The Collection of The End

Chapter 131 The Last Lesson

My name is Elijah,

Here's a wretch of indigestion.


"Inherent barrier, a land of fire that only allows fire elements to pass through!"

"Don't worry, Kirei, things that aren't flames can't... ah!"

Kotomine Kirei gradually regained consciousness, and Tosaka Tokiomi's confident words and the surprise exclamation that followed seemed to still be echoing in his ears.

When the black object like a mudslide fell from the sky and submerged Liudong Temple, the young Tokiomi and Kirei were not directly hit, but they had already reached the courtyard wall before they had time to escape, so the Patriarch of the Tohsaka family who was proficient in jewel magic threw Several rubies created a dark red enchantment that could barely resist it.

However, after the jewel knight triumphantly stated the nature of the enchantment, those things that were originally like black mud instantly transformed into black flames, which rushed directly to engulf the entire enchantment.


As the agent of the Eighth Secret Society of the Burial Organization, Kotomine Kirei's enemies are not only magicians, heretics, various demons and dead disciples, sometimes they may even be other agents who used to be colleagues.

At this time, he was facing a woman who had been transformed into a dead disciple. This was a stone room with only one exit. As long as he made a move, she could not escape by relying on her clumsy ability that had just transformed into a dead disciple.

"You are... the one who loves me..." she made a sound.

Saying so with a distorted figure and voice that was about to turn into a disciple.

Kirei couldn't help but sigh.

"Are you going to let her go?" Lin Hao pushed his wheelchair and appeared at the door of the stone room: "Are you sure she said this sentence?"

"Don't talk too much, Phantom." Kirei had no intention of making a move, nor did he intend to give way, but just stood there quietly looking at the woman in front of him who was transforming from a human into a deformed half-human, half-bird form.

Although there are also dead disciples joining in the burial agency, they are all powerful enough to not be influenced by their instincts, and the newborn apostle in front of him obviously just stole her last obsession before she died. Just cheating.

"Death discipleship is just a disease." Lin Hao continued behind his back, "Isn't it because you have considered this possibility in your mind that you fantasized about me?"

bass! Zheng! The agent easily subdued the family of the sixteenth dead apostle in front of him, and it was unable to make any attack moves.

"Transfer the death disciple from her body." Kirei said.

"Hehe, that's right." Lin Hao drove the wheelchair into the stone room, reached out to touch the distorted dead disciple, and in the next moment, the forms of the two were completely exchanged.

"Uh..." The girl in the wheelchair let out a low moan, then raised her "arm" and looked at the claws and feathers on it: "The next step is to try to treat the dead disciple, or before 'I' dies It's up to you to transfer more pain and misfortune."

"Let's just say a few words about the illusion." Kirei stared at his wife who had recovered to her original state, and said to Lin Hao who was behind him in a cold tone.


The enemies of the Church of the Holy Church, except for the executors of the Association of Magicians, are more than happy to switch the agents through various methods. Letting the agents kill each other is very good entertainment for them or for them.

In the illusion, time is meaningless, and Kotomine Kirei took "Hayashi" to re-execute all the tasks in his memory. During this period, she transferred a total of 37 times to transform into dead disciples and 12 times to transform into werewolves. Nine times of brainwashing, as well as countless attacks of various poisons and plagues, she looked like "dying, dying" every time, but in the end she never died once, which made Kirei look at her strangely from time to time.

At this time, the scene in the illusion has reached the scene where Tohsaka Tokiomi asked Kotomine Kirei for assistance in the Holy Grail War. Compared with Kotomine Risho who had no objection when he agreed, at this time he had to ask his wife and daughter for their opinions.

"Kirei, what is your wish? Do you have to participate in that Holy Grail War?" The wife who looked like the last moment of her life asked him, holding the little daughter who couldn't see her face clearly.

"Ha, don't look at me, this is your memory." In the corner of the room, Lin Hao, who couldn't see anyone, was polishing the metal wolf claws that popped out from the back of his hand boredly: "If you set off for Fuyuki, this illusion will end .”

"That black mud is definitely not a good thing." Kirei looked directly at Lin Hao, "It's impossible for me to deliberately let me go through it again just to test your transfer ability, and you are not some illusion, at least, the real Lin Hao There is absolutely no way to divert so many fatal injuries and survive."

The surrounding illusions gradually receded, and only Kirei and "Lin Hao" in the wheelchair remained in the pitch-black world.

"Of course it is for you to discover your wish." "Lin Hao" pointed to the back of Kirei's hand, which is not full of arms, but only the three Command Seals he obtained at first: "Transfer pain and misfortune to yourself at any time." Where you see, and not cured, what is your interest, or desire, tell me."

"I wish I could feel all the pain and misery in the world—"

A pair of huge pure white wings suddenly spread out from Kirei's back, and the consequences of various shifts on "Lin Hao" in the wheelchair disappeared instantly.

"And heal them."

"You—" "Lin Hao" widened his eyes.

"I am an angel." Kotomine Kirei said.


The "black mud" in the Great Holy Grail swirls,

"It" is neither black nor mud, it is just the form that the magic power infected with "all the evil in the world" can be "seeed" by people.

Those blacks contain all the derogatory and negative descriptions of human beings, words that make people feel unpleasant just by hearing them.

—— Killing Killing Killing Killing, killing, killing, killing, killing, killing the sin Sin, sin, sin, hatred, hate hate, pain, pain, pain, pain Destruction Death Death Death Death

Anyone who is involved in this vortex can only collapse in endless despair and become a part of it.

Although the conditions for "it" to descend have not been met, since it has been transferred to the surface, "it" doesn't mind having some desserts before the main meal—for example, these tiny beings who dare to fight right above it.

After engulfing them without hindrance, the evil of this world continued to spin.

——Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, die, die, hello, gold glitter, do you know where this is? Wrath, anger, death, death, kill, kill, aren't you the king of conquerors? Conquer it, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately

——Death, death, it's not that I don't want to, but someone is faster than me. Death, death, is not allowed to take this king's share. If there is any problem with this king's body, I will kill you. Death is ridiculous, can you use the treasure now? Death, death, death, you think this king can't do it, death, death

There are incompatible "somethings" in the vortex of resentment and curses, they are completely unable to assimilate negative emotions, and they can even talk to each other, which is absolutely impossible for the overall concept of "all the evil in the world".

——Death, death is nothing impossible, death, death, death, say, can you get rid of these noises, death, death, dare to order this king, do you want to die

What is Conqueror?

Something hindered the rotation of "it", and "it" asked in surprise.

——Death Death [I come, I see, I conquer, this is the King of Conquerors! 】 death death

——Death [Oh, you actually plagiarized the remarks of a certain red fat man three hundred years later. 】die

——Dead [huh? This king is relatively old, as long as I say first, he is the one who plagiarized. 】Death

and who are you?

When a question is raised, "it" finds itself wrong. As a collection of "all the evils in the world", "it" can ask questions about the "what" in its body, but it cannot regard that "what" as an object of communication. When the second person is used, it means that "they" are no longer part of themselves.

——Evil [Heaven and earth, the only hero who is qualified to be king is this king, and the others are just dubious bastards. 】dagger

puff! puff!

At the top of the Great Holy Grail, there was a large amount of black mud swirling, as if the wide "mouth" of a small lake suddenly boiled, and the two figures were sprayed upwards.

They were Iskandar the Conqueror wearing armor and a cloak, red hair and red beard, leopard head and eyes around him, and Gilgamesh the Hero King who didn't wear any clothes for some reason.

"Do you really dare to absorb its magic power to reshape your body?" Iskandar looked at the "lake" whose water level had inexplicably dropped a lot, and then looked at Gilgamesh: "Don't you feel dirty?"

"Hehe, King Conqueror, it's really ugly that you are jealous." Gilgamesh shook his finger at him, "Could it be because this king fulfilled the wish of 'obtaining a body' before you?"

"Ha, someone promised to reshape my real body, the effect must be better than this, right Caster?" Rider waved his hand behind Gilgamesh.

"Hmph, want to deceive the king and then sneak attack? Although it is not a sensitive entity now, but for the breath of other servants—"


boom! Plop!

Caster, who was dressed in a black sky dress, floated over without a sound, and kicked the naked Gilgamesh off.

"Hello?" Iskandar didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'll talk about your body after I beat this guy back to the Seat of Heroes," Caster waved his hand at Rider, "You can't beat him in the Servant state, but in the physical state it's completely fine."

The girl in black jumped down as she spoke.

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