The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and fifty-six, the fourth natural disaster (30)

Obviously, only this old Wortaum, who has lost most of his body functions and the only thing he can do is think, has time to consider the nature of the universe.

Judging from his physical condition and the degree of respect he is respected by the scientific research directors, he will naturally not play more trendy games. Therefore, the "game" in his mouth is actually the original meaning of the word, such as making pictures, Hide and seek, rubber band jumping, twist rope, etc.

That is to say, "The universe is a child's play created by some higher-dimensional creatures on a whim. They just want to see a big explosion, but they are completely uninterested in the small balls that re-condensed from the embers of the explosion and the microorganisms born on them."

His "game theory" should not have been published yet, and it should have a wonderful chemical reaction with the Phoenix boy's research results in the future, allowing the younger Wataum to understand that "this world is a virtual world of video games." This is embarrassing.

Although the "culprit" was discovered, his questions still had to be answered.

The previous ones were all done by Laplace Demon, but this time He couldn't explain it, so I had to take action myself. Moreover, since this is the "Altar of Truth" where a price is paid in exchange for truth, I can't just make it up and fool around.

[I see you fooling Yute and Bao quite smoothly, aren't you? 】

'That's because they don't care about the reality of the universe at all. What I'm explaining is the reason for Malefia's appearance. And here, looking at the old man who is ready to exchange his life for the truth... uh, old man, can you bear to fool me? ’

[Uh... I think I'll get beaten if I say 'bear it'...]

"You can give up on this question and go back the same way, old sir." Malefia stared seriously at the old Wattaum in front of her: "I don't want to increase the pressure temporarily, but the price of this answer is not only your life, but also Your 'existence' itself, simply put, if I told you the answer, you would have 'never existed' on this planet, or even in the entire universe."

"[Hehehe, it seems that your identity is more than just a 'ghost' of the 'Galactic Alliance', madam,]" the elderly Wattaom typed with difficulty, but his happiness can be seen from these characters alone: "[Don't worry, please tell me.]"

How could I be worried about you? The one who is obviously worried is the Laplace demon who is also listening. If it explodes because it cannot accept it, it will be in trouble.

Although the Altar of Truth is just a weird alien building from the perspective of ordinary Wataum, in fact there is a big blue butterfly floating in the sky.

"This universe is only as big as the Milky Way," Malefia said: "Every once in a while, super powerful 'extraterrestrial evil spirits' invade and destroy all civilizations that enter space.

Striving for as many civilizations as possible to survive and fight together before it invades is the goal of the 'Galactic Alliance'. "

"[Please continue]." Old Wortaum typed slowly.

"And this incident is just the 'game background'. The battlefield against the 'extraterrestrial evil' is the protagonist's stage," Malefia continued: "You seem to have discovered this and tried to prevent the game from continuing by killing yourself. But unfortunately, your race is not important enough to achieve that goal, so 'this time' I will be responsible for locking the technology to avoid the situation in Wortaum 'last time'."

"[Oh, vacuum decay.]" Old Wortaum slowly shook his head: "[I have no other questions.]"

He seemed to have a lot of misunderstandings, but it was enough to tell him the background of Mass Effect. There was no need to tell him about the doomsday elements. In addition, although Laplace Demon was shocked, there was no sign of collapse for the time being, and his ability to accept it was okay. .

"Then, I'm sorry." Malefia raised her hand and used the light blade to pierce the shell of the old Wataum. The next moment, she, the old man and his transportation device instantly turned into golden light points and scattered away.

At the same time, the Wataums who were watching the altar were collectively startled for a moment, and then each withdrew their gaze and dispersed while communicating, as if the old Wataum had never been there at all:

"[It's such a pity for those physicists. It only takes a few more years to study the results.]"

“[I can’t understand their thoughts at all, but I respect their choice.]”

"[No information was sent back from the altar. What a failure.]"

"[No, if she can answer certain questions, that's the best information.]"

"[What should I do with this altar? Keep it as a tourist attraction?]"

"[Leave it to the big shots to consider.]"


"[Old supervisor!]"

"[Old supervisor!]"

"[How could you come?!]"

After Malefia brought the old Wataum back to the satellite orbit, Wataum, who had been born before, exclaimed in surprise.

This is a huge translucent space platform - kindly sponsored by Laplace Demon. Its area is quite huge, and the Wataums wandering on it appear to be scattered.

"[It seems you are not that cold-blooded.]" The old supervisor Wo Taum said with a smile, and then checked his body with some surprise.

After all, in the heroic spirit form, he returned directly to his peak moment, how could he still be sick and sick?

"No, you don't need to give me a good person card. These Wotaum who exchanged the truth are indeed dead, and you will be forgotten by other people except them." Malefia shook her head: "Although this It’s a game, but it’s not a joke.”

"[Then how are you going to arrange them?]" The elderly Wattaum seemed to have become familiar with the use of his vocal organs again, and his language gradually became fluent.

"Their souls, I mean 'thinking electromagnetic waves', will stay in this 'subspace', allowing observation and small interference with the real world, until no one remembers them anymore and will assimilate with the 'group consciousness'," Mare Feiya glanced at the old Wattaum: "And you will stay with the 'group consciousness' until you die."

"[Haha, it sounds pretty good, so I still have a long time to think,]" He turned his head slightly: "[So, where is my 'roommate'?]"

"[Hello, Dr. Stephen Hawking, I am the 'Laplace's Demon' of the group consciousness of Wartaum,]" the huge blue-light butterfly slowly appeared: "[In view of your unparalleled reputation in the Wartaum population , I hope to get your guidance in future work.】"

"[Haha, of course there is no problem. They always say that I have guided the development of science, but this time I am serious about it.]"

...It reminds me that my sister’s translation of alien names is becoming more and more confident and elegant.

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