The Collection of The End

Chapter 127 Eight Stone Soldiers Formation

My name is Elijah,

Maiya entered into a chaotic fight, and the emperor lost both.


While everyone was attracted by the battle between the two kings in the air, the obviously much quieter battle outside Liudong Temple hardly attracted anyone's attention.

Kotomine Kirei already had the chance to win. As long as he destroyed all the trees that Emiya Kiritsugu could use as cover, he would never be his opponent without any shelter, especially if he didn't even realize that he deliberately The intention to limit the battlefield to a certain range.

However, this plan was destroyed by a golden treasure that deviated from the track.

With few trees in the shelter, the giant ax-shaped Noble Phantasm destroyed all the rocks and forests within its range first, unless Kirei planned to attack at the risk of being injured by the aftermath of the Noble Phantasm's landing Otherwise, Kiritsugu could only watch him leave the battlefield he had planned.

However, just as Kirei guessed, that acceleration ability cannot be used at will, and the price may be that his own muscles and internal organs are severely damaged. Just looking at Kiritsugu's figure staggering into the woods, one can tell that he probably It can't be used anymore, and now it's just fleeing towards a place with enough cover.

However, for the sake of caution, Kirei casually materialized the Black Key while tracking it to attack him from a distance.


That Noble Phantasm must have been discussed between Kotomine Kirei and Gilgamesh.

Emiya Kiritsugu knocked down a few black keys, and continued to go deep into the woods while casting healing magic on himself.

Although I am not familiar with Bajiquan, after fighting against Kotomine Kirei during this period of time, I have already understood 70% to 80% of it. This is a martial art that needs "borrowing strength". Through the action of "stomping feet", it can evolve Dozens of hundreds of attack routines have been produced, but there is only one blow. If a second burst is needed, he must stomp his feet again, and the gap between them is enough for Kiritsugu to use high-speed acceleration to deliver a fatal blow.

But the problem is that the pair of pitch-black wings allow him to use his strength freely in the forest, and the "gap" becomes extremely small and unusable, and all my efforts have been to induce him to destroy all the trees around him. If he can only exert force from the ground, the power of this punch will drop by more than half for Kiritsugu, and the gap will also become usable.

However, this plan was destroyed by a golden treasure that deviated from the track.

The last batch of trees fell within the battle range, and when Kiritsugu activated his inherent time control to prepare to attack, an ax-shaped Noble Phantasm that fell from the sky landed in the middle of both sides, causing shock waves that prevented both sides from approaching each other. Kiritsugu's sneak attack plan completely failed , had to flee into the surrounding woods.


The representatives of the Church of the Holy Church generally use the black key that only needs to carry the handle as a weapon. If they are powerful, they can directly manifest the entire black key without carrying the handle at all.

At the same time, they also have more advanced usage methods, such as the "swift" green black key that has been strengthened for speed, the "skill" blue black key that is easier to control and destroy magic, and the "strength" red key that is good at piercing armor. black keys.

In the dense forest, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was unable to fully utilize the power of his guns, was struggling to resist Kotomine Kirei who controlled more than a dozen black keys of various colors. Their black coats and priest's vestments were damaged to varying degrees, but But no obvious injuries.

This is also a matter of course, all of them have exerted a destructive power equivalent to that of a heroic spirit in their mortal bodies, and the moment any attack hits is the moment when the battle ends and life and death are divided.

And if there is no external force to intervene, the so-called life and death will most likely end with both sides hurting and no survivors.


A low and indistinguishable gunshot sounded, and Kirei, who was plunging towards Kiritsugu, immediately stopped his movements and folded his wings to completely cover himself.

Pfft, after the bullet hit the wing, it disappeared silently again,

And Kirei, who had judged the position of the shooter, immediately threw a green black key with his backhand.

"Oh!" Hisu Maiya, who was hiding on a branch of a big tree, turned over and jumped off immediately.

Although he was instructed to stand still and collect information around Liudong Temple, Gilgamesh made too much noise. After he stopped throwing treasures like a torrential rain, the battlefield that was still crackling became very It's eye-catching.

And with the two of them shifting positions while fighting, they were already close to the location where Maiya gathered information, and with Kiritsugu at an obvious disadvantage, she finally decided to pull the trigger—obviously to no avail.

Although it's two against one, Kiritsugu is already very tired, and Maiya can be regarded as an ordinary person, and he doesn't possess the "origin bomb", a weapon that can determine the outcome, if Kotomine Kirei knows this information... …

In the next instant, Kotomine Kirei left Kiritsugu behind, and rushed towards Hisu Maiya with his huge black wings protecting his back——It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

The combat situation seen only from the sniper scope does not allow Maiya to fully understand how terrifying Kotomine Kirei is at this time. When her reaction power is improved to adapt to Kiritsugu's inherent control speed, Maiya's The speed of tactical rolls and even fast transfers is very slow for him.

After Hisu Maiya performed another tactical roll in order to avoid a diving punch, he found that Kotomine Kirei's leather shoes had appeared in front of his face with the breath of death. If this was true——


The next moment, Kotomine Kirei was thrown back by the huge momentum, and after struggling to regain his balance in the air by flapping his wings, he looked at the "thing" covering Hisau Maiya with a surprised expression.

It was a huge silver-white enchantment whose surface was still fluctuating because of his previous attack.

Caster around? Kirei hesitated for a moment, then immediately turned around and left.


"Ah la la la——" Rider rode on the back of Busifalas, brandishing a short sword and charging wantonly on the deck of Huizhou.

Leading only a few soldiers, or even taking no one at all to attack the enemy's commander-in-chief, Iskandar has experienced several times when fighting against Greece and Egypt, and the number of troops is not enough. However, after the army is enough to sweep across Europe and Asia There is no such opportunity anymore.

At this time, the enemies Iskandar faced were all kinds of Noble Phantasms that suddenly attacked from nowhere, and his purpose was to shoot down those Noble Phantasms to the ground, trying to use Gilgamesh's own The treasure came to destroy Hui Zhou.

Looking at the countless potholes and cracks on the surface of the Huizhou, as well as its extremely weak magic power, Rider judged that only two to three treasures are needed to -


The golden ripples that had densely covered the top of Huizhou suddenly disappeared, replaced by the silver "sky lock" that firmly bound Rider.

"Do you think this king will let you get what you want?" Gilgamesh, dressed in golden armor, stood up from the throne, walked towards Rider, and took out a black and red cylinder from the king's treasury. Shaped "sword".

"This king is tired of this performance of the end of the king," said the oldest king: "Then, this king will show mercy and let you feel as if you have not found the endless sea in the end. When this war is about to end Get out."

"Hey," Iskandar, who couldn't move at all, let out a successful plan in the face of the approaching Gilgamesh and the EA whose magic power fluctuated more and more surging: " expected, you Sure enough, they will stop me when I am about to successfully destroy Hui Zhou, and most likely will use the 'Sky Lock' to target my characteristics."

"Oh, so?" Gilgamesh squinted his blood-red eyes and glanced around.

"Although I have divinity," Iskandar suddenly struggled, "but my old buddy doesn't!"

At that moment, Busiferas broke free from the sky lock, and kicked the dagger that Rider let go with his hoof.

The dagger didn't fly towards Gilgamesh, but sank straight into the deck of the golden flying boat.

Boom boom boom——

The entire hull of the golden flying boat was covered with cracks, and in the next instant it exploded into golden spots of light all over the sky.

"Hahaha! The endless sea is so spectacular!" Iskandar laughed and fell down.

"Heh." Gilgamesh's originally relaxed expression, as if he was playing a game, finally changed into a huge anger like boiling magma.

And what bears this anger is the huge black horse that was locked again by the lock of the sky. Gilgamesh didn't even project the Noble Phantasm.

"Let me see what you can do after losing all your mounts and weapons and falling helplessly into the dust!" The oldest king turned EA's "blade" downwards, and the whole person fell rapidly, He stabbed at Rider who was in the air and had nowhere to rely.

"Ah, it's really troublesome that those things are gone." Iskandar couldn't fly, and he couldn't change the trajectory in the air. However, facing Gilgamesh who was rushing towards him, he showed a heroic smile: "But I have friends!"

"Ha, that kind—" Gilgamesh was about to taunt, but was attracted by the huge change in the magic power around him.

The defensive barriers that originally surrounded Liudong Temple disappeared at the same time, no, it did not disappear, the magic power they absorbed through the spiritual veins was completely gathered in the courtyard of Liudong Temple directly below, and some kind of expensive magic was relying on These magic come into being.

boom! Iskandar fell to the ground, but shook his head and got up: "By the way, brat, is this the great magic you made by imitating Caster's 'Eight Golden Locks'?"

"In this case, I will destroy your last hope." Gilgamesh didn't put away his EA, just floating at a height of more than ten meters above Liudong Temple, looking down at the man who was pressing his hands on the ground. Waver and Luna ready to fight.

"This is—although it hasn't been named yet—try it if you want to break it!" Weber stood up abruptly, raising his hands high.

Eight huge pillars made of magic power, tens of meters high, rose from the surrounding area, covering the entire Liudong Temple, including Gilgamesh, who was only about ten meters above the ground.

The Oldest King, who sensed something was wrong, tried to leave its area of ​​influence, but before that, a large number of magical lines appeared on the tops of all the pillars to connect with each other, and outlined a huge "roof", or "cover", and then directly Materialized, covering the entire Liudong Temple.


The huge magic power swept across the courtyard, and the EA that Gilgamesh took out disappeared directly in his hands, the golden armor on his body was replaced by casual clothes, and even the golden ripples that had just unfolded behind him were closed one by one.

"...What is that?" Gilgamesh took out a one-handed sword and a one-handed ax from the golden ripple that disappeared at last, and looked around vigilantly. Although this large-scale magic that can forcibly expel the Noble Phantasm is already crumbling. , but still struggling to maintain: "Inherent enchantment?"

"I originally thought it would be an anti-summoning magic that directly disperses the enemy's heroic spirits, but you don't seem to be affected..." Although Wei Bo, who fell to the ground, was weak, his tone was full of confidence: "But without the treasure, the treasure house cannot be opened Gate, can you really defeat Rider and Luna yourself?"

Iskandar and the silver-white Heroic Spirit looked at each other, and walked slowly towards Gilgamesh, who had lost his armor, was wearing casual clothes, and was holding two ordinary treasures.

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