The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-two, the fourth natural disaster (42)

[Cyberkles is a race that looks similar to sloths, but this race name is now used to refer to the intelligent machines all over its home planet. According to analysis, because the race’s home planet is located in the center of the galaxy, daily actions are very laborious. , so they invented intelligent machines that did things for themselves, and everything was done by the intelligent machines. In the end, they didn't even want to do "command the intelligent machines to do things for them", and chose to upload their personal consciousness to the Internet. Later, due to Intelligent machines are incapable of creativity, and civilization stagnates. 】

Great, another civilization waiting to be "rekindled".

After preliminary scanning of several planets, Therazoido remained invisible and broke into the atmosphere of "Alpha Sanctuary" to try to observe intelligent machines at close range.

The appearance of these "Cyberlux" can be described in simple and easy-to-understand terms as "Transformers with insufficient funds."

They are giant machines that are roughly human-shaped. Except for the head, both the body and the arms are only framed without a shell. You can clearly see the very rough mechanical structure inside, as well as a strip of electric sparks that are constantly flashing. Cable.

They all move on the mechanical planet according to a certain predetermined route of action, and they look very orderly. Occasionally, if one or two malfunction and fall down, other machines to deal with this situation will immediately come forward to deal with it.

Although it is a bit strange to say that the mechanical action is too mechanical, these planets and even the entire galaxy give people the feeling of "this is a precision machine", completely lifeless.

[There are no animals or plants, so it would be strange to be alive. 】

‘Speaking of which, since Cyberlux is a strange civilization that uploads all of its consciousness to the Internet, what about their original bodies? ’

【it's here. 】

Thela Soido turned around, dived and plunged into a "mechanical rift".

No, that's not the Great Rift Valley.

As Therazoido's height decreases, the original "surface" and "rift valley" reveal their original appearance: "dense buildings like a honeycomb" and "gaps between buildings".

Therefore, the "surface" of "Alpha Sanctuary" is actually the "roof" of countless buildings. In other words, there is no so-called "natural landscape" in this galaxy. If you think about it carefully, the machinery itself is not used at all. Protect the environment, that’s why we transform the entire planet, there’s nothing wrong with it.

After entering the "Great Rift Valley", you can see more clearly what the buildings built by Cyberlux are used for: the buildings at the bottom are used for mining, the buildings in the middle are used for smelting and manufacturing, and the top... are the previous generation." "Cyberlux" dormant chamber.

[After their owners gave up their bodies and 'uploaded' their consciousness, these machines built dormant chambers to preserve those vegetative bodies in case anyone felt that it was not good to exist as a conscious body and then 'downloaded' them again. 】

'Let me guess, no one came back at all in the end? ’

[There are still some people who decide to return to their own bodies, and there are also a group of people who continue to 'upload' and 'download', playing it as a game. However, judging from the final result of the Cyberlux group, in the end Everyone has given up on everything in reality. 】

‘These players must have something in common with those guys in Wataum who doubt that the world is a game. ’

While complaining, I briefly observed the image of the previous generation "Cyberlux" in the dormant warehouse.

Slender and soft limbs, black and white body hair,

The long neck and head, and the funny face with black eyes on a white background... it's definitely a sloth.

Such a weak race has created such an intelligent machine with a rough industrial feel. It must be out of longing. beans

[Longing is the emotion furthest from understanding. 】

‘Isn’t it a good idea to put this sentence here? ’

[I can’t extricate myself from being stuck in a mirror, should there be nothing wrong with me? 】

‘No matter how you think about it, this is an infinite Tsukuyomi. ’

While playing tricks on the stupid system, Thela Soido had already carried Malefia a considerable distance under the "surface".

It can be inferred from the image of the city that after these "original Cyberlux" uploaded their consciousness, their omnic servants continued to mine minerals, transform the planet, produce materials, and maintain the bodies left by their "masters" The dormant compartment is uninterruptedly powered.

However, without specific planning and contingency measures, and without knowing how to adapt, these omnics eventually hollowed out the minerals on the entire planet and converted all the places that could be renovated into machines. At the same time, in order to use the space more efficiently, they repaired the buildings. The "honeycomb" eventually formed the strange cosmic wonder of the "mechanical planet".

It is said to be weird because this kind of planet is not suitable for the life of any other group except mechanical civilization. If they establish diplomatic relations with other types of civilization in the future, the other party will not be able to even build an embassy.

What's even more bizarre is that they have developed aerospace technology. When they successfully arrived and started to develop a new planet, they completely copied the construction and development model of their home planet and created three identical mechanical planets, truly awakening their own intelligence. There's no way a machine could do something so stupid.

However, their development has come to an end. Even if all the technology and even science fiction of the "original Cyberlux" is drained, there will still be no clue of inter-galactic navigation technology, and machines cannot invent and create, and in the end they can only maintain the status quo. .

[Hehehehe, guess, if the invisibility is lifted, what will be the attitude of these machines towards Malefia? Warm hospitality, or locked up for study? 】

‘Is there a difference? ’

[...Really not. For "Cyberlux" whose technology has reached its ceiling, providing living materials, decorations and general equivalents of previous civilizations in exchange for the possibility of continued development is probably not even considered. 】

‘So, if I provide them with the technology to move between galaxies, this mechanical civilization will regain its vitality and head directly to new galaxies. ’

【That's right. 】

‘Then the consciousness uploaded by the sloth will be thrown into the recycle bin and deleted as garbage. ’

【That's right... Huh? 】

'I don't know if these sloths left any 'Three Laws' or other clauses to protect themselves when they created intelligent machines, but if they are ignored and only provide development opportunities for machines, sooner or later they will be overtaken by intelligent machines as they only have consciousness. give up. ’

[But how do you give the ethnic group that is already data a chance to develop? They themselves are preserved mechanically, whether it is consciousness or body. 】

'Of course there is precedent for this kind of thing. ’

[What precedent? 】

‘Neo, the savior. ’

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