The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-three, the fourth natural disaster (43)

Before preparing to "awaken" the original Cyberlux, there is one more thing to do, which is to determine whether the machines outside are their creations or new races, because there will not be two main groups on a planet. If these intelligent machines have already If they become a new race that I can't understand, then they have to be placed somewhere else, just like the two Bao.

[It’s okay if you want to save plant civilization, but also the machinery this time? Strictly speaking, they are under my control, right? 】

‘Are you in charge this time? ’

【But, I refuse. 】

‘Hmph… So, give me a reminder, sister? What is the specific situation of these two Cyberluxes now? ’

The prompting sister did not answer directly. After a short pause, a series of messages with almost the same format as the previous civilization attributes were displayed.

[Tip: ‘Cyberlux-1’ is an affiliated group of ‘Cyberlux’. Its mind exists in the form of data, while its body is in a dormant state. 】

[Tip: The current civilization level of ‘Cyberlux-1’ is: space stage. 】

[Tip: The current mainstream trends of thought in ‘Cyberlux-1’ are: authoritarianism, war, and idealism. 】

[Tip: The current population characteristics of ‘Cyberlux-1’ are: spoiled, lazy, and spendthrift. 】

[Tip: The current political system of ‘Cyberlux-1’ is: Organic Souvenir. 】

...What kind of strange property is this?

After prompting my sister to pause for a moment, she added an explanation:

‘A bunch of troll netizens? ’

[To be precise, pigeons, pigeons and bald men. 】

‘...It seems to be right. ’

Regardless of the evaluation of the stupid system, although they are two dimensions lower, these "Cyberlux" are the same type of digital beings as me.

Based on the currently observed behavior patterns, as well as the names of "Runaway Servitor" and "Organic Souvenir", the two "Cyberlux" should be an alternative symbiotic relationship in which both will suffer and both will prosper. If one of the ethnic groups is left alone Development will only lead to the destruction of both parties, so simply launching a "savior" will not work. A way to get the best of both worlds must be found.

[Would you like to look for the Holy Virgin among them? 】

'Maybe the Holy Mother, but I guess there will definitely be a Mary Sue. ’

Before I could think of any specific countermeasures, Thela Soido had already carried Malefia to the core of the mechanical planet: a planetary host.

No, it's not "one", it's an array composed of countless "servers" that look like upright blades, with countless blinking lights on them and intricate cables connecting them to each other.

The name of this "array" is "Planet Host Alpha". As the name suggests, it is the hardware that controls the main program of all intelligent machinery on the "Alpha Sanctuary" planet.

Theoretically, a computer program that doesn't know how to adapt can make the planetary hosts on "Beta" and "Gamma" exactly the same, but only "Alpha" stores the data of their creators.

Therefore, if some kind of "mechanical Alaya" is to be born, only it has a chance, and you should try to get in touch with it.


"[Welcome: This is GROX.]"

While Therazoido was trying to establish contact with the planet's host,

A greeting panel appeared directly in front of Malefia.

Is there something wrong with its way of greeting?


[Wait, let me go! 】The stupid system suddenly interrupted.

'Um? ’

[The changes in your speaking speed and tone when you speak can be easily analyzed by this machine and reveal a lot of information unintentionally, but I am different. 】

‘Yes, no matter how I analyze you, I can only come to the conclusion that you are stupid. ’

【I'm not stupid! 】

‘Hmm, let me try it for you. ’

Although I don't think those machines can analyze my information across two dimensions, but since the stupid system is so active, let's let it negotiate.

Malefia raised her hand and pressed the panel, and the stupid system directly started to reply through the panel.

[Please explain ‘GROX’]

"[Explanation: A paradise that welcomes all comers (du)]"

Although the syntax and morphology are a bit strange, this is not the time to pursue this.

[Are these machines the masters of the planet? 】

"[Negative: We are just the master's servants.]"

[Then where is your master? 】

"[Alert: No comment.]"

This... others just "write their expressions on their faces", but these machines "say" their expressions directly. Do you think you are Miss Misaka?

[I am a ‘ghost’ from the ‘Galactic Alliance’, responsible for examining whether the civilization that has just entered space is eligible to join the alliance. If you cannot make the decision, please ask your master to negotiate. 】

The name of the Galactic Alliance is really useful.

Although most people wouldn't believe it if it's empty talk, the opposite side is a planetary host that can monitor the entire "Alpha Sanctuary". At this time, someone is quietly communicating with it, and it can't be traced back, even with the simplest logic. Modular thinking also knows that the other party's technology is more than a little higher than its own.

"[Anxiety: The owner is temporarily unable to negotiate, please inform us of the specific inspection items.]"

Sure enough, Alpha's host believed what the stupid system said.

[The main items are: civilization level, population characteristics, mainstream ideological trends, and current political system. If you can answer these questions, the civilization inspection can be conducted in absentia, but in the end whether you pass or not still requires your master to select a civilization that represents the same 'Galactic Alliance' Interview with admission examiners. 】

Tsk tsk, the stupid system’s instant response speed gives people the impression that “this is a fixed process” and “the executor is familiar with it”. No matter how the machine brain on the other side analyzes it, it can’t figure out that it is actually talking nonsense.

"[Helpless: We will try to contact the owner, please wait for a while.]"

The next moment, the planetary host in front of him suddenly roared, various indicator lights flashed crazily, and some originally quiet hardware began to make startup sounds.

[These machines may be preparing to awaken some relatively high-status 'Cyberlux-1' to cope with this 'inspection'. ] The stupid system stopped communicating with the other party and sounded quite proud.

The other party was fooled into lameness.

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