The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and fifty-five, the fourth natural disaster (29)

[Let me tell you, if you create such a square venue, aren't you afraid that some Wataum will suddenly turn into a super Wataum and come to trouble you? 】

‘You can’t confuse Malefia with Cell just because she has wings, and if you want to turn into a super Wataum, they have to grow hair first. ’

[Do you have any opinion on Nappa? 】

‘I think Gu Yi is quite handsome. ’

【really. 】

Since the time it takes for the Wataums to arrive at the "Altar of Truth" is different, I directly left Malefia in the middle of the altar and hung up. While chatting with the stupid system, I observed the Wataums who gradually arrived and settled around the altar. , and by the way, receive messages from various places from Laplace Demon in the form of text.

Malefia's current appearance is 360 degrees with no blind spots, and her standby actions are only flapping her wings, popping out the light blade and playing with them. She can't move for several days, which is enough to scare those responsible for observing the "alien" The Wortaum expert was confused, and she didn't know if someone would come to her and ask her for racial information or something like that.

[What if there really is? 】

‘Just kick him down. ’

Regarding the "exchange of life for knowledge" proposed by the "alien", the first reaction of the various Wortaum science academies was to study how to retain the acquired knowledge.

After making plans, they tried to dissuade important researchers who were trying to rush to the Red Rock Plateau to obtain "advanced knowledge."

Then, the scientific research directors of several research institutes at the forefront of scale and strength began to communicate reluctantly, exchanging some technologies that had achieved results but were secretly kept secret.

These attempts were largely fruitless.

Don't tell me, even the Laplace demon can block the entire altar and prevent even one byte of information from being spread. And those Wotaum who are convinced that they will not be able to research the results in their lifetime and want to exchange knowledge cannot be so easy. As for communication... after they exchanged information, they became clearer about which technologies needed to be kept secret.

During the whole process, no scientific research director proposed to try to subdue Malefia. It seems that the characteristics of extreme materialism also prevent them from taking any chances when they are not sure.

In addition, during this period of time, as the number of knowledge seekers from various scientific research institutes, reporters from various media and simple spectators gradually increased, a miniature city was built around the altar, and it looked like it was following me after I left. Transform this place into a famous attraction.

[The question now is, have you figured out how to ‘kill’ those researchers? 】

'A light blade slashed through it, then turned into golden particles and disappeared——'

[Then backhand, sell it to Laplace Demon to work? 】

‘Look, everyone is ready to answer. ’


In the end, the number of researchers who arrived at the "Altar of Truth" was only about half of the number of Wataum who had said "it was a deal".

The scientific research directors of various scientific academies gave them final persuasion. Xiaozhi moved them with reason and emotion, and finally even taunted and threatened them, but it was all to no avail.

To describe their state in one sentence, it would be "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening", but unfortunately, I can only give them about ten minutes to communicate and reflect.

After classifying and summarizing all the questions, the researchers themselves sorted out the batches that went to the altar.

Although they risked their lives, they still communicated with each other quickly during this period. After all, if they discussed the results before going to the altar, there would be no need to go up, right?

The first group were mathematicians.

"[We would like to know the proof process of the conjecture that 'any integer greater than two can be written as the sum of three prime numbers'."

Goldbach, he was guilty of a heinous crime. Changsha

"The proof is very long, so I will show it to you twice." Malefia raised her hand and pointed to the sky.

The tedious and abstract proof process of the blockbuster slowly streaked across the sky like the Walk of Fame at the opening of Star Wars.

This is the display method that I discussed with the Laplace Demon. I directly use the sky at the moment as the background to project the knowledge into the visual organs of these Wataums, and people outside the altar will naturally not be able to see anything.

"[Damn, my idea is wrong!]" "[My idea is correct, but there is not enough time to deduce the subsequent steps...]" "[This conjecture can be used as an axiom in the future.]" Mathematics Everyone started whispering among themselves.

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true. Malefia's behavior clearly shows that it has been proven, and it would be foolish to try to verify the conjecture that has been proven.

"Okay, the time is up," Malefia stretched out the light blade from her wrist: "You will be broken down into elementary particles in an instant, and you won't feel pain."

"[...Thank you for your answer.]" These mathematicians did not go back on their words or run away. Instead, they saluted Malefia.

Malefia spread her arms and waved, and the light blade passed through these Wataum in the distance. It seemed that she did not hit any of them, but the next moment, they turned into a golden light dot and disappeared.

This method of "death" did not extinguish the enthusiasm of other seekers, and they all walked up to the altar in batches.

"[We want to know how the first life on the planet was born, and what happened during the mass extinction and explosion around the Ubon Period.]"

"These are two questions, but the reason is the same. They are both brought by extraterrestrial meteorites. There was no life in the meteorites originally. When they passed through the atmosphere, they were affected by high temperatures and lightning, and the first organic matter was born. I gave Show me the scene at that time."

"[Please show us the model corresponding to this mathematical formula.]"

"If the universe is compared to a beach, stars and planets are stone balls stuck in this beach. This formula describes the law of space distortion under the influence of gravity, but it is only a less important precursor to the warp engine. Now I Show you all the prerequisite formulas.”

"[I want to know the cause of this strange landform on our home planet.]"

"In fact, the reason is right under your feet. When the planet began to cool from the lava state, it was hit by a red stone asteroid. When the planet showed its final ripples, it was also affected by the large amount of precipitation it brought. Solidified, this is the scene at that time.”

Groups of researchers boarded the altar of knowledge, and after obtaining the corresponding knowledge, they turned into golden light and disappeared. No information was leaked during this period, which greatly disappointed the scientific research directors who had originally been looking forward to it.

However, since Malefia's "answers" to those questions were a message in itself, nearly half of the scientists gave up on the stage and planned to continue their research after going back.

In the end, the question about the "observer effect" that I expected was never raised by Wortaum. As for the related issues beyond the speed of light, because I have said that it is a dangerous technology, no one has asked. It seems that this time Civilized rescue should be considered a success...

"[Old supervisor! You can't go up!]" "[Just leave any problems to us young people to solve!]" "[You are the beacon on our scientific research path!]"

An elderly Wataum, lying almost motionless on his mobility device, climbed onto the Altar of Truth alone. A group of scientific research directors were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but they did not dare to stop him.

"What do you want to know?" Malefia's attitude was the same as before.

Old Wortaum was typing on his portable computer, and then showed Malefia:

"[Excuse me, what is the purpose of the universe?]"

The off-field aid Laplace Demon did not say the answer as before. After a moment of sluggishness, he slowly typed on the prompt board that others could not see: [I don't know, how could I know? 】.

"[Ms.?]" Old Wortaum typed to urge.

What can I say? Is it to collect doomsday elements? At most, this can be told to other companions who have experienced many worlds together, right? And they may not be able to guess it until now. They just think that I have Mary's disease and want to save the world.

Seeing Malefia hesitate to speak, Old Wattaum seemed to understand something and typed again:

"[Is this universe a game?]"

It turns out to be you!

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