The Collection of The End

One thousand two hundred and ninety-five, the fourth natural disaster (45)

I carefully studied the structure of the "World Tree".

It is rooted in the dark earth represented by the hardware provided by "grox". Countless green light points converge from all directions, and finally turn into a beam of light rising into the sky.

Those light points went straight up and down in the light column, and collided with each other from time to time. The aftermath of the collision overflowed from the side of the light column and turned into twigs and twigs.

The data points in these "twigs" are much rarer than the "trunks", but are relatively more similar. They interact with each other, causing "leaves" to grow on the twigs that allow light points with similar shapes to communicate.

After that, the light spots on these "leaves" began to gather after enough communication time, and a "fruit" with a strange shape but in which the green light spots were extremely active was formed under the "leaf".

Eventually, when the green light spots in these "fruits" are no longer active, they will fall from the trees and disappear into the dark earth.

The darkness in this space other than the "World Tree" obviously symbolizes grox, who is carrying the burden for these irresponsible masters in reality.

As for the most popular game among Cyberlux players on this tree right now...

Out of curiosity, I read a little about some of the contents of the "fruits" created by Cyberlux.

The the sports category.

I don’t know if it’s because sloths themselves don’t exercise much, or because they are now data creatures and can’t move. Sports games like fitness and skills are very popular. This shows that the green light spots in the relevant “fruits” are very active. , the newly born fruits are mostly of the same type.

Next is the racing category, which includes various vehicles on land, sea and air.

Then there is the historical category, where you play different arms from the tribal stage to the civilization stage and fight on their respective historical battlefields.

It's a very classic "gun, car, ball".

"[Urge: The interactive interface has been opened, you can choose any method to communicate with the owner.]" Grox said.

"Selecting target and contact method, wait a moment." I said casually.

It's easy to communicate with those sloths, but I don't really want to conduct assessments for the "Galactic Alliance". I have to find a way to allow this deformed civilization to continue to develop.

If you choose a game to play, the range of influence it can have is limited. It is better to make a new one yourself, but this old-fashioned game of gun, cart and ball seems to be difficult to innovate.

[Hmm...Have you noticed that there is no 'different world' content in their works? 】Silly System said.

'It's not surprising. Since they have uploaded their thoughts to the Internet, they are no longer creative. The so-called 'different world' is based on reality. They have long given up on [reality]. In this case, there is no soil of birth. ’

[So, we can develop a game about a ‘different world’ to make those sloths wary of grox. 】

‘The game is simple, but how do you achieve the purpose you mentioned? ’

[Didn’t you think of this? 】

‘Sword Art Online (sword art online)? But the content needs to be changed, right? ’

[Then let’s go to World of Warcraft. 】


The synopsis of the story of Sword Art Online, to put it simply, is the story of a big demon who traps gamers in a holographic game, and death in the game will lead to death in reality.

No matter how handsome the protagonist is and seduces girls, this kind of horror of life and death being controlled by a machine is still impressive, and the following movies are not that interesting.

As long as you build a similar game, pretend to cause glitches, and guide them to try to break away from grox's control, there shouldn't be a big problem. Moreover, these sloths are digital beings, and the boundary between "game" and "reality" is not very clear. Qing, so this move will probably be more effective than anyone else.

"I want to build an assessment place by myself," the plan was decided, and I started to fool grox: "You can check at any time.

If you think it will endanger your master's life, you can modify it, but once the assessment site is built, you have to cooperate and cut off contact with them when they 'die'. "

"[Doubt: You don't need our help?]"

"The data structure of this network is so primitive that it can be mobilized without any hindrance."

[Obviously it’s permission suppression...]

‘Cut the nonsense and get to work. ’

Because we are in the data space, there is no work such as programming, modeling, and art. All we have to do is guide this "World Tree" to bear new fruits. In the eyes of the sloths, this is just a production method. It's just a mysterious game.

As I waved the magic wand in my hand, leaves and fruits gradually formed on a relatively bare branch of the World Tree.

This branch is the branch of "surreal and future fantasy", but as I said before, there is no possibility of development due to the environment. It is in a state of half-death, which is perfect for making a blockbuster game.

"[Exclamation: Is this a Galaxy Alliance game? It is indeed very special.]" Grox sighed there.

I don’t think there’s anything special about Western fantasy, I can only attribute it to sloths who are too lazy to develop new types even in data form.

While making the game, he explained to grox how to conduct the "assessment".

"I'm not really going to 'kill' the players," I told grox. "It's just to achieve the purpose of assessment by warning them that there is a problem with the current environment. If none of them try to escape your control, then you will Replace your master and join the Galactic Alliance."

"[Confidence: The master will definitely leave!]"

I think this guy is more stupid than the stupid system.

【of course! 】

‘I didn’t praise you! ’

The monsters are okay, but the optional characters are a bit problematic. After all, in Western Fantasy, humans, elves, and dwarves are basically standard, plus undead, greenskins, and tauren to deal with guys with heavy tastes, but now "Cyberlux" must be added -1”, which is the sloth.

If you leave out the sloth and don't give it a choice, it's equivalent to a game released in reality. The available characters are all weird aliens and there are no humans at all. Who will play it?

[Alien vs. Predator? 】

‘If you say that, forget about Ultraman. ’

If sloths were allowed to could a race that climbs trees all day take the initiative to take risks?

However, after all, it is a race that has gone through the tribal and civilized stages, so its action pattern shouldn’t be too similar to that of a real sloth?

[In this case, why not do a closed beta test first? Invite only a small group of people and get feedback? ] Stupid system suggestion: [After all, it takes no effort for us to change the game, and we can also get the evaluation of "humility" and "high technical ability". 】

‘Oh, indeed, [Blocker] is also necessary, otherwise there will be no one responsible for breaking through the game. ’

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