The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Eight, Halo War (18)


Academy City.

"According to my calculations, the unknown falling object should be within this range."

Naia confidently marked the cross with a marker on the map she had taped on the small blackboard, then drew a large circle around it.

"Between Skaro District and Sunny District," Kaos looked at the cross on the map: "Although they belong to the Academy City, they are essentially more like satellite cities that are very close to each other. They are quite remote compared to the city, which is good. This way, even if any trouble arises, it will be easy to resolve.”

As for those strange block names, they were naturally given by local residents. After they were merged into Academy City, Lichtem had no intention of changing them in order to avoid unnecessary complications.

"Why do you assume that I will definitely cause trouble!" Naiya showed exaggerated dissatisfaction and knocked on the blackboard.

"Have you ever planned an event that didn't cause trouble? Are you stupid?" Kedoli mocked smoothly.

Although the previous minor misunderstanding has been slightly clarified, the two guys are also old enemies themselves, and it is impossible to expect to reconcile the past feud and reconcile.

"Anyway, let's hear Naiya's plan first," Kaos tried to smooth things over: "It won't work if it's still the 'just digging' kind of plan."

The last time we dug a hole in the ground, the ground collapsed. If we hadn't barely found the safety hazard, it wouldn't have been that easy.

"Of course not, why do you think so?" Naiya glared: "That unknown thing has been falling for so long. It must have been assimilated with the surrounding environment long ago. How could it be directly seen that it is in the air?" where?"

She has common sense for once?

"So, we have to start by investigating the strange rumors around there!"

"Oh... strange stories..." Kaos repeated in a toothache tone.

"Assuming that the falling object that passed through the space-time rift is a spaceship, then it must carry element zero, but because the amount is not enough to be detected as a mineral vein, immigrants will build settlements nearby," Naiya continued to type on the blackboard. : "However, this amount of Element Zero is enough to cause the affected humans to show signs of supernatural awakening. Two years is enough for them to show abnormality unintentionally. If there are still babies born there, due to their inability to control themselves, There will be more weird things."

"What if it's not a spaceship but a meteorite or cosmic ray...huh?" Kaos realized halfway through his rebuttal that there must be special signs that cannot be concealed.

For example, craters or strong radiation, the only thing that can be refuted is that everything is normal and there is nothing there, but this is a low-level argument.

He glanced at Ke Doli and found that although "Big Eyeball" looked like she wanted to find trouble, she never spoke.

"You can always trust the lovely Naiya~" Naiya boasted, then slapped the table: "The fifth club activity has officially begun~"


The core areas of Skaro District and Qingtian District are industrial areas and are not open to ordinary people. There are only wholesale and retail departments and shops serving workers of these manufacturers in the surrounding areas. As a result, a quite lively road has spontaneously formed at the junction of the two. In the commercial street, this model is naturally inefficient, but because it is in the suburbs and can barely meet the demand, the Governor's Office does not interfere too much.

While Kaos was using the multi-purpose tool in his hand to record the information, he watched Naia and Kedoli go around trying to talk to the locals because of their cute appearance.

"Strange story? No impression."

"There were a few strange things before, but after investigation, we found that it was just a few children showing signs of awakening their powers."

"Are you doing a social survey? The coffee factory in Skaro District is too noisy and smells bad. You can expose it."

"Is this a weird story? Let me tell you secretly, those Sunny Pig dolls in Sunny District seem to be able to run away on their own in the middle of the night~"

Hmm... nothing suspicious.

Although you can use your "spiritual consciousness" to explore here, if you don't know what you are looking for, it is simply useless. It is better to walk around in person.

The Skaro District produces canned beer, while the Sunny District is a ragdoll market that mainly sells Sunny Piglets. One person dislikes the fur over there, and the other dislikes the smell here. If it weren't for the distance, it wouldn't really have an impact. The Governor's father must have already begun arranging their relocation.

I don’t know why some people like Sunny Pig’s weird look, such as my own candidate for favor.

Kaos glanced casually toward the doll market, and happened to see the big man Cedric walking out with two little pigs in his hands and following Freckles Hannah.

"..." "..."

Okay, I get it, it’s not him who likes it, it’s her who likes it.

"That... what a coincidence, Kaos," Cedric's eyes quickly turned, and he caught sight of Naia and Kedoli over there: "Are you also coming to accompany the sisters to buy dolls?"

Kaos didn't answer and looked at Cedric with pity.

Full marks for resilience and zero marks for emotional intelligence. Did he think that no one in the school knew about what happened between him and Hannah? Do you dare to call others sisters?

"Thank you for coming to accompany me today! Brother!" Hannah said through gritted teeth, then snatched away the two piglets and left angrily.

"Hey~Wait for me~Hannah~" Cedric hurriedly chased after her.

Well...according to the measurement, Hannah has a "strong" level "Physical Variation", while Cedric has a "Union" level "Energy Transformation". Their future love story will probably be quite exciting.

Of course, it was better to hide this from Naia, otherwise she would definitely cause something in the name of "pushing them".

Gulu, Gulu, boom!

Just as he was thinking this, the sound of drinking water and discarding cans came from behind Kaos. When he looked back, he found a tall girl with long white hair, red eyes, wearing a white shirt and jeans, pushing a trolley from Kaos. Walking over from the Carlo area, the trolley was filled with boxes of "Scaro coffee".

"Boring." Yuriko Suzuko, who had just thrown the coffee can in the trash can, glanced at Kaos and opened another can.

This... Kaos was sweating a little. She wanted to drink beer at first, but was fooled by her cutesy saying that "underage people cannot drink alcohol", so she started drinking coffee all day long.

After spending half a year drinking all the coffees available on the market, she only focused on "Scaro" coffee. Her perseverance and persistence are breathtaking.

"Ah~ Sister Suzuko Yuriko, you are here to wholesale coffee again~" Kaos instantly switched to cuteness mode: "I am doing social research with my sisters today~"

"..." The "Social Survey" over there paused for a few seconds.

Naia and Crowley must be holding back their wild laughter, but they have no choice but to give in. With Kaos's current status, he can't even see the true form of Yuriko Suzuko.

Her superpower attribute is "order destruction". It seems that she can throw back any object approaching her. If it is just reflection, it is average, but she can even decide the target of "reflection", which is amazing. Final evaluation level For "crazy" level.

Although the levels are the same, if they really faced each other, Mikto would probably be hung up and beaten by her. Maybe you can suggest that the same level be divided into upper, middle and lower?

Yuriko Suzuko glanced at Kaos but didn't respond. She seemed ready to leave with the coffee.

Kaos just breathed a sigh of relief when he looked up at the sky with an inexplicable throbbing.

The vision of being "Old One" allows him to see the target through the distant space of space.

A scarred fleet has just completed a short jump and appears in the orbit of Europa 7's satellite.

That's...the Star Alliance Third Fleet?

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