The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty, Halo War (10)


The fourth Halo surface.

As she saw the beautiful scenery, Kangna understood three things.

This is really a zoo.

The alien aesthetic that built this place is similar to that of earthlings.

Something went wrong when I went out.

"Etty? Where is Anderson?" Connor looked around and found no enemy, and the sound of continuous firefights continued to come from the other side of the Dunkirk.

"[He is leading the crew to engage in firefights with the aliens who have landed. I'm not sure if contacting him at this time will distract him. This is the closest route.]" Etty drew a move in Kangna's field of vision. route, which ends with a humanoid symbol in a fighting stance.

"Thanks, how is the situation on the space battlefield now?" Kangna took off the rifle attached to the weapon base from her back and walked quickly along the route drawn by Edith.

"[The 'Karachi' has been out of communication range, and there are no space battleships within the detectable range.]" Idi began to show some blurry pictures of space battles in front of Kangna's eyes: "[According to the information left by our fleet, According to the analysis of communication records, General Grissom believed that there were too many enemy warships to fight head-on, and had already led the fleet to evacuate from the gravitational circle of the 'Fourth Halo'. And because the enemy fleet was slower, they seemed to plan to attack the alien fleet. Use the 'kite' tactic.]"

Fight and run at the same time... The tactics are not afraid of aging, as long as they are easy to use.

"Have they analyzed the origin of the enemy?" After Kangna rounded the bow of Dunkirk, which was half-embedded in the earth, she could already see the fire from the crossfire and explosion in front of her.

"[No, the enemy refused to respond to all the communication requests we initiated, but the strange thing is that there is complete communication silence within their fleet.]" Etty quickly put away some data and pictures that might interfere with Kangna's vision.

If we rule out the possibility that we cannot intercept the communication channels of aliens at all, or that aliens are actually telepathic, then it means that they are trying their best to avoid communication for some purpose. In this case...

Because she had too little information, Kangna could not analyze the reason for a while, and the battlefield was already in front of her.

Previously, the Dunkirk was hit by a red lotus root and fell, plunging into a lake or a sandy beach by the sea. Parts of the hull structure collapsed outwards, and they and some of the boulders that originally existed on the sandy beach became Anderson's leader. The crew's bunker while fighting aliens.

The enemy Star Alliance soldiers are fighting comes from three airdrop personnel carriers.

These troop carriers have the same style and painting as the alien battleships, they are long, narrow and silver-white.

The aliens seemed to be afraid of the heavy weapons that might exist on the Star Alliance soldiers' side. Instead of approaching directly in the personnel carrier, they used it as a cover to shoot at the crew members from a distance with their guns.

What reassured Kangna a little was that although the appearance was a bit weird, these aliens also used mass effect guns and mass effect kinetic energy shields, so at least they would not be blind in terms of weapons and equipment. After all, if they used similar The tentacles emitted lasers, and most of Kangna's military skills were lost.

As for now, the strategies available are...

【Join the battle. (model)]

[Sneak attack from behind. (Rebellion)]

[Requesting instructions. 】

"'Master Chief'? What's the situation over there? How do you need my cooperation?" Kangna contacted Anderson. After all, our communications may have been deciphered by aliens, so it's better to be careful when speaking.

"[Commander Shepard?]" Anderson originally planned to stand up and shoot, but returned to the bunker halfway: "[You have come out? 'Joker', pass the alien defense map to 'Commander'!" ]"

So, how did Caesar get away with brittle bone disease unscathed?

Kangna thought about this for two seconds, and then gave up because Omni-Tool received a bunch of image information from Cicero.

Most of these images are of the terrain surrounding the crash site and the personnel of the aliens fighting them.

From the perspective of the video shooting, it should be the drone on the ship. It seems that he is unable to participate in the battle due to brittle bone disease, and can only collect intelligence and carry out painless harassment through those little guys.

And the owner of these images... Kangna frowned.

These aliens wear strange and sharp armor. They are very tall but relatively thin. Judging from their exposed limbs, they look like some kind of reptile. Their heads are slightly flat, and they look like lizards with gray exoskeletons. The same goes for the "hands", which only have four "fingers", and below the knees are a pair of legs with reverse joints.

If these aliens are cold-blooded animals, many of the tricks that can cause people to stun are basically useless against them, and it is not clear how high their physical strength is.

"[I can still stand it here, you can do what you are best at, 'Commander'.]" At this time, Anderson gave suggestions, but he did not go into too much detail out of concern that the communications would be monitored.

What you do best? Kang Na raised her eyebrows, did you mean "sneak in"?

After all, the current frontal battlefield is a "frontal bunker battle" that even experienced officers are unwilling to fight. Both sides have mass effect shields. When they are about to be overloaded due to an attack, they can hide behind the bunker and regain full strength in a few seconds. Even if you are unlucky and get shot, medical glue can save you. If there is no external support, this kind of unskilled battle will often end with one party looking for an opportunity to make a surprise attack or finally retreat.

But these aliens clearly just "airborne", how could they have a headquarters... Oh, "commander" right?

No matter how urgent the aliens are to destroy mankind, the troops thrown out cannot all be ordinary soldiers. If they are allowed to fight on their own, there must be some grassroots commander to lead them. Even if they communicate with each other silently, as a commander If an officer wants to control the troops, he must have something special, so...

That guy who makes some subtle gestures from time to time and stands a little behind is you.

"Etty, keep me on guard." Kangna lowered her body and began to sneak towards the lone commander behind the alien line from the side.

Since it is difficult to capture the target alive without knowing the specific physiological structure of the target, there is no way to kill the target.

Just approach it slowly from behind and be careful not to make any noise. In order to avoid it struggling or warning, you should use a multi-purpose tool to make a sharp blade and cut off its head directly...

Kangna was thinking about how to kill the alien reptiles quickly and silently, but she saw the alien commander suddenly trembled, and then quickly made a series of tactical gestures with unknown meanings, and then led the aliens to give up the fight and board the landing. He got into a troop carrier and escaped.

Does this guy have some kind of "death premonition" power? It's too sharp.


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