The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-one, the fourth natural disaster (41)

In the subspace, or imaginary space, Therazoido transformed into a mechanical monster that looked like a squid and an octopus, and kept flying with Malefia above her head.

‘Why did you turn into Ute’s space battleship form? Misunderstandings will occur when they meet in the future. ’

[Because this posture is the fastest to enter the imaginary number submersible. Do you really want to be swallowed by Zulwin before leaving? 】

‘That guy’s body seems to be a stone, so there shouldn’t be any problem getting in...? ’

[Didn’t you also think of this? Since that guy dares to swallow, he naturally has the ability to 'digest'. You must see how it digests. I can bring up the image. 】

'……no. ’

Although Irisson was successfully saved, they have evolved into an existence that is close to the doomsday elements. The group consciousness is still a fool with an IQ that is not online. I highly doubt their future development path.

[As long as you encounter the doomsday element before encountering other civilizations, it should be considered a good knife. 】

‘That makes sense. ’

[Well, by the way, you can't achieve the achievement this time. All the achievements in the space stage do not include how long you can sail in subspace or how far you jump. 】

‘Can’t you go out halfway? ’

[According to the rules of imaginary number diving, the position of 'floating' must have something closely related to Malefia or Thela Soido. If you insist on letting her 'float' halfway, it is not impossible, but it must It will have a serious impact on both the real universe and the imaginary space at that location. 】

‘Warp storm? ’

【I understand very well. 】

Subspace in the conventional sense refers to travelers who use "wormholes", "jumps", "warp navigation", "hyperplane navigation", "mass effect channels", etc., which appear to the outside world to be "teleportation" The means of travel refers to the space where the traveler is located during the time period from disappearance to appearance.

This space itself does not exist for real space, but it does exist conceptually, just like the imaginary number "i" whose square is equal to negative one, so it is also called "imaginary number space".

‘Hmm… In other words, I remember that the ‘Four Warhammer Peddlers’ are in the subspace? I have not yet settled the accounts with them for causing trouble to Green Light during the civilization stage. ’

[Don't think about it, you can't find it. They have no entity, and their form of existence is closer to 'group consciousness'. As long as there are creatures aware of their existence, or even just acting in a similar style, they will not disappear, and because of your personality For this reason, there is no way to examine the fragile spirit and consciousness of indigenous creatures. 】

‘Hmm… So, each individual sees different things in the subspace? Then whose perspective is the gray-black [chaos] I see now? ’

[Of course it belongs to Malefia. If it were from Therazoido's perspective, you should see a large number of blocks stacked on top of each other. 】

'I thought it was going to be a lot of green 0s and 1s? ’

[That’s Warner Bros.’s bias. Not to mention us, anyone who knows a little bit about programming or modeling knows that’s not the case. 】


After chatting with the stupid system for a while, Malefia and Thela Soido had ended their "imaginary number dive" and floated up to the real space.

A dazzling white light suddenly appeared around Thela Soido, and two achievements appeared at the same time.

[Achievement: Reaching the center of the universe: 11.

】Little bookstore

[New achievement: Found Earth: 01. 】

Let’s talk about whether the center of the universe is not the center… was the earth born so early?


‘This place… the stars are a bit dense. ’

[After all, it’s the heart of the galaxy. 】

‘But why did Therasido’s jump distance shorten instead? ’

[After all, it’s the heart of the galaxy. 】

‘Have you changed your job to a repeater? ’

[Because the warp engine itself borrows the gravity of stars as its power, too dense a distribution of stars will shorten the distance of each jump. 】

The location where Therazoido floats is a large, nearly perfect circle of dense star clusters. It once flew over the distance of five or six galaxies, but here it can even jump over hundreds of galaxies - if the distance of the leap has not been seriously reduced. .

However, the shrinking distance of the leap has little impact on finding the target. Because there is a "connection", the location where Therazoido "floated" must be very close to the home planet of Cyberlux, and the target was found after a short search.

It was a weird galaxy with a star named "Central Processing Unit". It had three planets, named "Alpha Refuge", "Beta Refuge" and "Gamma Refuge". ".

The surfaces of these planets have been completely covered by mechanical creations with various functions. There are no signs of natural scenery or biological existence at all, and their attributes are not the "Gaia planet" they have always been, but "Gaia planet". Mechanical Planet”.

On the outer periphery of these three mechanical planets, there is another planet called "Delta Refuge". Although its properties are the same as those of other mechanical planets, its appearance is like a smashed watermelon, so miserable. Miserably staying on their original orbit, perhaps an interstellar war broke out between these mechanical planets a long time ago?

If this race has been completely mechanized, then they must not have an "Alaya" as a spokesperson.

When Therazoido entered Alpha Sanctuary's satellite orbit, her sister's comments about them came as promised:

[Tip: The current civilization level of ‘Cyberlux’ is: space stage. 】

[Tip: The current mainstream ideological trends of ‘Cyberlux’ are: equality, materialism, and pro-foreignness. 】

[Tip: The current population characteristics of ‘Cyberlux’ are: out-of-control servitors, mass production, and construction machinery. 】

[Tip: The current political system of ‘Cyberlux’ is: Gestalt consciousness. 】

Well...compared to Irisen, who is still a living thing, this one is completely mechanical, and the characteristics of the population are completely different.

for example:

[Out-of-control servitors: These machines created to serve their masters have lost their target. They will blindly execute the last instruction they receive until the instruction cannot be completed or the energy is exhausted. 】

[Mass production: Modularity and standardization make these machines easy to produce and modify, but it also means that it will be difficult to distinguish between them. 】

[Construction machinery: Due to the tendency of functional design, these machines have strong construction capabilities. They can build and produce faster than ordinary machines, and are capable of most non-combat positions. However, if they are forced to fight, their The combat effectiveness will be weaker than that of a machine with no functional tendency. 】

Hey...this seems to be a very useful group of workers.

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