The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and forty-two, Halo War (12)


The fourth Halo surface.

Although I don’t really want to analyze it this way, if all the creatures outside are “Pocket Monsters”, shouldn’t those ruins be “gyms”?

Kangna thought for a moment and turned her attention to the destination of her trip - the "relics of ancient civilization" that were relatively close and could clearly see the outline.

"[I don't know what you are doing, but if you plan to eat canine creatures, I will do my best to stop it.]" Buzz stared at Kang Na's actions.

"No, I won't eat anything that can't be swallowed in one bite." Kangna promised while adjusting her route towards the ruins.

The ruins are about thirty meters high. They are gray-blue in color and have an angular appearance. They look like some large rectangular structures stacked on top of each other. However, there are no windows or doors visible from the outside. Maybe some mechanism or door needs to be activated. Certain conditions must be met to enter.

"[Commander, this ruins has no traces of recent biological activity and may have been abandoned.]" Edith reported her scan results to Kangna.

"This is good news. If they have traces of being used, it proves that their owners are the exoskeleton lizard people who attacked us. In that case, as intruders, we will be in a great disadvantage." Kangna said While pushing aside the surrounding bushes, he came to the ruins.

"[Perhaps those aliens originated from here? Do they regard this place as a holy place?]" Bass guessed, wagging his tail.

"It's not like that," Kangna circled around the ruins: "If this is their holy land, they can just appear directly to contact us when we approach, and with their stealth technology, they can even attack us without saying hello, then , why did they suddenly launch an attack when we were about to land? Obviously, our 'landing' violated some of their bottom lines."

"[It is prohibited to get out of the car in the wildlife reserve?]"

"This example is not quite right, but it can be used."

"[Commander, I scanned a secret door, but it doesn't seem to have a lock in the conventional sense.]" Edith spoke while highlighting a wall.

"'s true." Kangna took a closer look and found that the "door" was slightly misaligned with the texture of the surrounding walls, but there was nothing special about the whole door: "If it is an automatic door , can its built-in switch be hacked?"


Commander, any electrical signal cannot penetrate these walls, just like scanning an entire stone. ]" Etty responded.

"Well, there is no switch or remote control, so there is only one way to open the door." Kangna raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to press the door in the middle.

[(Alien text) What is the most beautiful music in the world? 】

[It’s heavy metal rock music. 】

[It’s country music. 】

【It's silence. 】

[It’s pop music. 】

One long sentence and four short sentences appeared on the door, but unfortunately, the options were all words with very strange combinations of strokes. Even if you wanted to decipher it, it was completely impossible when there were so few words to refer to. Arrived.

"This..." Kangna looked at the question repeatedly: "Which of the three long and one short is the shortest?"

"[Although you are blinded, you are right.]" Bass barked.

"Can you understand? What is it asking?" While responding, Kangna raised her hand and clicked on the third item.

[(Alien) Welcome home. 】

The stone door uttered a burst of weird syllables that were equally incomprehensible, and then slowly slid open.

"[Can't understand, but I can understand what they mean. It seems that the owner here also has a dog]." Bass walked into the door wagging his tail.


The ruins are not all filled with high-tech equipment as Kangna expected. If we were to criticize it, the furniture and facilities, which are all made of stone, have a retro feel.

There is no steel, circuits or wiring inside, but most stone furniture will have three-dimensional images similar to AR technology emerging on the surface after being touched. You can interact with them to control certain aspects of themselves or other furniture. Function.

"[I really want to move them to the cave behind a waterfall.]" Bass's tail swung faster and faster.

"Well..." Kangna instantly found a certain classic book from the database: "Are you the Roaring Sky Dog?"

"[Ha! How can that stupid dog compare to me?]"

"..." Kangna looked at the stupid dog scolding the stupid dog, and decided not to answer the question, and went to find information about these halos on her own.

After some searching, Kangna determined the purpose of some furniture, such as a stone bed with an alarm clock function, a stone bookshelf that can preview the contents of books, a stove that can heat things but does not have a fire, and an ordinary stone table for placing things. and stone instruments that pop up a bunch of unexplained tables, bar graphs, and graphs.

Judging from the size and volume of these furniture, their users are about a strange creature with an average height of half a meter higher than humans and a relatively slender body. Yes, they are exactly the same as those aliens who have fought before.

However, if they really are a race that has existed for tens of thousands of years, how come their technological level has just reached the same level as humans?

But if they were the original owners of this place, why would they give up these haloes and plan to directly attack any approaching aliens?

There is not enough information, and nothing can be seen from the pictures alone. If there are a lot of documents about the background, Bass can be read.

However, how can such a scientific research observatory with a clear purpose have a detailed introduction to itself? At most there will be——

"[Hey, Kangna, look what I found? A diary or essay~]" Bass jumped in with a relatively thin slate in his mouth, and there were rows of illusory words rolling on the slate. .

"Sure enough, I still can't understand it. Are you here to read it?" Kangna took the slate and looked at it. She shook her head and put it on the stone table, facing Bass.

"[This guy didn't write the date at all, and I can't understand some special nouns. I can only give you a rough idea.]" Bass raised his front feet to the table and read while reading:

"[These creatures on the star ring are more well-behaved than I expected, and are almost not aggressive.]"

"[I take back what I said yesterday, some guys just treat attacks as fun, I have to stay away from them.]"

"[Some creatures seem to be very smart, but there is no possibility of further development, and some are a bit stupid, but there is a lot of room for improvement.]"

"[Sudden evolution? Those guys who sent me didn't say they had this function.]"

"[I feel a little bad. After these creatures became smart, they started to attract the attention of the observation station.]"

"[Hell, they stole my lighter.]"

"[Interesting, they lit a bonfire with a lighter and started building a house. It's incredible. I have to submit this report as soon as possible.]"

"[Emergency order? Activate the star ring to destroy all living things within 2.4 light years? Is the guy who gave the order crazy? I'm going to argue with them!]"

"[Uh, there's no more behind]."

Connor and Buzz, who stopped reading, stared at each other.

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