The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and fifty-seven, Halo War (17)


Europa 7, Academy City, Carcosa Academy.

"Our club activity today is to find the aliens hidden in this city!"

Naiya took the pointer that came from an unknown classroom and banged it on the blackboard in the activity room:

"I have ample proof that they exist!"

Yes, aren’t you yourself?

As a secretary, Kaos kept an expressionless face while recording while complaining in his mind.

Originally, it would be more worthy of ridicule if a weird club like "The Nyarlathotep Group that Makes the World More Lively" could find Teacher Tsukiyoshina as a consultant and successfully establish it. The teacher in charge of the review at the time just asked, " What does "Nyarlathotep" mean? After getting the weird answer "That's my debut stage name", I passed it directly.

What a debut! What's wrong! What's the debut?

But more than a year has passed, and Kaos doesn't want to complain about it at all now.

By the way, Kdori Cloud, also known as Ktugea, is a financial member, and there are two other ordinary members, Mictor Misaka and Lena Oxton, just because There are a lot of things related to superpower research, so I don't often participate in club activities.

Speaking of superpowers, when Naiya was tested, the result was "Physique Mutation", which is currently a paper level, and Kedoli's was "Energy Transformation", which is also a paper level.

You are so humble.

As for whether this is the result of disguise, Naiya claimed that he did this because of the "theorem" that "the strongest superpowers are all paper-level".

Who proved the theorem?

As for Mikto, he is already a "crazy" level "energy converter", while Lina is a "ferocious" level "time and space guidance".

To sum up the specific abilities: Lina can now accurately hang on Mictor from two streets away, and Mictor can electrocute Lina until her bones can be seen like in a funny movie, but she herself is not injured at all. .

In the words of Dr. Qian Ning, this is called "through a large number of calculations, the results when the pineal gland activates element zero to produce superpowers are infinitely close to one's expectations." But in fact, this passage has a more appropriate and concise meaning. The description is called "down to the smallest details", and the doctor must not be able to understand it.

It takes less than two years of study and practice to achieve this effect. It is no exaggeration to say that they are geniuses.

In the past two years, the development of Europa 7 has been on the fast track under the leadership of Reichteum. The star gate and airport are busy with traffic, and it has become the second most important planet after the earth.

During this period, Kaos "grew" ten centimeters like a normal child, while Naiya and Kedoli also grew up a little. The silly house games were accompanied by others, which made Kaos less so. conflict.

However, this kind of "growth" somehow activated some preset logic of the old butler Alfred, who kept saying "the young master needs to make more friends" all day long without letting him go back to the dormitory as soon as school was over.

This is why Kaos is now staying in the mobile classroom of the academy, listening to Naia announce that stupid plan.

"I'm warning you, idiot," Kedoli said with a displeased look on her face: "If you cause any more commotion and cause our club's funds to be cut, I will throw you into the sun."

If Naiya doesn’t cause trouble, can he still be called Naiya?

The incidents that I can remember so far include: “Sneaking into the academy in the middle of the night to draw the Azathoth Summoning Formation on the playground, which was regarded as a crop circle”, “Holding an underground treasure hunt to dig out underground holes and causing the ground to collapse”, “Borrowing the computer of the club next door to hack into the academy’s information” Ku caused him to be punished."

As for "Stupid Hairy Demon" and "Yellow Robe Monster", these are the nicknames Kedoli gave to Naia and Kaos to counter the term "big-eyed".

Although Kaos' casual clothes other than school uniforms do tend to be yellow, but the yellow robes and other things...

"No, no, no, I have learned my lesson," Naia shook her finger with a proud look on her face: "As long as you don't cause trouble in the academy, the club funds will not be cut.

People outside will always give the planet governor some face. "

"You must have drawn me into the group after seeing this clearly!" Kaos complained angrily.

"More than that," Naiya's stupid hair flickered: "Mikto's father, Dr. Eric, and Lina's grandfather, General Williams, both have areas that can be used."

"..." Kaos rolled his eyes and refused to answer. This guy must be ready to cause trouble to have so many people behind him.

Reichteem's boss, General Williams, has three sons and two daughters. One son is sent to do research and one son-in-law is sent to do transportation. It is obvious that he attaches great importance to this place.

"Let's get down to business!" Kedoli took out a fork from nowhere and slapped it on the conference table: "I want to hear your action plan first before deciding where to poke you."

Hasn’t this already been decided?

"It's really business this time~" Naia smiled: "Do you still remember how you were hit by Mictor, right?"

"Isn't it just because of you?" Kedoli made a show of poking.

"How is that possible? The Europa galaxy is so far away from the Fomalhaut galaxy, and I go to all this trouble just to move a painless electromagnetic cannon to poke you?" Naia tried to compare the size of her eyes with Kdoli.

"It obviously hurts a lot, okay!" Kedoli glared back: "Who could hurt me if it weren't for you?"

"Wait," Kaos, who vaguely knew the truth, put down his pen: "You said it was super painful? And injured? With Mictor's original strength?"

"Yes, so it must be Naiya who is causing trouble." Kedoli insisted.

Indeed... if it really wasn't painful or itchy, just poking Naiya on the ground on the first day that Kedoli came here would have been enough to calm her down. There was no reason to target Naiya on a daily basis. I thought she was dissatisfied with her status as a sister. From this point of view, ...She was actually angry with Naiya for beating her so hard but not apologizing?

"I'm sure Naiya didn't take action at that time," Kaos decided to be fair: "Naiya, please continue talking."

"I originally thought that [that person] was exerting influence and wanted to bring Kedoli over, but after investigation and experiments, I found that this was not the case." Naia pointed her stupid hair upward: " Last week, I discovered that where the 'railgun' passed through, there was an old space-time rift. It passed through that rift to reach Fomalhaut, and because it was strengthened by some kind of force, Only then can it hit Cthurgia, how can an ordinary railgun hit a star?"

"So, what is your plan for today?" Kaos thought of the starfish-like alien in the "phantom" and felt that it was not good. Speaking of which, the [Alien Colossus] appeared about the same time arrive.

"Reverse investigation, I have calculated the approximate range of the possible fall of the thing that created the crack and reached Europa 7." Naiya nodded confidently: "Yes, it must be aliens!"

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