtain further information.] "

"Well..." Kangna began to think quickly.

After passing through a semi-abandoned mass effect relay, we arrived at a galaxy with nothing but stars and nine giant artificial entities. How should we act when no danger is visible for the time being?

According to the provisions of the "Interstellar Development Act", in this case, the fleet should stay near the mass relay, send ships back, and report the current situation of the galaxy to the Star Alliance. The next step will be discussed and decided by the Star Alliance Council.

However, General Grissom is not the kind of person who follows rules and regulations. Now that he has received permission to start a war, he cannot stand still in the face of this strange galaxy.

"[All fleets obey orders! Maintain battle formation and head for the 'donut' closest to us!] As expected, General Grissom's order was quickly conveyed: "[Get ready for battle! But no one is allowed to fire without my order! ]"

Also arriving simultaneously with the order was control of the frigate Dunkirk.

"Oh! I can finally fly freely~" Cicero immediately snapped at the driving panel.

Kangna felt slightly weightless,

The battleship at his feet had already flown away from the frigate battle group first.

The battle formation is different from the march formation, where all ships of the same type stay together. The destroyers will advance, the frigates will surround them to protect them, the cruisers will stay behind to protect the battleships, and the battleships will destroy them with their powerful main guns. Destroyers and frigates can only attack enemy ships of the same level that buff them.

Depending on the specific arrangements of the fleet commander, there may be some changes in the specific formation, but the general direction of "small ships attract firepower" and "big ships kill with one strike" will basically not change.

Unless the enemy uses a super weapon that can cause large-scale attacks without warning.

However, no matter what, be prepared for battle first.

Kangna checked the N7 armor and weapons and equipment on her body, then turned and walked towards the warehouse deck.

"[Confirmed that the material of the giant space entity is 'tritanium alloy'.]"

"[Information update, the inner layer of the giant space entity is rock.]" Fifth

"[Information update, the outer layer of alloy is slowly rotating, providing gravity to the inner layer of rock.]"

"[Intelligence update: Biological reactions have been detected in the inner layer of the rock, suspected to be plants.]"

"[Intelligence update: It is confirmed that there is a complete ecosystem in the inner layer of the rock, but no intelligent creatures have been found yet.]"

"[Intelligence update: It is confirmed that there are ancient artificial ruins in the inner ring of the space entity, but no signal has been received.]"

As the entire fleet gradually approaches the nearest of the nine "halos", its judgments and test results are also constantly updated. Presumably the staff responsible for the analysis are already exhausted.

What is currently believed is that these "halos" are artificial creations with complete ecosystems inside.

Their seemingly chaotic inclinations and orbits of rotation and revolution are all designed to provide the "world within the ring" with an alternation of day and night.

This galaxy obviously does not follow the "every galaxy has a Gaia planet" rule that the Star Alliance has always regarded as an axiom. Each of these rings is a perfect "Gaia planet", although the shape is a bit weird.

As for the purpose of building it... this will have to wait for a specific scan of one of them. If there are a large number of creatures that obviously do not conform to the laws of the ecosystem, then they are undoubtedly a... zoo.

This speculation can be very discouraging, so in comparison, the "Precursor ruins" hypothesis is easier to accept. After all, alien technologies such as mass effect technology and repeaters have been used by humans for many years.

And, the most important question is, these artificial celestial bodies look very complete, so what happened to cause the Mass Effect Repeater to look like that?

"[I announce that these artificial celestial bodies will be named 'HALO', and this galaxy will be called the 'Halo Galaxy'!]" General Grissom broadcast again through the fleet-wide channel: "[But when you go back and brag, You can also name it after yourself, I have agreed! 】"

Kangna Galaxy? No, that's too silly.

In the end, the entire fleet was captured by the gravity of the "halo", adjusted its direction, and anchored above the inner land.

Even if the fleet is counted as a whole, there is still a huge difference in size from the "Halo". To use a metaphor, it is like an ant resting on a Big Mac donut. If only the Dunkirk is counted, That's just a speck of dust.

"[We will next investigate all nine 'halos' one by one, but there are not so many manpower to land one by one,]" General Grissom began to formulate a plan: "[Next I will send a squadron to land, and We will conduct detailed research on the conditions on their surface. Captains who are willing to perform this task can now send me the name of your vehicle.]"

[Send signal to flagship. (model)]

[Do not send signals to the flagship. (Rebellion)]

Since it is just a simple yes and no, there is no third option, but is this model and rebellion reversed?

Could it be that when a superior issues a task, you have to rush to it no matter what to meet the public's "role model" standards?

"[Kanna? What do you think?]" Anderson's communication came through Etty.

"Send it," Kangna decided: "Out of caution, General Grissom cannot send another force to land. Although we don't know the level of investigation of other colleagues, we can definitely do it. Better."

Kangna added an accent to the word "we", implying that as a bionic human and Etty, the AI, she would never miss any suspicious points.

"[That's fine,]" Anderson responded: "[After commanding a ship for so long, I feel like my back is stiff. It's time to stretch my arms and legs and walk the dog.]"

...the first alien dog walker. _

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