The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and sixty-three, Halo War (23)


Europa 7, underground.

"Hahaha, soaring up to 90,000 miles? Does he want to go to the moon? Oh, no, it's not enough." Kaos laughed while digging in the soil.

"It's useless if you try to complain about the adjutant to cover up your joy after discovering that Lichtem cares about you." Kedoli exposed it directly.

"What a joke, how could I-" Kaos wanted to retort.

"We are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing with us?" This time it was Naija who caused trouble.

"It's shameful to pretend to be young for a thousand years." Kaos decided to make a personal attack.

"Hehe~ I don't know who turned into a little boy first."


Obviously, arguing with Naia was a bad choice.

Kaos decisively shut up and only left his "perspective" to Zhou to pay a little attention to his safety. If his stupid destroyer was blown up, he could barely save someone.

Adjutant Zhou's "Kunpeng" destroyer has a strange shape during space navigation, with a wide front and a narrow back, a rounded front and a pointed back. The shape is a bit like a humpback whale, or it can also be said to be an elongated water droplet. If it enters the atmosphere, There will also be a pair of wings with the same streamlined shape extending from both sides of the ship.

If we have to compare it with the legendary "Kun and Peng", we can only say that it is completely the opposite. In the universe, it is Kun, but when it enters the atmosphere, it is Peng?

Kaos looked at Zhou and found that he was on the bridge of the Kunpeng in wingspan, arranging the take-off sequence of the destroyers as the flagship.

This is one of the abilities of the "Old Ones" and "Outer Gods". As long as they have established contact with themselves, they can observe what the other party is doing without delay and exert influence if conditions permit. Therefore, Kaos can directly I saw Lichtem and Zhou, but if I wanted to see the specific situation of the space battlefield, I had to use my "spiritual consciousness" to scan them all the way.

There are also situations that cannot be seen. For example, if the opponent's position is higher than yours, it will automatically fail. If the target is almost at the same level as you, you can detect this "observation" and actively shield it. These two "unobservable" situations , the observer himself cannot tell the difference, but since he knows that the identity of the other party is at least equal to his own, it is enough.

Of course, if someone at the same level notices this kind of observation but does not shield it, the observer will not find anything abnormal - there should be no "old days" or "outer gods" who have this kind of hobby.

"Professor Misaka, Dr. Xavier, I'll leave it to you this time."

Kaos was distracted for a moment and heard Zhou say this.


Kaos turned his perspective and saw Mictor's father Eric Misaka and Academy Principal Aleister Xavier also on the bridge of the Kunpeng.

They all seem to be civil servants, right? What's the use of bringing them along in such a dangerous battle? Might as well bring Mikto... Huh?

Kaos half thought,

Suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred. Save books

Over the past year or so, although Mictor has been seen often, and she has always performed some campus comedies with Lina, and occasionally arrested some disciplinary students and criminals, the "weapon" Zhou asked her to cooperate in research has always been There is no news. I originally thought it was still under research and development, but now it seems that it can be put into actual combat, right?

However, even if results have been achieved, there is no reason to capture a little girl and go to the battlefield in this case. However, her father originally belonged to the Star Alliance military and has very similar abilities, so it is up to Dr. Misaka to start this battle. One shot is perfect.

While he was guessing, he even stopped digging with his hands.

"Although I don't know where you are looking or who you plan to save," Naiya crossed her arms and poked him with her stupid hair: "But if we can't prevent the thing below from waking up, all your efforts will be in vain."

"Tch..." Kaos, who originally wanted to take a closer look at what was special about those destroyers, had to return to the promising job of digging holes in the ground, leaving only those key figures with "vision" to maintain focus on.

A few minutes later, Kunpeng and fourteen other destroyers took off and broke through the atmosphere, quietly approaching the alien fleet from the side.

As for General Jon Grissom, the entire fleet has retreated to the vicinity of the military space station, relying on the space station's defense cannon to deal with the aliens. Without strong foreign aid, defeat is only a matter of time.

"Did they carry any weapons that could destroy those aliens?" Kedoli, who had been taking charge of the overall situation, also saw the Kunpeng fleet: "But they have been discovered long ago, right?"


Just when the Kunpeng fleet showed its intention to approach the battlefield, one silver-white long and narrow battleship appeared in front of them out of thin air one after another, with a total of... fifteen ships.

Obviously, the aliens did not underestimate the enemy because the enemy was too weak. There were always scouts cruising around the edges of the battlefield to prevent sneak attacks. However, judging from the number of warships that appeared, they still underestimated the enemy a little.

Destroyers versus destroyers, with their relatively high evasion, once they get into a fight, it will turn into a bad fight with each other's tactical excitement to get around them, and it is almost impossible to pose a threat to the main fleet.

However, as soon as they made contact, the fifteen alien battleships didn't fire a single shot, and the battleships' shields were intact, and they quietly turned into twisted space scrap metal.

"This -" Kaos didn't know how the alien commander felt. Anyway, he felt a chill running from his spine to his forehead.

"When did your father develop such a killer weapon?" Kedoli was also shocked: "Is it an artificial black hole? No, the Star Alliance ship is obviously still intact."

"It's not technology, it's super power." Kaos was not too surprised, because all the people who launched this attack were under his "monitoring".

Before the contact, the other ships of the Kunpeng fleet had set up a "coil formation" for electromagnetic amplification. On the bridge IQ, Principal Xavier closed his eyes and held Dr. Misaka's left hand tightly, while Mi When the enemy ships entered the "coil" and prepared to fire, Dr. Saka clenched his right hand violently, and they were twisted into balls of space scrap metal like paper airplanes.

After this move was used, Principal Xavier and Dr. Misaka were sweating profusely, but they had no intention of stopping. Zhou even directly began to command his destroyers to change formations.

A moment later, when the aliens finally realized something was wrong and sent other patrols to approach here, the Starfleet fleet's formation had changed from "coil" to "parallel line", with two rows of destroyers connected end to end, and the rows were straight.

At this time, Dr. Misaka's eyeballs were trembling and his face was covered with sweat, but his right hand was still steady. He raised his hand and sucked a ball of alien scrap iron into the middle of the two "parallel lines."

He seemed to be planning to slap his backhand directly, but after thinking about it, he instead clasped his thumb with his index finger, making a gesture of flicking something away.

"Hey, stupid aliens," he said, "have you ever heard of the [railgun]?"

The next second, a beam of light that was so intense that it almost covered up the light of the star penetrated directly through the alien battleship cluster.

collect doomsday

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