The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and forty-three, Halo War (13)


Although Kangna didn't get much information from this document, which was either a diary or an essay, some key information was already clear.

These ruins were used by a certain civilization to observe various creatures on the "halo".

Observers are not prohibited from contact with animals.

These animals may "suddenly evolve", and in addition to their own form, there are also levels of population civilization.

Once these creatures show a tendency to develop into intelligent creatures, some kind of device will be activated to eliminate all creatures within 2.4 light years.

"[Strange, since they have gone to great lengths to build a 'zoo' of this size here, they want to eliminate all species just because a certain species has intelligence? What's the reason?]" Bass was very puzzled.

"No, what's even more strange is that if intelligence is eliminated once it evolves, then why are there so many creatures on the halo at this time? Do they have to be replenished every time they are eliminated?" Kangna also couldn't figure it out.

"[I think it's 'God from the machine', Commander.]" Etty replied.

"Huh? 'Illogical external force in drama'? It has nothing to do with what's happening here, right?" Kangna recalled the meaning of this word almost immediately.

"[No, Commander, what this means is some kind of speculation about the history of the earth after the discovery of the Martian ruins,]" Eti paused: "[It refers to 'a certain kind of existence after a certain disaster occurs that leads to the demise of all life on the planet. Responsible for restoring the planet's ecology to a specific point in time. It is generally speculated that this behavior is completed by a pre-programmed machine, and this behavior is equivalent to creating the world, so it is called 'mechanism'."

"But it's not the same thing here. Is there something wrong with that machine? First 'mechanical destruction' and then 'mechanical devastation', repeating the cycle? What's the point?" Kangna looked at the text that no longer displayed. Slate thinking.

"Woof~ [If you think about it in conjunction with the reasons why those aliens launched a surprise attack on us, I have a bad guess...]" Buzz's tail twitched.

"...If the standard for these halo-clearing creatures is 'there are creatures on the surface that have evolved intelligence,' then in the eyes of the judging program, do we 'outsiders' really count as 'evolving wisdom'?" Kangna continued.

"Wow~ [Given the existence of the observation station, the sporadic intelligent creatures should not be enough to activate the elimination process, but after we make an emergency landing in large numbers...]" Bass hesitated and was not sure.

"[The probability of activation is 87.3%]" Idi poured cold water directly: "[Those aliens did not communicate with each other at all when they chased us, just to avoid one of the judgments of intelligence: whether they have language.]"

"Great, while we are dealing with aliens now, we also have to find a way to find the main control room of this halo and shut down the expected elimination process." Kangna shrugged: "Three days of silence for the Master Chief's hairline. Second."

"Woof! [But the question now is, where is the main body of that thing? How to close it?]"

"We can only find a few more observer ruins. I hope it's not too late."


Da da da!

As soon as Connor and Buzz walked out of the observation facility, a string of bullets flew towards them, causing Connor's mass effect shield to flicker. She quickly rolled and hid behind a big rock in front of the door.

"[Commander, there are five enemies in total, and they do not carry heavy weapons]." Yidi reported immediately.

Ta-ta-ta - chi chi chi -

The barrage of mass effect gun fire rattled the other side of the boulder.

Damn it, you were careless. Kangna secretly observed the enemy's movements. Since these "relics" have existed for a long time, of course those aliens also know their specific locations, so they must have monitored them. I'm afraid that when she entered, they would A group of aliens are already heading here.

"Woof! [We are surrounded~]" Bass's voice was full of the emotion of watching a show.

"[No, they are surrounded,]" Kangna retorted. Counting how often the guns on the opposite side overheated, she suddenly jumped out from behind the stone, leaving the aliens who were shooting stunned for a moment.

Obviously, these aliens have normal tactical qualities. A target that is suppressed by an alternating fire network should not charge head-on anyway. Is it because it doesn't die quickly enough?

But even if they were stunned, it was only for a moment, and they continued to fire without hesitation with the guns in their hands.

Boom boom boom, boom boom!

Under the intense firepower, the mass effect shield on Kangna's body did not last for two seconds before it shattered like an egg shell.

However, before these aliens could smile, their mouths grew.


According to common sense, the mass effect shield, which takes 5 to 7 seconds to recharge, will be regenerated as soon as it is broken, blocking their last round of strafing without any pressure.

Of course it was the last round. Kangna had already calculated the overheating time of this alien firearm from the gaps between their alternating firepower, and her sudden rush directly made the aliens who were supposed to cease fire and wait for cooling want to After helping her companions break her shield, the firearms in their hands were completely overheated and unable to be used. However, the full-force firing of several others who had finished cooling down still failed to break the new shield, and they also fell into an overheated state.

As for the new shield, of course it is not that Kangna carries two mass effect shield generators. They will interfere with each other. The reason is that as an android, Kangna comes with a mass effect core, and there is no problem in temporarily switching the energy supply. , after all, she can still move for 30 seconds without her energy core, and these 30 seconds are enough to overheat all the guns of these stupid aliens.

"Hey! Look at me [Super Power Collision]!" Kangna shouted, and the ground beneath his feet exploded. Then his whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed over, hitting the nearest alien's head with a punch. , sending it spinning and flying out.

[Super Power Collision] is a power of the "Physical Mutation" system, but as an android, it is naturally impossible for Kangna to do it. This is just a normal operation of the mass effect core's full power output.

"[Energy Light Saber]!" Kangna once again declared the light blade inspired by the multi-purpose tool as her own power. This was a traditional skill when pretending to be an ordinary person in the N training base.

The next second, with the remaining power driven by the "superpower collision", she severed all the firearms in the hands of the remaining aliens.

After eliminating the biggest threat, the next step is ordinary close combat. With the thin body of the aliens, Kangna can even defeat them with one hand.

"Stare at the light!" An alien who was suspected to be the team leader suddenly shouted in a very non-standard Star Alliance common language: "The nest must sigh!"


The light blade on the back of Kangna's hand stopped steadily one centimeter in front of the alien's nose.

"You try what you say, and I try to listen."

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