The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and fifty-four, the fourth natural disaster (28)

Extreme materialism, materialism is not seen very much, but extreme is really extreme...

What is the operation of risking one's life to gain knowledge?

【Hahaha! Are you done with it? Do you have that knowledge? Do you want to kill them? ] The stupid system gloats over its misfortunes.

Since Malefia was still broadcasting live around the world, her facial expression could not change, so she had no chance to kick it.

‘Actually, there are,’ I thought about the problems for a moment: ‘Historical problems that are easy to solve, and mathematical problems that simply require deduction, Laplace’s Demon must know. ’

[But how are you going to deal with the big words you just said now? There are quite a few people who say ‘it’s a deal’. 】

'It's very simple. If a primary school student really wants to know how to solve a junior high school question and will do it at all costs, show him the college paper. ’

[He will only think that it is a ghost painting, right? 】

‘This is the effect we want. ’

On the global live broadcast, Malefia was obviously stunned for a moment, and then raised an eyebrow slightly.

This inconsistent expression will definitely be frantically analyzed by those Wataums.

"I thought that races that have not yet entered space would definitely put their own lives first," Malefia put away her light blade: "Although the questions you asked are not trivial, based on your current technological level, they are It is very consistent with the relevant provisions of the "Galactic Knowledge Sealing Act" regarding 'advanced knowledge'. So, let me confirm again, are you really willing to use your lives in exchange for this knowledge that can be expected in the future? Even if it can only give you the last resort for the rest of your life. moments that bring a little bit of satisfaction?”

"[I do!]" "[Of course!]" "[I am convinced that these problems will not be solved in my lifetime.]"

The number of people increased instead...

"Then, I'll wait for you here." Malefia turned and walked towards the bulkhead next to her.

The cabin rippled like water waves as she approached, opening up a hole for her to the outside world. When looking out from the hole, it was exactly what the "Knowledge Palace Planet" looked like when viewed from space.

"[What? What happened?]"

"[I analyzed the functions of the equipment in her cabin for a long time, and the results were all mimicry?]"

"[She is indeed in satellite orbit, but she could not be scanned out by any means before.]"

"[Don't panic, any advanced technology looks like magic at first.]"

Because these words were not questions, but simply exclamations, the Laplace Demon did not broadcast it, but only had them flash under the "lens" to express their presence.

Malefia jumped out, and the pair of huge wings behind her spread out immediately, causing her to land on the ground in an almost gliding manner. Then, the "live camera" switched to a side-following perspective.

"With your current level of technology, you will definitely be able to track where I landed, and I will build an 'Altar of Truth' there to wait for you." Malefia tilted her head slightly to look at the "camera" during her rapid fall: "This is In order to ensure that you are calm enough when you arrive there, in addition, the answers to some questions have been solved by your fellow tribesmen, but they have not been announced or kept secret for some purpose. I hope you will set foot on the altar after confirmation."

"[What? Keeping new technology secret?]"

"[Hmph, I think so. Those research institutes are so secretive that they must have some breakthroughs that they refuse to announce.]"

"[Where is this altar of truth?]"

"[It seems to be on the Red Rock Plateau? It's really difficult to go there. If you're not determined, you should give up halfway.]"

After looking at the few paragraphs cut out by Laplace Demon, which looked like a conversation with each other, I turned off the live broadcast.


Redstone Plateau (Redstone) is located in the middle of the largest continent of the "Planet of Knowledge Palace". A strange dark red rock mountain stands abruptly in a desert. Anyone will doubt that it is special. According to the story from Laplace The records that came from the demon place have been studied many times by scientific expedition teams from many research institutes.

But found nothing.

But in fact, this red stone mountain is actually a "terrestrial iceberg". The part exposed in the desert is only about one-tenth of what it sinks under the desert. The overall cross-section looks quite spectacular.

Although there shouldn’t be any Wataum asking me this.

After Malefia landed on the red stone plateau, her big wings flashed twice and disappeared. Then she raised her left hand and reached for a hill in the distance, uprooting it with a click. Naturally, it attracted the attention of those who were following her. The Wataums exclaimed.

"[Oh my God, how did she do it?]"

"[How could those wings disappear out of thin air?]"

"[Don't panic, any advanced technology looks like magic at first.]"

"[Does she want to turn the mountain upside down and insert it into the ground as a venue?]"

Hmm...Wottaum who said the last point has a good idea, but I won't do it.

Malefia slightly bent her arms and pulled the red stone hill close to her. Then she stretched out her right middle finger and index finger and scratched it horizontally and vertically. The original mountain instantly fell apart, and large pieces of irregular red stone fell. , and what is still suspended in the air is a large number of one-meter-square cubes, which look like stupid systems.

The Wataums watching here were so shocked that they couldn't say anything except some exclamations, but the stupid system took the opportunity to complain:

[I seriously protest that these things infringe on my portrait rights! 】

‘I’m already giving you a lot of face by not putting a biochemical warning sign on it, okay? How about drawing six points and using them as dice? ’

【God does not play dice. 】

‘Don’t tell God what to do. ’

【Pfft hahahaha~】

The stupid system started laughing wildly after catching the joke. I was too lazy to pay attention to it and began to instruct Malefiya to splice these red stone blocks into a Mayan pyramid-style quadrilateral platform.

Since the Wortaums are annelids, both their body shape and their creations are leaning towards a circle, so this kind of building should have a rather alien feel to them.

In addition to the main body of the Mayan pyramid, I also built a group of small houses in the surrounding area for those who are coming to Wataum to live in - of course they cannot be matchboxes. As a former wheat block player, I use blocks to build different styles of houses. Architecture is all about basic skills.

What was a little surprising was that until the pyramid was completed, Malefia spread her wings again and hung up on the top of the pyramid. She did not wait for the attack that was theoretically supposed to come. She originally wanted to volley and explode a missile or something to show off, but they didn't let her do it. What an opportunity.

Sure enough, "extreme materialism" will turn into a quail when faced with a civilization whose technology tree is obviously higher than its own.

In the distance, the first batch of Wortaum convoys to arrive appeared on the horizon because the institute was nearby.

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