The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and One, Heart of the Swarm (11)

Latest website: ――TR.82.10.12――

Mar Sara, Blackwater Outpost.

"Ha...ha...Next, we just need to blow up the entrance to the mine and we can evacuate..."

Panting, Tychus threw away the two guns that had run out of bullets, took out two new ones, and aimed at the mine gate not far away.

The metal gates of the mine, like those destroyed military buildings, were all rusty and corroded by "silt". They were also stuck by some strange solid substance and seemed completely unable to be closed.

A moment ago, there was a steady stream of "bugs" coming out of it, but now it seems that the opponent's "source of soldiers" has probably been exhausted.

"That's true this time, but the matter is not completely resolved. After we are fully prepared, we have to carefully investigate the origin of those bugs." Renault nodded slowly and motioned to the soldiers around him to install explosives at the entrance.

"[This...those things really won't come out? Chief Reno.]" The voice of the mayor of Settlement 47 came from the communication channel.

"Not for the time being, at least not before we return." Renault looked back at the "temporary base" for this operation.

Although the speculator whose ambition and skill did not match was primarily responsible for the emergence of these bugs, for the sake of his ability to lead his men to arrive before Renault ran out of ammunition and food, and to fully cooperate with logistics and support work, Renault decided to temporarily Don't hold him accountable for his mistakes.

It was obvious that seeing these weird bugs and silt made him care more about this place than others.

The only problem now is that the situation under the mine is completely unclear. If the main force of those bugs is all on the surface, it will be fine, and the remaining scattered troops are not to be feared. But if most of their troops are underground, or they may not be able to rely on If there is a way to rapidly multiply biomass, the speed of calling for support must be as fast as possible.

In addition, there is another point worth being vigilant about: there is no "commander" of these bugs found on the surface. Could it be that the tactical prowess they have shown before is all instinct? That's too weird.

Finally... Renault glanced at Kerrigan who was standing at a hidden commanding height. Why she came here is also a question. Although she had no objection to Renault's behavior of blowing up the mine, it did not represent her goal. Not from the mines.


The explosives are installed. "Jimmy ran back quickly to report.

There is no need to think too much. Soldiers will block it, and water will cover it. Renault looked at the commander interface and found that all his subordinates were out of the explosion range. He decisively ordered: "Detonate!"


With a dull explosion, the entrance to the mine and the downward passage were completely buried by the collapsed structure and broken rubble at the entrance.

Next, we just need to go back to Qiaosala and bring enough manpower and equipment to conduct a detailed inspection of this place——


At this moment, there was some unpleasant movement under the ground, as if a pot of water was about to boil.

Renault's original order was stuck in his throat.

I have been thinking about the bugs and have forgotten the basic information. This is a "terazine" mine that has always been known for its instability. It has been ravaged by bugs for so long. It would be strange if they could still be stable. 39 Chinese website

"Retreat at full speed!"

Renault gave the order in the loudest voice.

Boom——Puff puff——

Terrazine Mine responded with a louder voice.

A light green, gas-like and liquid-like torrent crashed through the collapsed entrance of the mine, rising straight into the sky like a volcanic eruption. The air was suddenly filled with a strange smell that seemed to be a mixture of burnt meat and low-quality tobacco. .

The purity of the terrazine in this mine is quite high.

Renault, who was retreating at full speed, thought to himself in a hurry.

Logically speaking, terrazine itself is not lethal, and even if it erupts in front of you, it is just like being caught in the rain. But the problem is that this thing is a key material used by the Tyranids to cultivate "ghosts", and it has always been sealed tightly. Coupled with the bugs in the mine that looked nothing like ordinary creatures, Renault had reason to believe that they could cause creatures to mutate rapidly, and he did not plan to grow a few more arms or heads just yet.

Huchi, puff.

However, Renault's wish to be soaked in a terrestrial rain was about to come to nothing. Those terrestrial jets that soared into the sky disappeared directly after a certain height. They obviously reacted with the air. It was unknown what form they would take and what impact they would have.

In contrast, what needs to be paid more attention to is the many "insects" that were carried away by this "fountain" and scattered in all directions.

"Hey! Cowboy!" Tychus yelled on the channel as he ran away: "It seems that those we eliminated on the surface were just 'soldier ants', and the ones hiding in the mines were the 'worker ants' and 'queen ants' !”

"Obviously, they planned to hide temporarily because they did not have combat effectiveness, but they were directly rushed out by the explosion of terrazine." As a ghost, Kerrigan did not need to be afraid of terrazine, but she did not intend to get too close to the fountain. .

After discovering the sprayed bugs from the commander's system, Renault stopped, raised his gun, and then put it down slumped. The range was not enough, and there were too many. Once these bugs were scattered throughout Marsala, with the rich "biotechnology" "Material" resources and super reproductive capabilities, the insect tide will definitely engulf this planet soon. Maybe the Tyranid Federation will come to clear them out for the sake of this terrazine mine, but who knows when these guys What kind of strange arms will evolve?

At this moment, Renault was a little regretful that he had not fully expanded "Reynold's Rangers" before. He just wanted to maintain the current scale and wait for the Tyrannic Federation to be finished before taking advantage of the situation. With his current strength, even if all of them were mobilized, he would not be able to deal with an attack. Bugs all over the planet.

If I had a battleship...

Boom boom boom——!

Renault's troubled thoughts had just formed when he saw a super giant battlecruiser breaking through the clouds and arriving above the Terrazine Fountain. Its size even directly blocked the sky.

The next moment, the battleship swept out countless orange-red rays of light in all directions from below. All insects swept by these rays of light were turned into ashes scattered by the wind.

At this moment, Renault even had the illusion that it was a huge octopus that was hunting with countless tentacles.

After making sure that nothing had slipped through the net, the battleship slowly turned its direction and pointed a structure like a resource collection port below it at the erupting "terizine fountain".

This action also allowed Renault to see clearly the logo on the battleship, a pattern that was circulated as a joke in the sector, but no one dared to really take it as a joke: a cute golden toy spaceship.

"Korhal's children?"

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