The Collection of The End

Chapter 132: 15 Trials

My name is Elijah,

Illya beats Blonde to the ground.


Kenneth finally noticed the change in the direction of Liudong Temple.

He didn't notice the huge fluctuations in magic power that even leaked out the root breath. Apart from being busy with boating and taking Sola on a lake tour, he didn't have time to pay attention. The world is also very important.

"What is that? It's so ugly." Sola was wearing a pure white dress and a sun hat that British ladies often wear for afternoon tea, and was sitting on the prow of a small boat dedicated to lake tours, holding a book, and suddenly asked in surprise. He pointed to the reflection on the lake and asked.

"What?" Kenneth had already changed out of the rigid lecturer's robes at Sola's strong request, and was wearing a navy blue casual suit without a tie. His long hair, which was originally combed back to show his majesty, was also loosened. Coming down, the golden light was shining, and seeing Sola pointing to the water, he looked up into the sky—there was nothing in that direction.

"Huh? Can't be seen?" After confirming that the huge existence with the shape of the dragon man can only be seen through the reflection of the lake, Kenneth quickly understood the reason: "Because just 'seeing' will cause adverse effects , Is that why it was blocked by the protective barrier? Then that kid Weber..."

"Both Rider and Luna have been entrusted to him to command, now we can only trust in his own strength."



After sensing that the "vortex of death" had completely suppressed another "vortex of violence", Ryunosuke slowly looked back.

It is a giant dragon that can block the sky even if viewed from such a long distance from the Fuyuki Bridge, or in other words, a giant with many dragon-like features, and the whole "human" exudes an unmistakable aura of origin , if you are so hastily seen by magicians who aim at the root, it is really hard not to go crazy.

However, even bigger than this giant is a giant cage made up of the "vortex of death" that Ryunosuke is very familiar with, which encloses the dragon man in the middle, and seems to be completely undiscovered due to the size of the cage , he was bowing his waist and reaching down repeatedly as if he was going to grab something, but he didn't seem to succeed.

Intuition, or some hidden connection, made Ryunosuke understand what was going on—it was like the kind of basket used to cover sparrows. The sparrow that was pecking at food could no longer escape, although it could struggle and resist, but——

Ryunosuke's gaze rose again. Assuming that the "basket" was as big as a common basket in the market, he outlined in his imagination the outline of the "person" who used this "basket" to set a trap—very quickly. Well, whatever that draconian is, it's dead.

? ? :? ? :? ?

Although they are all driving magic power for their own use, the way of heroic spirits is completely different from that of humans. To put it bluntly, it is like using buoyancy, but flying birds and swimming fish are completely different.

"Friend! Try to save me!"

Suddenly gaining a physical body, Gilgamesh was kicked into a deep well before he could control it skillfully. When he fell into the black mud for the second time, he only had time to summon the heavenly locks like arms to bind the sneak attacking Caster. After all, she Possessing divinity can't break free can pull——

Why did she jump down too! ? Planning to die together?


Gilgamesh backhandedly planned to take back the sky lock. Since he could break free from the black mud for the first time, then naturally there could be a second time.

Can't take it back?

"【励——呵——】" A deep roar sounded, and it seemed to be filled with great pain and fury.

It was not Caster who was wearing black, but a huge man over three meters tall, with dark skin, gnarled muscles, and a ferocious face, who was firmly locked by the lock of the sky.

Her short black hair was completely blown up, and she was staring at Gilgamesh with beastly eyes.

That kind of killing intent, even though he was firmly bound by the lock of the sky, and was pierced by multiple treasures and seriously injured, there was no sign of restraint.

"Mad dog, who allowed you to look directly at this king?" Gilgamesh subconsciously projected a few more treasures to aggravate his injury, and then he had time to observe the surroundings.

Here is Einzbern Castle before it was destroyed, or, assuming it was not destroyed, what it will look like in the future.

Gilgamesh, who possesses [Omniscient and Almighty Star] and an extraordinary memory, quickly thought of where this is. After he obtained the flesh through the black mud, the mess he participated in ten years later was completely like a game between children. "Fifth Holy Grail War", but there is no possibility of winning in any world line.

I was wearing casual clothes, and I was standing at the gate of the castle that was broken by external force. The black Berserker was bound by the lock of the sky, and was full of scars, while a little girl in a purple plush dress was lying down not far away.

In such a situation, it should be Caster's real body, Ilyasviel von Einsbern being killed by the "self" of that timeline—then she turned into a Heroic Spirit and came to trouble me .

"Heh, how long are you going to pretend?" Thinking through his joints in an instant, Gilgamesh sneered, and rushed to the ground. He had just been blinded by "himself" and pierced through his heart with a sword. He should be dead by now. "The Vessel of the Holy Grail" said.

"[But the 'I' is really dead at this time]," Caster's voice came from all directions erratically: "[Only off-site support]"

"Dare to kick this king down and dare not end in person?" Gilgamesh looked around and folded his arms arrogantly: "Or are you counting on this mad dog?"

"[Fluff... Roar...]" Forcibly breaking through his own legend before, Hercules, the thirteenth resurrected Berserker, finally failed again, and his beast-like eyes that glowed fiercely gradually closed.

"Ber...Berserker..." The little girl's low voice sounded, and her fingers jumped in tandem.

Acting exaggeratedly, Gilgamesh stared at the little girl lying on the ground, she obviously hooked the corners of her mouth, but Hercules couldn't see it.

"[Yi-li-ya-]" The extinguished white light in Berserker's eyes rekindled, even hotter than before. With a roar, he forcefully broke the entanglement of the sky lock and smashed all the things on his body. The Noble Phantasm bounced off, and strode towards Gilgamesh.

Hercules, the fourteenth resurrection.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if there is one more time, the types of my king's treasures are not just a dozen—" Gilgamesh summoned a large golden ripple behind him without hesitation.

Ding ding ding! Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

After many dense treasures hit the body of the big black man, they were directly bounced aside.

"[Forgot to say, the attack method of using the king's treasure to launch a treasure can only be counted once, and it is already immune.]" "Illya" kept lying on the ground and "said".

"[Roar——!]" Berserker, who was not far away, rushed to Gilgamesh in a few steps, swung the huge rough stone knife, and slashed at him with the sound of howling wind.

"Tsk." Gilgamesh was releasing the King's Treasure and couldn't dodge, so he took a pair of treasures from the launched treasures without looking at them to parry the opponent's attack, and used his strength to stay away from the one who jumped into the hall. second floor.

"[Roar!]" Hercules threw the stone knife in his hand directly, and jumped up to chase after him.

"The lock of the sky!" The lock of the sky that appeared from the void once again bound Hercules, who possessed extremely high divinity.

"It's just a means of restriction, not a way of killing. As long as the divinity is still there, you can't get rid of it," Gilgamesh said condescendingly: "If you pin your hopes on it, it can be said to be a complete failure."

"[Really]?" "Illya" who fell to the ground said in a tone of complete disbelief.

"Hmph, this king will smash all your plans, hopes, and efforts—" Gilgamesh glanced at Berserker, who was still struggling and roaring, and took out the "sword" that looked like a black and red stick from the king's treasury. ", and waved it out without looking at it.

[The star of the deviant world! 】


The dilapidated Einzbern Castle, hanging in the air and tied with Krackles' sky lock, and the little girl in purple clothes stained with a lot of blood and looking desperate.

Not quite the same as the previous illusion?

At the position of the Sky Lock, Hercules was emitting the magic power fluctuations that the heroic spirit gradually dissipated due to being defeated.

This should be another world line different from the previous one. After completely defeating Berserker, "I" tortured and killed the Holy Grail, just to confirm that her body functions are special.

Is that guy an idiot?

Gilgamesh looked at his right hand. Although the king can do whatever he wants, it is still unreasonable to deliberately show tyranny and create a life-and-death enemy for himself.

"That guy has already ushered in his own end. Presumably your main body on the Heroic Throne also knows." The little girl who was still looking desperate because of Berserker's defeat suddenly changed her expression and became Gilgamesh's very The familiar Caster, who acts fearlessly, illogically, and has no idea what she will do next moment, but those random actions seem to be interlocking and always achieve their goals.

"Huh, so?" The Oldest King looked at "Illya" warily, and he was kicked into "Evil of This World" by her, but he did not fall into the previous vortex, but came to the future or Caster's past, She must have some special purpose.

"It's meaningless to prevent this from happening in a parallel world alone." Illya's blood-stained face showed a weird smile unique to Caster: "You must teach your body in the Hall of Valor a profound lesson, such as After reading this memory book, I will feel overwhelmed with pain, and I will never dare to do similar things next time."

"Unfortunately, I don't intend to be a memory book of that guy," Gilgamesh suddenly opened the Babylonian Gate and completely surrounded the entire hall: "I have experienced such a special experience, and I have never seen it through [Omniscient and Almighty Star]. In the past world line, this king is more qualified to be called the main body than him."

"Hehe," Caster seemed not to continue this topic, she stretched out her hand towards the place that had disappeared and only a little bit of gold remained: "Come out, Berserker!"

The treasures of heroic spirits originated from their long-standing legends, and for the distant future, this moment is a legend.

The legend of Illya is the incomparable fit between her as a Master and the heroic spirit Hercules summoned, so that the ancient hero whose ability has already been fixed breaks through his own legend when Illya encounters a fatal crisis— —The thirteenth resurrection.

When Illya became a heroic spirit in the distant land of steel, this legend was realized as a special treasure, which can give Hercules of the Berserker class three more chances of resurrection, and its name is——

【Snow City】!

The spirit particles of Hercules, which had completely dissipated, gathered again like a video rewinding. Moments later, Hercules' huge body reappeared in the hall, and then roared at Gilgamesh.


"Tsk, the fifteenth resurrection?" Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and summoned the sky lock again.

Ding, boom! The sky lock wrapped around Berserker's body could not hinder his movements at all, but was pulled almost to pieces and had to be released by itself.

"Now, this Hercules is the final form that is immune to the sky lock and EA, if you have any means, just use it," Ilya said to Jill after pulling Berserker's arm to let him put herself on the shoulder. Gamesh pointed: "Berserker! Kill him!"

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