The Collection of The End

Chapter 126: 1 Win and 1 Draw

My name is Elijah,

Kiritsugu Kirei continued to draw, and the Emperor lost a game.


It is said that both Taijiquan and Bajiquan were created by Wudang Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, but their styles are quite different. There is also a more vivid "Tai Chi does not go out for ten years, Baji kills people in one year".

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't know if Kotomine Kirei had practiced boxing for a year. After all, the opponent was a genius who could quickly grasp any knowledge, but if he was understated, he would destroy the fist and kick of the giant tree that he used as an obstacle. If you hit him, you are really dead.

Usually when dealing with magicians, if the opponent has a bodyguard who is good at melee combat, Kiritsugu will definitely choose the way of sniping, because in the modern age where guns are prevalent, those who dare to fight the enemy with bare hands or cold weapons must have enough confidence to resist guns The user's attack or even counter-kill.

And what's worse-


Kotomine Kirei punched the big tree in front of Kiritsugu, breaking it in half from the middle, and Kiritsugu who was in an accelerated state had to change direction temporarily to avoid directly crashing into the enemy's attack range.

To make matters worse, this priest has already found a way to deal with his "double speed". Whether it is actively attacking or fleeing, he will be blocked first. It is used continuously without restraint. Fortunately, this place is still a virgin forest, with many trees that are huge enough to serve as shelters.

If he can handle double speed, why not try triple or even five times speed?


Using "like a tiger with wings added" to describe Kotomine Kirei at this time can be said to be very appropriate, even completely in line with its literal meaning.

As a martial art that is easy to learn but difficult to master, Bajiquan is more like a "weapon" than "martial arts". The fundamental reason is that it does not rely on its own strength to attack. Both need to stomp hard to gain explosive power from the feedback of the ground.

However, Kirei now has wings that can glide for a short period of time, and the action of "stomping his feet", which is similar to loading a weapon, can be used against those big trees in the air, and attacks that do not require a standing posture become more unpredictable.

"Boom!" After turning around on a certain tree, Kirei swung his fist and destroyed another big tree, but the original target stopped abruptly in the air and changed the planned trajectory.

The opponent has the ability to accelerate himself, and Kirei is not too surprised by this. When acting as a proxy, enemies with various strange and special abilities emerge in endlessly, and there are not a few who use guns. As long as they find a way to deal with it, they will turned into a corpse.

Emiya Kiritsugu was able to double his own speed in a short period of time, and there might still be room for improvement, but that kind of thing was meaningless, if he wanted to attack, he could only shoot, but he didn't You can't accelerate those bullets that are easy to deal with because of their fixed trajectory. If you plan to escape, you only need to put yourself in the position and guess to know his destination, and then you only need to attack that position in advance.

Moreover, he is the representative of the burial institution, the magician of the Holy Grail War, not a martial arts performer who pays attention to fair battles.

[Inherent Time Control·Triple Speed]! 【Command Spell·Acceleration】!

boom! boom! boom!

The two each turned out a hole card, and carried out an offensive and defensive interaction exactly the same as before. As a result, the situation remained unchanged—except for a few more fallen trees around them.

It is reasonable to say that the movement of their battle is enough to attract the attention of others, but because there are too many things worth noting, it is completely unnecessary.


The power of the gods is like the sea, and the power of the gods is like a prison.

Although only one-third of the blood of the gods, the figure of Gilgamesh, who waved thousands of golden lights and rained down, is enough for ordinary people to worship—provided they can see it.

Facing this pressure, Iskandar was not so relaxed. After all, the Shenwei Wheel is an offensive vehicle rather than a defensive vehicle.

"Pfft!" "Moo!"

After withstood the storm-like bombing of treasures for nearly half an hour, both Iskandar, who was not very skilled in martial arts, and the divine bull pulling the cart were exhausted, and the thunder and lightning that protected him completely disappeared.

Finally, after one could not dodge in time, the two divine bulls in front of the Shenwei wheel were stabbed by multiple treasures and fell down, and the entire Shenwei wheel overturned, even throwing Rider off the driver's seat.

"King Conqueror, did this king tell you that the thing this king hates the most is snakes, followed by cows." Gilgamesh sat on the golden spaceship, completely ignoring the falling Iskandar, and projected even more Many Noble Phantasms continued to attack the Kamui Wheel until it exploded into a piece of scattered lightning in the air.

"Ah, that thing is very troublesome to repair." Rider didn't have the ability to fly, and while falling, he sighed at the location where the Kamui wheel was destroyed.

"So, what are you going to do?" The two are fighting at a high altitude, and there is still a little time before Rider falls freely to the ground. Your identity just falls into the dust like this, I don’t mind if you can’t land forever.”

"Ha, don't bother me. As a Rider, I don't only have one car." Iskandar replied, putting his hand in his mouth and whistling.


Accompanied by a roar like a sandstorm, a tall and vigorous black horse appeared next to Rider with bursts of yellow sand. It shook the dust on its body slightly, and made a half circle downward to catch Iskandar firmly. He stopped, and stopped at a height where he could almost see the worried expression of Weber in Liudong Temple below.

"Thanks, old buddy." Rider patted Buciferas on the head, then shrugged his shoulders again: "Well, it seems that the situation in the inherent barrier is not very good."

Xixi——Dark Horse responded with a snort of approval.

"Come on, continue," Gilgamesh spread out golden ripples behind his back again: "After punishing you, this king will go to find Saber who is hiding, heh."

"No, no, that's the general that the king has ordered." Iskandar raised the dagger in his hand, and rushed towards the golden boat with his legs clamped in the belly of the horse.

"Then let me see if you have the strength!" Gilgamesh directly projected all the treasures that had been formed.

"It's useless, it's useless!" After opening a few treasures, Rider had already rode a black horse to the back of Huizhou's golden throne: "Now you are the one who is bulky, and the offense and defense have been reversed!"

"This is really terrible. Rider lost two aces at the same time. We can only retreat first and take Rider away with Command Spells. What do you think?" Weber was still busy defending against Tosaka Tokiomi's attack. It has the ability to forcibly erase the enchantment node, no matter what node a gem hits it, it will be abolished, and the content of the second half of the contest has changed from killing and restricting confrontation to concealment and search confrontation.

"【I have a powerful Anti-Personal Noble Phantasm】," Luna, who was all silver, no longer had to be wary of the Noble Phantasm that fell from time to time as the battlefield shifted to Huizhou, so she replied: "【But its activation method is determined by Saber informed that it is impossible to determine whether it is a trap or not.]”

"Does it mean a powerful single-target attack on people?" Weber thought for a while: "Then leave it to you to judge."


"Ah, Xiao Hao, are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

After killing Assassin who was disguised as Caster, Irisviel took the unconscious Lin Hao and her wheelchair to the off-road vehicle, and now the half-paralyzed girl from Country C finally woke up.

"Um... This is me?" She looked around confusedly: "I remember that Rider just killed our door?"

Been in a coma for so long? Irisviel touched the top of her hair worriedly: "Then do you remember how you escaped?"

"I don't remember... Huh? I seem to remember a little." Lin Hao tilted his head: "It seems that Rider has been locked up in Liudong Temple since he took me away. Because of the confusion of the spirit veins, I can't be found, and Caster just came here. Take me away—where is Caster?"

She's not Caster, she's just an Assassin disguised as Caster, Irisviel thought, but she can't just say it that way.

"Well, she should be busy with her own business again." Before waiting for an answer, Lin Hao lowered her head slightly, with the broken hair covering her eyes making it difficult to see her expression clearly.

Sure enough, even if he doesn't care about it, after being kidnapped for a while, he still wants to see her for peace of mind.

"Opportunity." Saber Lily in the passenger seat said suddenly, and pointed at the Conqueror King and Hero King who were fighting at low altitude above Liudong Temple.

"Well, they are too close to each other. If there is an Anti-City Noble Phantasm at this moment, at least two Servants can be eliminated at the same time." Irisviel nodded in agreement.

"Not enough," Saber Lily got out of the car, raised her sword and gestured in that direction, then shook her head.

"Is it because they're not close enough? But we can't move forward, this is almost the edge of the defensive barrier." Irisviel patted Lily on the shoulder reassuringly.

"If you want Saber to swing this sword, you have to put Rider into a bigger disadvantage and ask Luna for help. It's better to involve Weber in it, so that the barrier will be invalid, and you need to look for the entrance and crack the method on the outside. Kotomine Kirei and Tosaka Tokiomi in the formation will also follow...then if this attack is successful, wouldn't it be a direct victory?" Lin Hao muttered to himself: "If Kiritsugu is allowed to attack Rider..."

Saber Lily looked at Lin Hao, nodded slowly, and seemed to fully agree with her judgment.

Well, after being kidnapped once, she has grown a lot, and she will plan according to the situation, Irisviel thought with relief, but this plan seems to be a bit inconsistent with her usual style?

The other is Saber. Although there was no other version of King Arthur after [Synchronization], Alter lost all his force, and Lily became taciturn, and she didn't know what was going on.

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