The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and sixty-two, Halo War (22)


Academy City, Shelter 101.

Under the surface, three "teenagers and girls" were spiraling down the rough stairs.

Kedoli stared at the sky with big eyes to observe the situation of the space battle, Naiya tilted her head and rolled her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking, while Kaos was digging in circles and digging holes in the earth to build a ladder to get out.

Naia had previously suggested drilling a hole that went straight up and down. There was no surveillance here anyway, so it wouldn't be a big deal to expose some "powers" beyond one's own.

This proposal was directly rejected by Kaos and Kedoli.

Not to mention that going straight up and down can easily lead to underground water, alien natural gas and even magma, which are not easy to end up with. Simply saying that there is no monitoring is deceiving oneself and others. If they cause an accident down there and kill some refugees in the shelter, [then You] will definitely take action and beat the three of them flat.

After comprehensive consideration, Kaos is still an "unknown territory", so it is more reasonable to use more abilities, such as "Force Digging" and "Storage Space".

"Soil, soil, sand, gravel, granite, granite, soil..."

Every time Kaos waved his hand, a large area of ​​soil or rock disappeared, and the outer wall of the new cavity was flat and smooth, with no risk of collapse.

And after they were "digged out", they did not go to some "storage space", but to a [subspace] or a place called [imaginary number space]. There are no normal physical rules in the imaginary number space and things that can be described by the real space. Characteristics, but if you have to look at it from the perspective of real space, there should be a spiraling "earth snake" where Kaos passes.

"I vaguely remember [that person] doing this too, so this behavior is tacitly accepted, and it's fine as long as it's not seen by ordinary people." Naiya commented.

"General Grissom looks like he is going to lose," Kdori commented on the space battlefield: "Although his tactics and command have been the best, when the opponent has five times more troops than he does, the head-on There is absolutely no hope of victory in the duel, so now we can only make an emergency landing or hope that the Second Army will come to support us.”

"Don't you want to think about how to deal with that guy down there? It's already 'whispered' twice in this skill," Kaos complained while digging the soil: "If I hadn't suppressed those 'voices', among the surface residents, Guys with strong inspiration must have gone crazy."

"There is nothing to say before direct contact, unless you plan to let me turn the entire underground of Academy City into a sea of ​​magma." Kedoli said she was helpless.

"You have to move faster," Naia looked at the ground and then the sky: "I can clearly feel now that the sand demon insects underground were awakened by those exoskeleton lizard men, but the degree was very slight and they were still confused. , but if aliens land, they may rush out of the surface with a crash, and at least half of Academy City will be destroyed."

Please take away the expectation in your tone! love literature network


While digging all the way down,

Kaos also took the time to pay attention to the battle situation on the surface and in space.

Although he is not as good as Kedoli with big eyes and cannot see the details of the entire battlefield, he can still see the small local battlefield clearly. After a few casual glances, Kaos also roughly understood what Kedoli said. What's the matter with "looking like losing" - the lineup of the Third Fleet was completely restrained by those aliens.

Those "exoskeleton lizardmen" long and sharp ships have obviously been optimized for space warfare from their shape to their painting. The power of the main and secondary guns, the maneuverability of the hull, and the evasion and reflectivity all exceed those of the Star Alliance. Destroyer.

Specifically, the damage done to them by Star Alliance frigates is not as fast as their shields can recover on their own, and when destroyers of the same level fight against each other, the other party's flexibility and evasion rate are higher than those of Star Alliance destroyers and cruisers. The attack was effective, but it couldn't be shot down with one hit. The injured battleship hid in the cluster of destroyers with the same appearance and could no longer be found. As for the only battleship Karachi, it could indeed hit one with one shot. But the efficiency of reloading is impressive. Rather than firing the gun yourself, it is better to provide deterrent assistance.

This situation is called a "destroyer sea". Like the "frigate sea", it is a high-dodge lineup. It can greatly restrain a pure cruiser fleet or a pure battleship fleet, which has a low attack frequency and is stunned once it is evaded. The latter restrains the regular lineup. The composite fleet destroyed the opponent's main force with a few shots, and the rest was just scratching the itch.

Before today, this kind of extreme fleet composition would only appear in Star Alliance's virtual deductions or paper data. However, since the aliens have already used it first, future deductions will definitely include this kind of joke fleet. The combination is brought into view.

But according to this deduction, the conventional composite lineup actually restrains the destroyer sea and the frigate sea. Even if it can dodge one attack, it cannot dodge different attacks from different ships. Therefore, the only reason why it is being beaten so badly is that the number has been reduced. Crushed.

Kaos doesn't know much about General Grissom, but according to what he said before, he used to fight with these aliens all the way, but now as the defense line of Europa 7, he can no longer do that.

In addition, it seems that the main force of the Third Fleet has been left in the Eridanus galaxy, so now General Grissom can only look forward to foreign aid to solve this dilemma, such as a certain squadron of the Second Fleet or Europa 7's "Surprise Soldiers" "?

If I remember correctly, Father Reichteem's "Roma" has not been completely completed and launched. How can it be so "wonderful" if it only relies on the current number of destroyers?

Kaos thought back to his adjutant Zhou's usual appearance, and he didn't feel like someone who could use surprise weapons, but he still moved his "perspective" to the Governor's Mansion.

The Governor of Europa 7, Rechtem Claude, still stayed in the Governor's Mansion to take charge of the overall situation. He seemed to be as stable as a rock even though a lot of clerks were rushing around. The occasional instructions were concise and powerful. Since he was basically unable to intervene in the space war, he The work being arranged is basically evacuation and early warning rescue.

After the busyness eased a little, he opened his multi-purpose tool: "Zhou, how is the situation?"

"[Kaos has entered Vault 101. There is no important industry in that area, and the possibility of being landed by aliens is only 13%. It can be confirmed that it is safe.]" Zhou's response could only be heard by Lichtem. , but was intercepted halfway by Kaos.

"..." Lechtem showed a little bit of relief, but the next second he raised an eyebrow: "I'm asking you to prepare for liftoff."

"[Then let's just assume this is what you're asking,]" Zhou's voice on the other side was also a little noisy: "[In five more minutes, 'Kun' will be able to 'skyrocket to ninety thousand miles'."

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