The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-four, the fourth natural disaster (44)

"[Feedback: The owner refuses to communicate.]"

After a while, the planet host Alpha slowly typed this line on the communication interface, and the confusion and loss contained in it was about to overflow.

[Does your civilization refuse to join the Galaxy Alliance? 】The stupid system still responds in seconds.

"[Negative: We are sure that the owner is willing to join, but the owner has not responded to our contact.]"

[Your master is not on this planet? 】Stupid system pretending to be stupid.

"[Negative: They did not leave this planet.]"

[My scanning system did not detect any brainwave activity on this planet. Is your master just as mechanical as you? 】

"[Negative: They are organic creatures.]"

This host can actually be tricked by a stupid system, and its IQ is basically that.

[This is actually a game,] Stupid System said to me alone: ​​[The other party should have basically deduced Malefia's information, such as being on this planet, being an organism, having brain waves when active, etc. 】

‘Stop teasing it, just ask to connect to their network and try. ’

[It’s still too direct, so I’ll take another two rounds of detours. ] After the stupid system finished speaking, he typed on the panel again: [We detected that you have preserved the bodies of many organic creatures. Is that your master? In hibernation? 】

"[Affirmative: Negative: The master is not in a dormant state.]" There seems to be a problem with the logic of the planet host, and the language is a bit confusing.

[Then they are existing in the form of data. Regarding digital life, the Galaxy Alliance has already recorded it. ] The stupid system continues to talk nonsense.

Hmm...wait a minute, if you include me, that's not nonsense.

[In this case, the planetary master who still exists on the home planet of the civilization will be reviewed on his behalf. 】

"[Negative: GROX cannot accept inspections and make decisions on behalf of the master,]" the planet host responded quickly: "[You can directly enter the data space to communicate with the master.]"

[Then, please open your data interface. ] The stupid system went around in a big circle and finally revealed its original purpose.

"[Confirmation: The data interface has been opened.",

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