The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Halo War (19)


Judging from the paint, it is indeed the Star Alliance Third Fleet...but aren't they planning to launch a mass effect relay with an unknown target from the Eridani star system eight hops away?

Could it be that the repeater was actually malfunctioning and instead sent them to the Europa galaxy?

While this is possible, in that case the fleet's scarred appearance cannot be explained.

Anyway, let’s listen to dad’s communication first... Huh?

When Kaos was about to transfer his "spiritual consciousness" to the governor's office in a familiar manner, he looked up and saw Yuriko Suzuko looking up at the sky like him.

Her face was expressionless at first, then she began to sneer, and then her smile gradually became ferocious.

This expression looks like...a lion who was forced to live a boring life in sheep's clothing among the sheep. Finally one day he saw a wolf coming to take the sheep.

"Watch them, you idiots." Lingke Yuriko put the cart carrying several large boxes of canned coffee next to Kaos, and then disappeared directly on the spot.

This trick... directly prevents any light that hits him from reflecting to achieve the invisibility effect?

Although it is quite deceptive, the observation methods of the "old days" are not just optical.

Seeing Yuriko Suzuko jumping between buildings like a grasshopper, heading straight for the tallest building nearby, while Naia and Kedori were also approaching him, Kaos shook his head and began to monitor the situation in the governor's office.

"[Governor Cloud! I am General Grissom. In accordance with Article 7 of the Star Alliance Charter, I request that you immediately declare Europa 7 to be in a state of war. All combat ships will warm up and take off to meet the enemy. All residents will immediately Take refuge.]” The Third Fleet Commander’s voice was urgent but still clear and organized.

"The order has been confirmed. Please provide further details on the current situation so that Europa 7 can cooperate." Lichtem also did not panic, but there was a sound of chaos and chaos in the background of the call.


Within two seconds, the emergency siren, which had never sounded since the construction of Europa 7, pierced the sky. The surrounding residents were stunned for a moment, and then they all gathered towards the nearest shelter with confused faces.

"I'm listening to the communication from the Governor's Mansion," Kaos said, rushing to Naia and Kedori who came to his side: "Look, are there any aliens chasing behind the Third Fleet?"

"No," Naia looked at the sky, and the stupid hair on the top of her head trembled: "They are the only fleet in the satellite orbit - wow, this damage is a bit big."

"Yes, a strange-looking fleet is at the Mass Effect Repeater. They seem to be trapped by the trap left by the Third Fleet." Kedoli looked in another direction.

"As expected of those big eyes, they can see far~" Naiya gestured with her thumb.

"It's not that you were looking for aliens, but aliens are really here now, you stupid idiot!" Kedoli said angrily. Read

For the "old days\

,"The alien fleet is indeed nothing, and it can't hurt them anyway. They can just leave it alone and watch the show, but Kaos can't do that.

Europa 7 is the most prosperous colonial star outside the earth. Even if Rechtem has not offended anyone, there will still be people who dislike him and cause trouble. And if this first contact battle with aliens is not fought well, If you do well or even fail, you may take the opportunity to be labeled as "incompetent" and "traitor", and you will be unable to turn over your entire military career.

Out of consideration for his future living conditions, Kaos also had to win this battle, and win beautifully, leaving people speechless.

But first... Kaos opened the universal tool and edited a "what happened" message, pretending to send it to Lichtem, but after a moment's hesitation, he changed the recipient to Adjutant Zhou. Okay, the identity disguise of the poor, helpless and weak little boy has been completed. The next step is to see when the aliens will come.

"[Kaos: What happened?]"

"[(Automatic reply) Adjutant Zhou: Find the nearest shelter, follow the instructions of local officials, believe in the Star Alliance, and believe in the Governor.]"

This guy is lazy to a certain extent!

"[After passing the special mass relay of Reach, the Third Fleet arrived at a galaxy with many artificial celestial bodies. When trying to survey them at close range, it encountered a sneak attack by an alien fleet. After a battle, the Third Fleet Attempting to withdraw to the Eridanus Galaxy through the mass effect relay, it arrived directly at the Europa Galaxy.]" On the other side, in the communication from the Governor's Mansion, General Grissom said concisely: "[The enemy fleet has followed, and it is coming. He was trapped near the repeater by the jump interrupter we set up, but he couldn’t be trapped for long. Their specific data has been sent to you.】"

"Oh, the tentative name is 'Alien α'. The hull size is equivalent to that of a destroyer, and it has strong stealth capabilities..." Leichtem responded in an unchanged tone, "Since we have not cooperated with With the experience of fighting, can we ask General Grissom to take over the command of the Europa 7 defense fleet?"

"[No need,]" General Grissom refused directly: "[The Third Fleet has had many battles with them, and their style may have been figured out. At this time, a surprise force is needed to take them by surprise - I will be there They arrive as the first line of defense.]"

"Then the Europa Defense Fleet is responsible for winning by surprise." Rechtem responded.

"[We have a group of seriously injured ships that need repair, keep in touch, over.]"

"Arrangements have been made for repair and supply ships to depart, completed."

Is this wave of business blowback? General Grissom had just arrived and was not familiar with the organization and combat effectiveness. Even if the local fleet was commanded by him, it could only be used as a fireman and reserve force. It would be better to leave it to Lichtemu to command.

He won't ask for it, but Lichtem has to give it. This meaningless operation is just a matter of attitude. Human beings are indeed very boring.

After the two sides ended communication, the Third Fleet in orbit slowly turned to face the direction of the mass relay, while supply and engineering ships from the Europa 7 orbital space station and star ports in various places went to provide emergency supplies and maintenance.

Of course, the maintenance of the regular fleet cannot be so hasty. It has to be officially docked and almost all power turned off. However, the situation is urgent. Even if some supplies and maintenance are better than nothing, the combat effectiveness can be increased to some extent.

"Colonel, do you want the 'Roma' to be launched into the air in an emergency?" Zhou quickly approached with the data pad, showing no sign of laziness or dozing.

"...No, it has not been tested. It would be too risky to use it rashly in a contact battle with aliens." Lichtem shook his head: "Use a conventional 'destroyer mixed frigate' method to meet the enemy, your 'Kunpeng' ' as the flagship of this battle."

Huh... Kaos is a little relieved. As long as his father does not ride on that battleship but sits at the rear, the situation in the "dream" should not happen.

collect doomsday

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