The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and forty-seven, the fourth natural disaster (21)

[Cold glacial planet. 】

[Achievement: Flying across the galaxy: 10001000]

[New achievement: Flying across the galaxy: 10182500]

[Achievement: Environmentalism: Transform the planet from T0 to T3:11]

[New achievement; Environmentalism: Transform the planet from T0 to T3: 15]

After taking away the fusion faction Bao and Pamela, I did not look for those specific Gaia planets. Instead, I selected a planet with a harsh environment not far or near from their home planet to transform, and then listed The animal and plant illustrations scanned along the way gave Pamela the choice of which species to place in her new home.

As expected, Pamela did not choose the same flora and fauna as her home planet at all. Perhaps she had the idea of ​​​​pretending to be an alien when she met the native Bao one day.

As for the specific method of transformation... I asked Malefia to kick the Thela Soido and add an atmospheric controller out of thin air. Its main function is to replenish, extract, heat and cool the atmosphere on the planet's surface.

In actual operation, a multiple ring similar to a shooting target will appear on the instrument panel of the atmosphere controller. Cold, hot, dry, and wet are at the four corners of the target. Just adjust them so that they are outside the bullseye, representing the "planet." The small dot of "Current Status" can be perfectly embedded in the bull's-eye.

However, even if the atmosphere is created, it will be meaningless if the entire planet cannot maintain it. Therefore, when the current state of the planet is moving towards the bullseye, each time it enters a ring, a batch of animals and plants need to be released to stabilize the atmosphere. One layer, and the types that can be placed become more advanced as they get closer to the target, such as algae, bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. As for animals, they are coelenterates, molluscs, echinoderms, and arthropods. ,vertebrate.

Although there may be some problems in coexistence of these species from different planets, and the food chain needs to be re-established, but that has nothing to do with me.

In the end, the originally dead planet became with suitable temperature and ecological balance. Pamela was dumbfounded. She sincerely thanked Malefia, the "immortal", and then brought other fusion Bao to the surface to start a new life. Life, just because they are civilizations that have existed for a long time, the "encountered civilizations" cannot be added by one.

‘Seriously, is ecological transformation so complicated? ’ After setting up the fusion Bao, Malefia sat in the driver’s seat and dozed off, and I asked the stupid system.

[It has been simplified as much as possible, okay? 】The stupid system has an inexplicable sense of superiority: 【Who asked you to do Gaia's work as Alaya? 】

'ah? Is this Gaia's job? But doesn’t the will of the planet only care about the crust and below? ’

[It’s hard for me to explain this question to you.

After all, I am just one...]

'Stupid system. ’

【I'm not stupid! 】The lights on the Therasoedo flashed randomly: 【I thought of it! 】

‘Oh, I’d love to hear the details. ’

[Just like human beings, they are obviously only responsible for the parts below the skin, and they can only take care of the hair. So why do they wear clothes, hats, makeup, and makeup? Of course it's because it looks good. 】

‘…a complete biosphere and atmosphere are as beautiful clothes and elaborate makeup to a planet? ’

[Yes, so your behavior of spending time to transform the ecology of this planet has greatly improved the favorability of the local planet's will towards you. Although its favorability is meaningless to you, it will definitely take care of the fusion you left behind. Pai Bao's. 】

‘So the Earth is a girl with beautiful makeup, the Moon is the little girl next door who hasn’t learned how to put on makeup and has freckles hanging around her all day long, and Mars is a vicious-looking man with scars on his face. ’

【Stop? 】

'Then one day when an enemy was encountered, the girl left another scar on the man's face, forming a cross, and from then on the vicious dog became a domestic dog...'

[Don’t, otherwise the earth will be gone. 】

‘Hmm… Anyway, now let’s go to the next civilization that has collapsed in the middle. ’

Malefia yawned, jumped out of the driver's seat, and started typing on the keyboard.

'To be honest, the achievement of flying across galaxies is simply too stupid. You have to actually enter a certain galaxy to be considered a 'flyby'. But with a more advanced engine, who would go to one after being able to jump over four or five galaxies at once? Exploring those apparently worthless galaxies. ’

[There is no need to focus on completing it in the first place. The Milky Way is so big. Just do something else and you can complete it along the way. 】

Thera Soido slowly adjusted its direction and entered the jump preparation state, then turned into an elongated shadow and disappeared from the orbit of the cold glacial planet.


[Achievement: Flying across the galaxy: 12692500]

【Knowledge Palace Planet】

Although the new planet is the planet Gaia, the terrain is relatively undulating. The land occupies 60% of the surface area, and the mountains alone account for 30% of it. Although the ocean area is relatively small, there are also various deep trenches and dangers on the seabed. gully.

If all the water on this planet were drained, you would probably get a weird planet that looks like a walnut.

'so what? What happened to the indigenous people of this planet? ’ I circled the planet several times, and although I found some ruins, there was no information left like the one from Ute.

[This is the race that you commented as ‘you are kidding me’, ‘Wataum’. 】

'Remember...this is the stupid race that thinks the world is a game and decides to destroy the entire race to collapse the game. ’

As far as this point of view itself is concerned, it is not wrong, but there is obviously something wrong with the response method. They should learn from me, first understand the game mechanism, and then take actions with the purpose of destroying the "player" game experience.

They choose to destroy themselves when they are not sure whether they are an important part of the "virtual world", which can only be said to be extremely stupid.

'Anyway, let's rewind them before having such an idea...'

[Wait, it's not impossible to 'roll back' them, but you have to think of a solution first. After all, if you don't interfere, they will continue to follow the same old path, but if you interfere, it may speed up the process. . 】

'ha? ’

[They originally suspected that this world was false, but the appearance of Malefia, a person who looked like a GM at first sight, only strengthened their determination. 】

‘Isn’t this an easy solution? Let Malefia pretend to be an [angel], show miracles, and tell them that there is a god in this world, and that God forbids self-destruction. ’

[I always feel like something is wrong...but forget it. 】

‘There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. ’

Malefia jumped out of the driver's seat, looked at the planet full of mountains, and snapped her fingers.

Heaven and earth are reversed, time and space flow backwards.

[Tip: The status of the members of the ‘Wataum’ population and their habitats has been rolled back. 】

[Tip: The current civilization level of ‘Wataum’ is: Civilization Stage. 】

[Tip: The current mainstream ideological trends of ‘Wataum’ are: peace and extreme materialism. 】

[Tip: The characteristics of the current population of ‘Wataum’ are: gifted, intelligent, and born physicists. 】

[Tip: The current political system of ‘Wataum’ is: Technological Governance. 】

...Extreme materialism? !

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