The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and eighty-four, Heart of the Swarm (4)


Armadar Star Territory, Hyperion.

"I'm not a dwarf! I'm a Swede! Where is Sweden? How do I know!"

"It can be built! It can also be broken!"

"Man, you have some nice armor, let me see it."

"Molten Core! Where did you get it?"

When Arcturus was sitting in Emil's special care room as usual, there was no longer silence outside. Siwang could always find something of interest on the ship and yell about it, just like a Old naughty boy.

"Although it's a bit noisy, if you are awake, with your personality, you will definitely become friends with Siwang." Arcturus said to Emil who was in a sleeping state.

"After he got on the ship, there was a lot of excitement on Huberian. The Korhal soldiers who were originally influenced by me and had serious faces began to smile. Hey... I don't have to be serious, but if you don't wake up all day, I couldn’t be happy, even when I returned to Keha, my father and mother just forced a smile.”

Although it is a bit stupid to talk to a "vegetative person", Arcturus does not intend to change his approach. It is a "psionic power" that no one can understand its principle until now. His sister has a psionic power of level 10 or even higher. The user, judging from the fact that only the ship she is on can pass through the "planetary shield", it is absolutely correct to say that she has always had self-awareness.

The "War Porcupine" was renamed the "Children of Korhal" as she proposed, and the logo was changed to the "Golden Horse" she gave her. If not for the fact that Emile might lose his temper after waking up, Arcturus was even prepared to Think of your sister's photo as the exterior paint of the Hyperion.

"After this short old man showed his superb mechanical repair and modification skills, I gave him permission to pass freely on the entire battleship, and he did strengthen and modify many parts of the ship, and the effect was very good. , to be honest, it is obviously Pioneer Ute's ship technology, how did he dare to modify it the first time he came into contact?" Arcturus continued to tell his sister.

"The only problem is that he provides many of the things needed to modify the ships and vehicles, which cannot be obtained in the original way of the 'Children of Korhal'. After all, we only have one ship that can enter and exit Korhal. In Before it can be self-sufficient, we must bring back enough supplies for civil, agricultural and basic industries. On the contrary, in terms of high technology, there are relics of the Ute pioneers, so there is no need to worry too much."

No need to worry, but you can't help but worry. Why was Ute, who seems so powerful now, defeated by humans in the first place? Could it be that the Tyrannic Federation has some other means to suppress the situation?

This kind of speculation made Arcturus dare not slack off at all, but there was no need to tell it to his sleeping sister. He paused and continued:

"For example, Siwang created two automatic defense artillery pieces, the [Doom Turret] and the [Destruction Turret] after analyzing the defensive buildings in the Moria mines. The former can carry out large-scale attacks like fire bats. The latter can slow down the target like a marauder..." Arcturus paused: "I think you don't know what fire bats and marauders are. They are two members of my mercenary group. Infantry units, simply distinguished by their appearance, are the red fat man and the black fat man."

If Emil was awake, he would definitely complain about this sentence, but he couldn’t imagine where the point of entry would be.

Arcturus paused for a moment before continuing:

"After evaluation, these two turrets are excellent supplements to our firepower, but the former requires high-energy gas and the latter requires explosive particles. Although the former is rare, it is still available on the market, while the latter is strictly controlled. Military supplies and related uses are basically certain. As long as the 'Children of Korhal' have any intention of acquiring them, those mad dogs chasing us in the Tyranid Federation will immediately turn around and rush to bite them - sorry, I insulted the dog."

"To make them, we can only maintain the current mode of operation,

We must not let the Tyranid Federation know that we have the intention to develop new weapons by inadvertently grabbing some "advantage". Otherwise, we will not just issue a wanted notice casually, and it will be extremely difficult to sneak back to Korhal quietly. "

Arcturus opened the information board in his hand and showed Emil the blueprint of a giant machine, regardless of whether she could see it or not:

"The most exaggerated thing is this giant laser cannon that is only on the blueprint. Swann named it 'Drakken Laser Drill'. It seems to be inspired by the mining machine on the mine. It also has Super firepower, super long range, super high shield, automatic target tracking and self-healing function, it can destroy a battlecruiser in just ten seconds. It has no shortcomings except that it cannot move after being built due to its large size. .”

"However, in addition to using a huge amount of metal resources, this 'drilling rig' actually also uses ** metal and terrazine - something that even the Tyrannic Federation's military would not dare to use at will. The ones that produce it The information on the mineral planet is even more confidential, and there is no place for us to rob it. We can only say that Siwang is truly a mechanical engineer who only focuses on design, regardless of the difficulty of obtaining materials."

Arcturus lowered his head and glanced at the blueprint with nostalgia before closing the information board.

"Sir," at this moment, the adjutant's voice came from the door: "Mr. Swann found a secret mine that produced terazine from the production records of Cole Mining Group, and suggested that we remove it."

"Is the news accurate? Which galaxy?" Arcturus instantly switched from "brother mode" to "legion commander mode".

As a down-to-earth mechanic, Siwang can also decipher the internal information of a computer? Then he is too versatile.

If nothing unexpected happens, this kind of information should be a decoy left by the Terran Federation or the Mobius Foundation in every base that may be attacked. It is just a casual move, and the "children of Korhal" ignore it. Forget it, if they dare to try their luck, then there will definitely be a dragnet waiting for them.

"Well, in the Amarr star field, the planet 'Mar Sara' in the Sara galaxy, at least Mr. Swann claims that he can't be mistaken."

If I remember correctly, that was the hinterland of the Tyranid Empire. If the "Children of Korhal" planned to take action, it would be extremely difficult to infiltrate and escape. However, once their actions were exposed, it would be easy for the Tyranid Federation to capture them.

"This matter is not urgent," Arcturus decided: "We have to go back to Korhal first, place these clone workers, and send a few clever brothers to the target system to investigate for the time being."

"As you command, sir."

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