The Collection of The End

One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty, Halo War (20)


Academy City.

"So, what should we do now? Follow the normal procedure after hearing the alarm and evacuate?"

"Are the gods afraid of aliens speaking like words? Are they going to send oracles to them?"

"Outer gods are not alien gods!"

After the alarm sounded, the streets had become quite empty. Only the security robots and some unawakened androids were working step by step. In order to avoid attracting attention, the three "boys" and "girls" temporarily hid in a small roadside street. Discuss countermeasures in the alley.

"According to the Star Alliance's cosmic war preview, if there is a war with an alien race, the outcome will be decided in space. After the attackers eliminate the defensive fleet and destroy the military space station, they have basically won the victory. Excluding direct star explosions, This is an extreme approach. If you want to completely control a planet, the attacker must either bomb the military buildings on the surface to force the defender to surrender, or send airborne troops to completely clear out the defender’s defense corps.”

Kaos explained to Naia and Kedoli the military theory he heard from Lechtem:

"The former takes longer, and the defender may get reinforcements from other galaxies. The latter takes less time, but if it does not bring airborne troops or the defender is particularly good at positional warfare, it may also fail."

"Why not send the legion to engage in a ground battle, and then take the opportunity to blow up both sides?" Naiya said, shaking his stupid hair.

"In that case, it would be better to bomb all facilities indiscriminately from the beginning and force ordinary residents to surrender." Kedoli retorted.

"Have you two considered that we are the defender now?" Kaos sighed.

"Actually, as long as those aliens have sense, they can just go crazy. It just won't end well." Naia looked at the sky and licked her lips.

"I can burn them all with a fire, but in that case I can only ask Uncle Claude to announce that it is the Star Alliance's secret weapon." Kdori clenched her fists, looking eager to try.

"Let me ask. Did [that person] throw you here to let you sweep away the aliens?" Kaos covered his forehead with one hand and pointed to the sky: "And how can you be sure that [that person] is now Only caring about humans?”

"This..." Naia tilted her head and began to think, while Crowley raised her head and stared at the sky.

"I feel that the guy who looks like an exoskeleton lizard is obviously not within the scope of care and should be burned." Crowley looked at it for a while, but failed to provide any valuable suggestions.

"I said, there must be things on this planet that only we can solve. Aliens are not our problem." Kaos said firmly to stop them from continuing to talk nonsense.

"Then you can tell me..."


The next moment, nearly a thousand alien warships that jumped into the gravity circle of Europa 7 interrupted her words.

In addition to Kedori, whom I have seen before,

Naia and Kaos looked up at the same time.

"Tsk~ They are really just 'lizards with exoskeletons'. They are so ugly." Naia looked disgusted: "With this look, you can be sure that they are not protected by [that one], right? Just kill them."

"On the contrary," Kaos's eyes twitched: "I am absolutely sure that they are under [that person's] control."

In space, the alien fleet encountered a head-on attack as soon as it arrived. First, they were hit by disruptive, energy-absorbing, EMP and other ship performance-impairing weapons, and then came the saturation blow of the mass effect cannon.

After all, the Third Fleet arrived first. If the enemy's jump landing point can be predicted and there is sufficient preparation time and supplies, if he cannot wait to inflict heavy damage on them, then General Grissom can directly pick it. He lost his general star.

However, these "exoskeleton lizardmen" driving long and narrow silver-white battleships seemed to have expected this. When they appeared, they had already laid out the most effective square array for this tactic, and while being attacked, they also The constant changes in formations resulted in the original range coverage and saturation strike being only less than 30% effective, and the direct battle losses did not even exceed double digits.

As the saying goes, laymen only watch the excitement, and experts watch the door. The fact that those aliens can respond so accurately can completely prove that this is not the first time they have encountered such a situation, and they even have a mature countermeasure system.

For fear of causing chaos to the battle, Kaos did not listen to the communications from the Space Fleet, but at the Governor's Palace alone, many officers exclaimed, "They really know us very well."

There is no point in blaming them now, because they have different visions. It is impossible for these officers to imagine that there will be such a thing as "a pan-universe consciousness that cultivates all civilized races" in the universe. Even "extraterrestrials" like Kedoli and Naiya God” also believes that [He] only cares about human beings.

This is called a mindset. As long as you don't regard these "exoskeleton lizard people" as "aliens", but as "monsters" born in the same batch as humans, but with different development routes, the logic will instantly make sense. ?

They also use mass effect channels, mass effect shields, and mass effect cannons. The various technologies inside the battleships are obviously similar to the technologies developed by humans based on mass effects. Combined with what General Grissom said, they are just The fact that he could be beaten in the first encounter would have been impossible if the two sides had completely different technologies.

Then the conclusion is obvious. [That person] is being lazy again and has arranged exactly the same technology tree for all civilizations in the universe. Perhaps the original intention of doing this is to allow both parties to have common ground and make it easier for them to live in peace, but [that person] I'm afraid I have forgotten that if we have the same technology, our needs will tend to be the same, which will eventually lead to the two sides fighting for some kind of resource that is both in short supply - the current war is an example.

General Grissom probably surveyed the alien resource reserves, but the reaction of those exoskeleton lizardmen was really a bit extreme.

"Although I'm a little curious about your reasons..." Naiya tilted her head and stared at Kaos: "But looking at your expression of 'I'm sure, come and ask me', I decided not to ask."

"That's okay, it's actually difficult to explain to people who don't understand." Kaos nodded.

"Hahahaha! You, idiot, have your day too!" Kedoli laughed and patted Kaos on the shoulder: "I believe you, so now you tell me what we should do."

Kaos scratched his head: "Well, actually I don't have a clue at the moment. If my previous guess is correct, maybe we should prevent this war with as little loss as possible on both sides -"

[Boom boom boom boom——]

The next moment, a roar coming from deep underground that only the three "boys and girls" could hear made them all change their expressions.

collect doomsday

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