The Collection of The End

Chapter 130 Three Souls

My name is Alaya,

This is the third phase of the Einzbern Counseling Room.

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【Shineihai, the Observatory】

【I tell you from the end of Paradise, may your story be full of blessings】

[Only those who are pure and flawless can pass——]

The British sky is a crisp blue, and the surrounding land is a lush green.

Sitting on the driver's seat of the carriage, the burly young man with a spear and shield within reach was his foster brother Kai.

And the handsome man in front of him who is holding a strange staff, wearing a pure white hood, has short silver hair, and is chanting strange spells with a bright smile is——

"Fufu, beat him." Saber Lily, who had just retired from the Holy Grail War, or Artoria Pendragon, who was training as a king, glared at this handsome man.


A small animal about the size of an ordinary puppy with snow-white fur, cute pricked ears and beautiful eyes like red agate jumped off the roof of the carriage and kicked the "magician" in the face, not only breaking the curse Wen, and made him turn around three times involuntarily.

"Oh, Fufu, I am your master~" the handsome man with a plum blossom footprint on his face said sadly.

"Fu?" The little animal called Fufu turned its head, completely ignored his words, quickly climbed up the roof of the car again, and then jumped onto the shoulder of Arturia who was walking over with his sword drawn.

"Obviously you said that you wanted to see what your future self would be like—" the magician backed away again and again: "And I haven't finished reciting the spell yet—"

"Really? Then think about where the tongue biting in this spell will cause it to have other effects, Merlin." Artoria raised the sword, and a violent whirlwind suddenly rolled up on the sword in the stone.

"[Wind King's Hammer]!" "Fu-fu!"

"Stop it~ This is not what the king did—" Merlin decisively chose to run away.

"Brother Kai, I'm back~" Before going to kill Merlin, the lily-like girl showed a lovely smile at the knight on the carriage.

"Well, welcome back."

? ? :? ? :? ?

"Sure enough, the hastily formulated plan is full of loopholes."

The Knights of the Round Table who had gathered in the command post had all gone out to carry out the ambitious "European Conquest" plan.

And Saber Alter, Arturia Pendragon, who also launched an expedition against the enemy countries in the European continent, the commander-in-chief of the huge legion, is frowning at the order he gave "a moment ago".

Victory, there is no doubt about it. Britain has never been so powerful. Even if those countries summon all kinds of phantom beasts, monsters and even some legendary strongmen, they cannot resist her army, and the loophole lies in the subsequent occupation of the city. deal with.

Completely destroying the small cities, setting up puppet regimes in the big ones, and cracking down on any rebellion, was the method used against the barbarians in Britain, and was very effective in stopping them from coming back, however it is obviously not suitable for a country with many countries and peoples Continental Europe.

Destroying the barbarians' small fortresses can prevent them from stationing troops there, and destroying cities in other countries is a complete feud. As for choosing local people to establish a puppet regime and waiting to attach themselves? On the contrary, the possibility of collective mutiny in the entire city is greater.

Although I know the countermeasures, I can't change the orders day and night, especially those orders that have just been issued. If you want to destroy your own orders, the most suitable person is——

"These orders are totally unreasonable! I refuse to carry them out!" The blond-haired and blue-eyed girl knight, who looked 70 to 80 percent similar to herself, rushed in: "If we do this, we will become enemies of all European countries!"

"Then, I allow you to propose such plans as you think may be possible, and to carry them out wherever you think fit.

"Artoria continued the conversation naturally: "If you don't even have a plan, don't question the execution order without authorization, Sir Mordred. "

"I—huh, of course I have! And it's a better solution than yours!" Mordred hesitated for a moment, then suddenly buckled his helmet, turned and left quickly.

? ? :? ? :? ?

On holidays, there are still people working in the lecturer's office in the clock tower.

Weber Elmeloy II Velvet, the lecturer of the Barrier and Charms department, was writing furiously with a quill in his hand at the desk.

He is thin and thin, with long hair and shoulders, black-rimmed glasses on his nose, his brows are twisted into a "W", and he is wearing a red cloak that doesn't match the black suit on his body.

"What? By memorizing the magic in advance and hanging it on the world base, and calling it directly when needed, so as not to waste your own magic power? Does this guy know that this behavior will temporarily lower his magic power limit? Even if you encounter an unexpected situation, you can only use those spells that you memorized in advance?" Weber suddenly slapped the table angrily.

Luna, who was standing behind him with a tea tray in her maid outfit, didn't respond at all to this. She only walked over to refill the tea for him after Weber drank the tea in the cup in one breath to calm himself down.

"...Although there is a lack of flexibility, the speed will be very good, and it may be useful in certain occasions?" Wei Bo pointed his hand at the paper in front of him thoughtfully: "Do you want to ask Master and Teacher? No , Forget it, I’m afraid they will refuse any outside contact during their honeymoon every year.”

"Webber~ I'm here to play with you~" Renee, no, Renis Elmeloy Archizolti kicked open the door of the office, and in the next instant she put on a British lady's pose again. He walked in gracefully.

Luna bowed slightly to the blond girl, then walked past her and left the room, and closed the door. Before that, she heard a faint voice of "give her to me" and "no way" from inside.

"that's fine?"

In front of Luna, there is another "Luna". Compared with the gentle maid outfit, the armor on her body and the sword shield in both hands make her look extremely chilling.

The questioner was another girl beside her with black hair and black eyes, wearing a pink kimono and holding a long naginata in her hand.

Luna, the maid outfit, turned a blind eye to them.

"[Well... sorry for your trouble.]" Luna in the sword and shield costume looked at the "self" in the maid costume in front of her, and her slightly cold eyebrows and eyes softened: "【Just know that 'I' has not become that chubby It looks good.]”

"Hmph, the two Sabers passed through the door because they were still alive, but you came in, but the wish and obsession are too simple," the girl in kimono thumped the floor with a naginata: "You are among the students I have brought. Worst ever!"

"[Very sorry]," Luna bowed to her, "[Please take care of Weber who is still at war, Miss Lin Hao]."

"Look at how he works overtime every day. How can I take care of him? Besides, although Lin Hao is me, I'm not Lin Hao—are you listening?"

Luna maintained her bowing posture and disappeared into specks of silver.


Wreckage, human wreckage, countless dark human wreckages fell from the sky, densely piled up in front of Weber, and finally formed a volcano, and this volcano continued to spew out more wreckage.

In these wreckages, everyone's face is clearly visible. Most of them are the students and teachers who Weber had seen in the clock tower with a high attitude, but now they turned into ridiculous, burnt black corpses.

"What is this!" Weber roared angrily.

"Hmm... Maybe it's your wish?" The question that didn't expect a response at all was answered, and Weber stiffly turned his face to the place where the voice came from.

Lin Hao, who was wearing a pink kimono, was standing there, wielding a naginata in his hand, and the surrounding area was completely empty without any wreckage falling.

"You say this hellish situation is my wish?" While there were many other questions to ask, this was the real urgent one.

"Ah, isn't your wish to be approved by your teachers and classmates?" "Lin Hao" walked towards Weber, and the rain of debris stopped, even the volcano of debris stopped: "Kenneth has already approved of you, but In front of other students and teachers, you are still a newly promoted magician with only two generations and no future, winning a rural magic competition in the Far East does not change anything because of this.”

"But," Wei Bo didn't know what to say for a while, "'miracle' shouldn't be..."

"Killing all the teachers and students in the Clock Tower who don't approve of you in one go, this is how it fulfills its wishes," "Lin Hao" shrugged: "Your wishes only have a general idea, without details and restrictions at all, it is very You can’t do it through negative means.”

"But I haven't won yet." Weber keenly noticed this.

"Because you entered the interior of the Holy Grail, I really don't know why you chose to fight above the Great Holy Grail. It jumped out before the battle was over." "Lin Hao" pointed to the sky.

Weber, who wanted to take advantage of the formation of the spiritual veins here, could only smile wryly.

"Speaking of which, you should be rejecting this method of wish fulfillment. If you agree, you won't be able to get out." "Lin Hao" raised the naginata in a certain direction and asked again.

"I don't intend to make a wish to it anymore. There is no need for a wishing machine that deliberately distorts wishes." Weber shook his head.

"Well said." "Lin Hao" slashed, and a gap of shining silver light appeared in the void, and then expanded rapidly and swallowed Weber.


"Clatter——" The black shell of the Great Holy Grail, whose material is unknown, cracked a gap, and a ball of billowing silver objects popped out.

The silver sphere rolled away from the Great Holy Grail for a certain distance before slowly opening, revealing the awakened Weber inside.

"Let's go to the other masters to discuss the countermeasures," Weber struggled to get up, "If I had known that the Holy Grail War was about this kind of thing, I wouldn't have come to participate."

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