The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and forty-nine, the fourth natural disaster (23)

Although Wataum was given an "incurable three-link", he still had to find a way to save him.

Obviously, with the characteristic of "extreme materialism", it is impossible for them to turn to study theology. Rather, there is no religion or anything similar to belief on this planet. The words "God" that they heard when they were proficient in language before The original meaning of the word "genre" is more like "God", which is a general term without any specific meaning.

Characteristics such as "genius", "intelligent", and "natural physicist" also determine that everything they do must be scientifically verified. It is difficult to be fooled. Forcibly pretending to be gods will only be regarded as a joke.

Finally, there are “technological governance” and “peace”.

There are nearly fifty countries on this planet, and their leaders are all called "research directors", while the elites and workers are called "researchers" and "assistants" respectively.

This race that focuses on scientific research has no idea of ​​fighting for resources. It will be divided into multiple countries simply because of different scientific research resources or different research directions. If there is a need to obtain resources from other countries, the two countries will sign an agreement called "Scientific Research" "Sharing Agreement" to exchange what is needed. As for world-class major issues, they will be discussed and decided through the "World Science Expo".

As for the armed forces, there are of course them, but they tend to be more defensive and protective. When they are dispatched, they are usually used to deal with created Frankenstein monsters, virulent viruses, or out-of-control intelligent machines.

Of course, in the environment of national scientific research, the relevant infrastructure of intelligent machines will naturally be taken care of by the intelligent machines manufactured by the Wataums, and they are not laborers, they are just tools... I always feel that some kind of omnic crisis will happen. Such interesting events.

[Isn’t that good? Doomsday element +1]

‘Before that, I have to prevent their self-destruction. ’

But to be honest, there is no way to solve the problem of Wataum who fell into confusion and doubt in life because he hit the scientific ceiling too early, because those problems have no results even in the "real world" where I live. , related research has been pending. After scientists hit the wall, some people changed their careers to study theology, while others changed their careers to engage in people's livelihood technology. As a result, there has been no breakthrough in key technologies in the past century. All breakthroughs have been in computer hardware performance and signals. Transmission rates and artificial intelligence applications.

If this continues, if any doomsday elements appear in the "real world", it will undoubtedly be the "Terminator".

After making so many science fiction films, the one that is most likely to be realized is this old antique. Mr. Governor laughed, okay?

【As ‘Skynet’,

Do you think this is appropriate? 】

'……Huh? ’

If the "real world" is put into the Terminator's worldview, I might, probably, maybe, really be Skynet.

'No, no, even then, I won't throw nuclear bombs around. At most, I will lock people up and use them as batteries. ’

[Hello Matrix. 】

‘…ah? ’

[There are many fan works that unify the Terminator series and the Matrix series, and there seems to be no sense of inconsistency at all. 】

'Yeah? What is the title of the book...wrong! Now is the time to care about that kind of thing! Wortaum hasn't been rescued yet! ’

[Obviously it was your own thinking that went astray first~]

Let’s put aside the issues related to the “real world” for the time being and just consider how Wotaum’s current situation can be solved.

If the other party is "extreme materialistic", then the plan of pretending to be gods and angels will not work - even though my own personality is obviously much higher than these two concepts. Keyuan

If the mysterious side doesn't work, then switch to the scientific side of the identity, and exclude identities that are too fantasy-like, such as people from the future, people with superpowers, and people from other worlds. Only "alien" is more suitable.

[A contact device for information integration and thought body to contact organic life forms? 】

‘No, that image is completely unconvincing. To be on the safe side, it’s better to use the image of Wotaum’s ‘Alaya Consciousness’, which will naturally be more convincing. ’

[Are you sure you want to turn into a big insect? 】

‘Uh…this…take a look first and then talk about it. ’

I asked Malefia to spin twice in the cabin, and then hit the floor with the handle of the spear. Circles of bright silver "waves" spread around. After they enveloped the world, they seemed to hit something. New Circles of "waves" "feed back" from the other side of the planet.

And the "what" that caused the feedback almost immediately noticed this "scan" and set off directly towards the position where Thela Soido was hovering.

[Where is the promised summoning land? Why do you still bring a scanner? ] Complaints about the stupid system.

‘This is called doing as the Romans do. ’ I responded casually and looked at the “feedback source” that was approaching rapidly.

Hum, no matter how ugly and huge the bugs are, I won't be afraid.


On the arc-shaped horizon where the khaki planet intersects with the pitch-black space, a flash of dazzling blue light suddenly surges upward.

The speed of the blue light was higher than expected. The moment after it emerged from the horizon, it surged directly in front of Therasido. Then, the dazzling light turned into a puff of blue light and dispersed, revealing its true body. .

It was a giant butterfly whose entire body was composed of translucent aqua-blue light particles.



‘Is this...every insect has a butterfly dream? Or does it actually represent the ‘butterfly effect’? ’

"[Hello, unknown existence,]" the butterfly made a sound like the collision of ice cubes: "[I am the group consciousness of Wattaum, the Laplace Demon (Dé).]"

According to the "real world", Laplace's Demon is a hypothetical existence that is set to "know the location and state of all matter in the universe" and has "sufficient ability to process this material information", then according to the setting , it has the ability to predict the infinite future.

This is called "determinism" or "causality" on the scientific side. But to put it another way, this is also a less popular "fatalism", because according to this statement, the future has already been determined.

"Since you call me an 'unknown being', then you are not the 'omniscience' 'Laplace Demon'." Malefia said, looking at the butterfly that was as big as three Therasidores.

"[My 'omniscience' is limited to this galaxy,]" Butterfly flapped its wings: "[And judging from my appearance, it is obvious that those Woltaum don't think there will be a Laplace demon, so I should actually It’s called the Butterfly Effect.]”

"Hello, Butterfly Effect," Malefia nodded: "I am [Mass Effect]."

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