The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety, Heart of the Swarm (10)


Mar Sara, Blackwater Outpost.

"Hey, cowboy, I think your order just now is really wise." Tychus shouted in the communication channel while firing randomly.

"I took it as a compliment." Reno responded while beckoning the rangers beside him to fire.

boom! boom! Da da da! Wow!

Following a burst of fire, fifty or sixty "mutated humans" in front of Renault fell down one after another, and were quickly absorbed by the "mud" on the ground.

Moments ago, the Rangers were clearing away bugs and "sludge" and approached an infected supply depot. Raynor stopped Jimmy's plan to enter and explore, and ordered all units to fire directly from the outside to blow it up.

As a result, when the supply station exploded, a large number of "human beings" with horrific shapes and twisted bodies spewed out like a volcanic eruption, which dealt a serious blow to the morale of the Rangers.

This proves that if the Rangers were unprotected and came into contact with sludge or something similar, they would end up like them.

The next moment the supply depot exploded, as if being stimulated by some kind of stimulus, such "infected humans" began to appear in various "corroded buildings", and in conjunction with the already numerous bugs, they attacked Reno's rangers. Conduct a siege.

"Then, are those people workers at the Blackwater Mine?" Jimmy didn't seem to understand what Tychus said, and his voice sounded a little shaky on the channel.

"It looks like that," Renault briefly distinguished the appearance of those "corrupting humans". Yi Shui has a strong physique and a resolute appearance. With this completely identical appearance, no matter how you look at it, they are all clones: "It seems that the Federation They did intend to develop this place into a secret base to attack us, but they never expected to encounter these bugs. They even controlled their clone production line, corroding while manufacturing. With the current tactics of these bugs, it seems that they don’t need them. reason."

"Isn't that going to be some weird B-level movie? Space Marines vs. Zombies? Hahaha!" Tychus was still at the forefront, and he didn't forget to chatter in the channel when he launched the attack.

Renault originally planned to laugh at Tychus's taste, but after hearing the keyword "zombie", his expression suddenly turned serious.

"We must eliminate these bugs here," he said: "These corrupted clones are only a small problem. Their reproduction method of absorbing 'biomass' to hatch individuals is the key. Once spread, the number will increase Multiplying it geometrically.”

"I agree with this point of view," Kerrigan, who was picking off the bugs with long-range abilities one by one, answered in the channel: "But do you still have enough strength? Cowboy?"

Renault was silent for a moment.

Facing this kind of enemy he had never seen before, and without Angela and her medical team, even if he initially judged their attack methods and damage, he did not dare to do what he did when facing enemies with standard weapons. Come play extreme pulling.

The result is that on his commander's panel, the icons of all the participating rangers are dazzling red, which can be said to be dead at a touch, so now he can only use hit-and-run kiting tactics, and Kerrigan Obviously this is the reason why I asked this question.

"Judging from the current situation, it should be no problem to eliminate the surface units of these bugs," Renault quickly determined the tactics: "After clearing the infection and silt on the surface, I will find a way to blow up the entrance of the mine. When no life can be obtained, Substances, if only terrazine is present, it should be difficult for them to proliferate,

After that, mobilize all the forces in the galaxy to solve this matter. "

"Sounds good, I hope it can be executed smoothly." Kerrigan agreed, and then shot and killed a long-range bug that had just jumped out of the hatching cocoon. This seahorse-like long-range bug did not spit acid with a poisonous sac. Instead, it uses high-pressure glands to shoot bone spurs outward, which is simply a subversion of the theory of evolution.

"Assemble all units -" Renault directly began to issue the order, "shrink the front line, ignore the scattered bugs, concentrate firepower to attack and destroy the 'corrupted command center', the clone production line should be inside."

"What? I'm having a great time - Hey! Don't block the road!" The communication from Tychus also carried bursts of gunshots: "[Die! Die! Die! (!)]"

It can be seen from the battlefield panel that Tychus, who charges when nothing happens, is surrounded by a group of small bugs and infected people as always. He spins like a top and shoots wildly in all directions.

The death speed of those alien bugs is as alarming as the damage speed of Tychus' armor. However, because Tychus' armor has specially strengthened the protection ability and repair mode, the color of the outline looks like a neon light in the red and yellow to Renault. , flashing wildly between green.


After Tychus cleared away the bugs around him, before he could boast, a bone spur ripped off his left arm's shoulder armor.

Strictly speaking, this attack was aimed at Tychus's head, but he dodged it with his wild intuition.

"Shet!" Tychus cursed loudly, turned around and ran in the direction of Renault. His shoulders were exposed to the air with the risk of infection. Secondly, the bursting of the shoulder armor meant that the automatic repair mode had been overloaded. He was temporarily unavailable. A way to fight your way in and out of the enemy formation.

Whispering rustling——

As if some kind of plan was triggered by Tychus's escape, a dozen long-range upright bugs emerged neatly from the mud a little distance behind him. Each of them raised their necks, aiming at Tychus's bone spurs to gain momentum. Ready to go.

In this flash of lightning, Renault could also tell that one of the bugs was not prepared to be provoked. It was obviously that it could not hold back and launched a sneak attack directly on Tychus.

This discovery made Renault's hanging heart relax a little: being able to lose control proved that these bugs did not have a strong commander, and the threat level dropped by more than two levels.

collapse! Bang bang bang!

The long-range bugs fired bone spurs at Tychus's fleeing back almost simultaneously, and even if he sensed it, he couldn't dodge it without seeing the trajectory of the attack.

At this moment, it was too late for Renault to directly raise his gun to give orders to other rangers.

Of course, people have no time to react, nor can they predict the flight trajectory of those bone spurs, let alone make a plan to shoot down those bone spurs based on the speed of their own bullets.

But computers can.

"[I've got you in my sights]," he said.

Da da da da da——

Renault's finger on the trigger did not stop at all, and his muzzle made subtle and precise movements according to the trajectory calculated by the commander's system.

In the air behind Tychus, who was running wildly, violent sparks and the harsh sounds of bone spurs being hit came one after another.

In the end, although some of the bone spurs were not stopped, they all passed by Tychus' huge and obvious power armor.

"Hey, what are you shooting for? Cowboy?" Tychus patted Reno on the shoulder carelessly.

"Act as planned," Renault ordered the other rangers while enduring the stinging pain in his head, and then glanced at Tychus: "Mosquitoes."

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