The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and forty-eight, the fourth natural disaster (22)

Seeing the characteristic of "extreme materialism", I already had a rough guess as to the cause of Wortaum's suicide.

As expected, this should be the kind of characteristic that firmly believes that everything in the world can be explained by science. Even if I let Malefia flap her wings and cast spells randomly in front of them, she will only be regarded as a brilliant magician or someone who masters the unknown. Technological aliens.

Then, after discovering various situations that science could not explain at all, Wataum, who possesses this characteristic, directly lifted the table and said that this is actually a virtual world and we will not play anymore.

So what did they find? Mass Effect should be quite scientific. Could it be that it discovered the irrationality of various mutations in the process of racial evolution?

[No, no, that kind of 'mutation' is only a mutation from your perspective. In the eyes of indigenous organisms, it is normal species evolution. 】

‘So, after all the irrationalities caused by me have been corrected, what exactly did they find that made them doubt the authenticity of the world? ’

[Well... now is the time when they doubt life for the first time, so you should take care of yourself. 】

In view of Wataum's "extreme materialistic" characteristics, they may have already developed something that can observe satellite orbits, so this time I deliberately used some authority to make Thelasoydo undetectable, and that's when it started Scan the surface.

On the land of the planet, arch bridge-shaped buildings appeared one after another in the previously empty mountains. Cities and villages were formed in some places where there were originally more debris. The residents of these "arch bridges" looked like huge, golden, Round, silkworm.

Their official name is "Annylodes". Their bodies are made up of multiple parts connected in a group of ten "rings". They usually travel by means of transportation similar to mulberry leaves. If they move alone, they will not move except for wriggling. , it can also use its head and tail ends to grip the ground alternately and roll forward. It looks like a "twisty creature" no matter how you look at it.

Perhaps because of their round shape, various creations tend to be round or ring-shaped. Although it is unclear at first glance what they are used for, they are full of technological sense.

As for doubting life? Maybe it's some kind of instant vision, precognitive dream, supernatural phenomenon or something like that?

At this time, the stupid system separately brought up a surveillance picture, showing a group of Wataums holding an academic meeting in a ring-shaped lecture hall. Then, it was routine to force them to understand the language.

"[Please pay attention, everyone, I am now shining the beam on two slits of the opaque plate that are very close to each other.]" A Wattaum was operating a large instrument: "[As you can see, it A fringe interference pattern appears on the projection panel behind,

This proves that light passes through two slits and exhibits wave properties. ]"

This...can't be...

"[Now, I add detection devices to these two seams,]" Wotaum's speaker performed some operations again: "[As you can see, the interference pattern disappeared, leaving only a single light band. , and only one of the two detection devices indicates that a photon has passed through, which proves that the light only passed through a gap.]"

"[Isn't this similar to Schrödinger's cat? Do you want to show us the observer effect?]"

"[The observer effect has been falsified, okay? Do you think your observation is a pure observation? If you want to receive feedback, then the observation device must exert an influence on the target, which has nothing to do with your will.] "

"[According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Theorem, after you detect the position of a photon, its speed and trajectory are uncertain, and the interference fringes will definitely disappear.]"

"[The Laplace demon is already very pitiful, let it go.]"

The audience in the lecture hall booed.

The speaker waited for the noise to subside before continuing, "[Then, let's improve this experiment so that the two detection devices continue to detect, but will not issue a prompt.]"

"[What's the difference?]"


After the speaker turned off the sound of the detection instrument, the single light band immediately changed back to a fringe interference pattern, and the lecture hall became silent.

"[Now I want to do another experiment,]" Following the speaker's words, some Wataum who was listening could not help shaking: "[Regardless of which gap this light passes through, then from the gap to the projection plate time, its status has been determined, right? So, what will happen if we move the detection device back and place it between the gap and the projection plate?】"

No one from Wattaum answered him, and they watched in silence as the speaker moved the test device back and turned on the beep.

As a single beep sounded, the original interference fringes instantly turned into a single band of light.

"[Look, what I detected was the state of this light 'after it passed through the gap', but when the detection results came out, its previous state 'when it passed through the gap' changed. I affected the 'cause' by affecting the 'result', ]" The speaker looked around the lecture hall: "[What I challenge is not the 'Laplace's Demon' of 'determinism', but the 'law of causality' that is a higher level than it. ]"

"[Then...what is your conclusion?]" Youwataum asked weakly.

"[Haha, since the effect can in turn affect the cause, then of course the future can also affect the past,]" the speaker's tone suddenly became fierce: "[Who dares to say that the 'time machine' I am researching is nonsense? Please ask him to explain the principle of this experiment to me clearly first!】"

The speaker walked away, even though he had no sleeves, leaving only a group of Wataums in the hall whispering.

‘It’s over, this thing can’t even explain my world, okay? What if so many scientists didn’t believe in God after being exposed to quantum physics? ’

[This is the beginning. There will be other similar experiments later that directly undermine common sense. ] The stupid system began to project arguments from other occasions. Although the characters and scenes were different, the events were basically the same:

——"[You want to tell us that you proposed that 'a point outside the straight line can lead to two hypotheses that are perpendicular to the known straight line, and then proved it?]"

——"[Yes, this is the proof process. If you cannot find any errors in the argumentation process, then you must admit that this hypothesis is correct.]"

This is about how distorted models of the real universe can be.

——"[Give up. It is common sense that organic matter and inorganic matter appeared at the same time when the universe was born. This experiment of yours cannot prove anything except a waste of electricity.]"

——"[No, what do you think this is? After maintaining high temperature, high humidity and electricity for a month, organic matter appeared in the pure inorganic petri dish!]"

Don't mess around with the origin of life.

——"[The universe is balanced, don't be stupid, and develop your quantum communication.]"

——"[This experiment is derived from the quantum entanglement experiment! When the two paired cobalt-60 decay into nickel-60, the number of electrons emitted is inconsistent. God is left-handed!]"

Parity is not conserved. Also, be careful if I hit you.

——"[The giant electron collider that surrounds the entire planet is about to be built. This time we will definitely be able to exceed the speed of light.]"

——"[Yeah, I can't wait to know what will happen after exceeding the speed of light, and what kind of leap it will bring to our technology.]"

It’s vacuum decay. Thank you!

——"[Where did so much randomness come from! God does not throw dice!]"

——"[Don't dictate what God should do!]"

I remember that the stupid system is a cube. If you paint one to six points...

[Hmm, that’s it. What do you think of the Wataum civilization? 】

‘There is no hope, just wait for death, take your leave. ’

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