The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and thirty-nine, Halo War (9)


Halo Galaxy, the fourth Halo.

As a fixed giant celestial body, its data was quickly measured by the exploration fleet without any interference.

[The fourth halo: diameter (R): 10,000 kilometers, surface width: 318 kilometers, surface gravity: 0.992G, surface temperature: -23°C to 40°C, surface atmospheric pressure: 1atm, main atmospheric component: nitrogen (78% ), oxygen (21%). 】

This kind of data... you don't even need to wear a helmet after logging in.

As the exploration fleet gradually approached the target, the feeling of "dust and donuts" became more and more intense. Kangna stood by the porthole of the supply deck, looking at the huge artificial celestial body while speculating on the aliens who built these "halos" What are you thinking about, and what does this environment that is exactly the same as the earth, or "Gaia planet" mean?

"[Commander, after preliminary scanning, I found that the number of biological species in the destination aura exceeds a thousand, and the 'zoo' theory can be considered valid.]" Etty said in Kangna's ear.

"[Wait a minute, Edith, is a thousand species a lot? I remember there are millions of species of creatures on earth.]" This time it was Anderson who interrupted.

"[No, Master Chief, if I use what I said before to describe the earth, there is only 'one' creature on the earth, and that is human beings.]" Etty responded.

"Etty, what do you mean, there are too many species at the top of the food chain?" Kangna asked, pressing the headset.

"[Not only that, Commander, the habitat of these creatures is also very average, and it is very suitable for the survival and reproduction of local species. This situation is almost impossible to occur naturally,]" Yidi replied.

"[Hey, so this is not a 'nature reserve', but an abandoned 'safari park'?]" Anderson's tone sounded slightly depressed.

I was very excited to explore the alien ruins, but found out that it was a zoo. I naturally felt that I was almost an animal in the eyes of aliens.

However, Kangna cannot understand this feeling. She clearly knows that there are many aliens, and the reason why they have not contacted humans is simply because humans are too backward.

For example, if humans see a monkey playing with a stick, they will probably ignore it. However, if the monkey starts drilling wood with a stick to make fire, they may send an animal breeder or trainer to contact it.

[“Looking at the bright side, we can get more advanced technology through it.


["Look on the bright side, at least we weren't caught and locked up here." (Rebellion)]

【remain silent. 】

["Looking on the bright side, our menu has been enriched a lot." (Taotie)]

"Don't think too much. Isn't it common sense that we are lagging behind aliens after the discovery of the Martian ruins?" Kangna paused: "By the way, Edith, how many of these thousand kinds of creatures can you eat?"

"[Preliminary judgment is that there are about 600 kinds.]" Yi Di replied instantly.

"[Don't eat alien species casually!]" Anderson's slight depression had already flown to nowhere.

"[Woof woof! (Eat, you can eat anything!)]" Bass was also adding to the chaos.

"Our next landing order is-"

In the middle of Kangna's words, a field of familiar green characters suddenly flashed in the position of the action suggestion, and they arranged a new "suggestion":

[Notify the entire army to evacuate urgently. (special)】

This... quick reading

Kangna frowned and immediately sent the N7 identity verification to the main fleet channel. Although it was not impossible to hack in directly, it would be a slap in the face to General Grissom and the colleagues in charge of information security. It was better not to do that unless it was absolutely necessary. well done.

"[The identity verification is passed. You have 30 seconds to send a fleet-wide broadcast. General Grissom has the right to terminate your broadcast at any time.]"

Um? She clearly applied to speak directly to General Grissom, why did it become a ship-wide broadcast?

The veteran general's intuition is so powerful?

Without any time to think about the words, Kangna directly said on the channel in a clear, concise and powerful voice:

"This is N7 Shepard! All fleets, immediately evade on the premise that your current position has been locked and you are about to be attacked from behind!"

N7 should be a household name among the Star Alliance forces, and some senior officers may have heard of Shepard's name, so they should not obstruct this order.

She also added the word "behind" in this sentence because Edith was absolutely certain that there were no conventional weapons on "Halo Four" that could attack the fleet in space.

Shepard had no doubts about the action suggestion with the "Special" label, after all, every time it appeared -

The next moment, nearly a thousand silver-white battleships with slender and sharp hulls emerged from the void behind the flagship battle group of the Third Fleet, and opened fire without hesitation.

The light of the mass effect cannon covered the sky and illuminated the Starfleet fleet that was dodging in various postures.


"Boom-boom!" "Squeak-boom!" "Ta-ta-ta-ta!"

When Kangna woke up again, she found herself lying on the ceiling, with various sounds of gunfire coming from around her.

As expected, the Dunkirk had completely capsized.

"That guy Caesar has probably broken all over his body, right...Etty?" Kangna quickly constructed the current state of the battleship in her mind based on the current tilt angle of the ship, and found a way to the command deck.

"[I'm here,]" Etty's voice rang in Kangna's ears, and then continued without pause: "[Dunkirk's current status is: structure 72%, armor 45%, shield 0% , 15 crew members were slightly injured and 2 were seriously injured. The Master Chief and the Joker are both healthy. The positions of friendly forces and enemies have been added to the map.]"

The patient with brittle bone syndrome was said to be able to survive the crash intact...

"Very good, what's the situation outside now?" Kangna responded while following the map and rushing to the location of the two seriously injured people.

"[Six seconds after you issued the warning, a large number of unrecognizable warships appeared behind the battle group. It can be confirmed that they can decipher our communications.]" Yiti paused: "[The attack caused a total of 7% of the battle group's damage. General Grissom is currently exchanging fire with the opponent in space. It is initially estimated that the combat strength ratio between the two sides is one to five.]"

"Tsk..." Kangna quickly reached the location of the first wounded person, lifted off the bulkhead that was holding him down, and then used medical glue on him: "What's our situation now?"

"[We are the 7%]," Yidi replied, "[The damaged fleet had to make an emergency landing on the 'Fourth Halo', and the enemy fleet also sent a landing force five times the force of the forced landing to pursue us. .】"

Why does this situation sound so familiar...

Kangna rescued another crew member who hit his head and fell unconscious. When he looked at the map again, the wounded had basically evacuated the Dunkirk.

After looking around, Kangna found a nearby emergency passage and left the capsized frigate.

The first thing she saw were green mountains, clear water, blue sky, and the "Ladder to Heaven" rising from the horizon and heading straight into the sky like a picture scroll. _

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