The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and eighty-three, Heart of the Swarm (3)


Moria system, Hyperion.

First use full-band jamming to disrupt the entire planet's communications, and then suppress all facilities that may send distress messages. If the suppression is successful, then the supplies can be moved away calmly. If not, valuable items can be taken away depending on the situation. This is The "Children of Korhal" have always fought against the Terran Federation and the Mobius Foundation.

However, because this method of combat will have a devastating impact on the electronic equipment on the planet that lasts for several hours, and may cause a large number of casualties to ordinary people, it can only be used in situations where there are only Tyranid Federation military facilities or Mobius Foundation bases. It can be used on planets, but cannot be used on planets with ordinary residents and cities.

The hidden danger of this tactic is that if there are hidden facilities that cannot be found through rough scanning in satellite orbit, the vehicle may overturn. Similar "rollover records" have been included in the archives. If there are planet patterns with similar conditions, we will focus on finding those hidden facilities. facility.

Fortunately, there were no similar hidden measures in this operation on the planet Moria. After suppressing communications, various operational forces successfully took control of all the mines. They are currently rescuing clone slaves and using transport planes to transport minerals to Hyperion. .

Korhal announced two years ago that clones have the same rights as humans. Even though it is now under siege by the Tyranid Federation, the "children of Korhal" as its spokesperson will still strictly abide by this law and provide and humane treatment of these rescued clone laborers.

They will then be sent back to Korhal IV and enter the "Clone Mental Growth Center" specially set up for this situation to develop self-awareness. After that, they can choose to stay on Korhal IV for construction, or join the "Children of Korhal" "Counterattack against the Terran Federation.

Fortunately, some of these clone workers have initially awakened their self-awareness during the heavy labor and are ready to resist the overseers. At this time, they can temporarily manage their mindless colleagues.

As for the overseers, except for those who were killed because of resistance, the rest will be locked up and await rescue by the Tyranid Federation or the Mobius Foundation.

It is impossible to expect these hawks and minions to change their ways, and the Hyperion does not have the space to hold prisoners. If they are killed directly, it will greatly reduce the outside world's evaluation of the "Children of Korhal" and make them suffer enough. If you put it back, it will not only create panic among the enemy, but also make the garrisons or guards in other places less active in resisting when faced with the "Children of Korhal" raid, thus weakening their strength in disguise.


At this time, Arcturus was meeting with the operations captain responsible for the raid on Mine No. 9, who was said to have reported something.


The reason why you were able to complete the task first was because of the assistance provided by the gentleman named Siwang? Arcturus was sitting behind the desk in the operation briefing room, looking through the various information compiled while asking the operation captain standing behind the desk.

"Yes, boss," the captain responded: "He was able to use simple mining tools to paralyze and destroy the automatic turrets used to monitor workers, and even modified one of them for his own use. I think he He is a rare mechanical talent." Love reading

"What kind of talent? This is obviously a genius!" Arcturus snapped closed the information board in his hand: "Where is he now? You should bring this gentleman directly."

"Uh..." the operations captain said awkwardly: "I have actually brought him..."

"Already brought?" Arcturus was stunned for a moment, and then as if he thought of something, he stood up and walked around the desk to look at the operations captain.

"Hey, Captain, since this is the first time we've met, and you just praised Old Siwang as a genius, I don't blame you for looking down," said Rory Torbjörn Siwang, who was less than the captain's waist. Treading his beard: "I heard that you are going to make trouble for the Mobius Foundation? Then you must count me in."

At this time, Siwang had already changed out of the miner's attire, but probably because he was used to it, he still chose an outfit similar to overalls from the uniform of the Hyperion. He wore orange goggles on his head and carried a bag in his left hand. holding a tool box and a mechanical power hammer in his right hand.

If Siwang had a normal figure, he would look like a mechanic, but his hands and feet are short, his torso is like an oil drum, and his big head has a shaggy beard. How do you look at it? , a dwarf mechanic.

"...Of course it's no problem." Arcturus took two steps back and tried to look straight. When he found that it didn't work, he simply pulled the office chair over and sat down, then bent down slightly: "I don't think they will clone someone like you... Someone with personality, could you please tell me how you fell into their hands?"

"Ha, it's nothing special. I used to work as a mechanic in the Emmada Star Territory. I was the kind who could repair everything. Once I was hired to repair a cargo ship. I just took a look because there was movement in the warehouse. Who I thought it was all densely packed with clones, and then I was caught here by those damn gangs." Siwang blew his beard again: "I thought I would be locked up for spying on military secrets, but I ended up being treated as a miner. It’s a waste of money to summon people!”

Can that word be used as a boast?

"If it is really a troop transport, you will have nothing to do." Arcturus gave up his intention to correct Swann's grammar and shook his head: "Now only the territories controlled by the Tyranid Federation will openly treat clones harshly. They don't care about being People discovered that cargo ships were used to transport troops.”

"The last thing those bastards at the Mobius Foundation should not do is let old Siwang get the hammer!" Siwang patted his chest very proudly: "The second thing they shouldn't do is use an automatic The turrets serve as guards!”

"Yes, boss," the operations captain added: "Mr. Siwang shined brightly during our raid on the enemy headquarters. We were the first to complete the mission, and he deserves a lot of credit."

Showing off... Arcturus imagined a group of Korhal soldiers charging into battle under the leadership of a short old man, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"So, the Terran Federation and the Mobius Foundation, the owner of this mine, are all my enemies!" Siwang glared and said, "Give me a mechanical workshop, you will not regret it."

"Of course, we are very short of professional talents now. The third level of the mechanical deck is yours." Arcturus stood up, bent down and shook hands with Siwang: "Welcome to the 'Children of Korhal', Siwang gentlemen."


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