The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Two, Heart of the Swarm (12)

Latest website: ――TR.82.10.12――

Marsala, outside Blackwater Outpost.

After the super giant battlecruiser appeared and took control of the situation, the rangers who were retreating stopped one after another and spontaneously gathered towards Renault's position.

" it collecting terazine from the air?" Jimmy asked stupidly.

"No, it's just preventing the spread of terrazine. This collection method is inefficient." Renault confirmed the number of his subordinates and looked up at the battleship: "Is it possible that the 'Children of Korhal' also noticed this?" Is there a problem in the mine? But their channels must be different from ours."

Although it is not the largest, but it is the most famous federal resistance organization, Renault is quite concerned about it.

After their home planet Korhal was bombed, they declared a permanent state of war against the Tyranid Federation, that is, they would not accept any peace negotiation conditions. As long as the Tyranid Federation still existed, the two sides would have an undying relationship. Nova once revealed that within the Federation, Other forces that did not deal with the group of senators who ordered the bombing tried to contact Korhal's children, but were rebuffed, and they were helpless.

However, the "Children of Korhal" do not carry out indiscriminate attacks on the Terran Federation like the so-called "resistance organizations" who practice piracy in the name of resistance. They only target military facilities directly belonging to the Terran Federation. As well as attacking civilian facilities solely owned by the "Mobius Foundation", it not only destroys them, but also collects various materials, and seems to establish its own secret base somewhere. The external manifestation is, Every time they take official actions, their strength has improved significantly, which makes the federal legislators who they define as their enemies feel on pins and needles.

In this way, the reason why the "Children of Korhal" would appear here is also very simple: the intelligence of these secret federal forces that sneaked into Marsala and prepared to harm "Reynold's Rangers" was intercepted by them. Originally, he might have just wanted to destroy a secret mine and receive some terrazine along the way, but he never expected that bugs would appear here.

So... the final question is, what will they think of "Renault's Rangers"?


Renault was thinking about what kind of attitude he should use to negotiate with the "Children of Korhal" when he suddenly felt a tremor on the ground. The ruins of the collapsed mine not far away centered on the eruption site and collapsed again to the surrounding area. At the same time, A group of nearly a hundred strange bugs emerged from those locations. They were very similar to the close combatants at the beginning, except that their speed seemed to be a little slower, but their skin was dark and hard, and they had a good defense against firearms at first glance.


Free fire! "Reno raised his gun and aimed directly.

Obviously, those "worker ants" and "queen ants" that have been blown away were making the bugs evolve in the direction of defense against bullets. If the terrazine hadn't suddenly erupted, these evolved bugs would have taken shape on a large scale and rushed over. , they are afraid that they will be destroyed here.


The bullets hit the dark shell of the bugs like hitting stones, and even occasionally ricochet. If they hadn't seen enough attacks to knock these bugs down and unable to move, Renault would have doubted what those bugs were. Steel carapace.

"Don't fight hard, retreat one by one, fight while retreating." Renault commanded calmly. After all, the speed of these bugs is a shortcoming, as long as the kiting tactics are used...


A blazing flame fell from the sky, setting off a violent fire storm around Renault.

"What -" Renault's first reaction was that the battlecruisers in the sky were firing to kill them all, but he immediately realized that if they were to fire, they would not be inaccurate and the power would not be so small.

Then, there is only the last possibility left... Renault directed the rangers to disperse while adjusting the helmet's sight distance.

Sure enough, at the collapsed entrance of the mine, four or five strange-shaped bugs appeared. They looked like... four-legged spiders, but they were about the same size as an infantry vehicle, and there was a volcano-like shape on their trunk. A strange organ. When Renault looked over, he happened to see this organ shrinking and extending, spraying a blazing line of fire into the sky. The line of fire drew a parabola in the distance and hit the place where Renault was standing before, setting off a second ball that would continue. Burning firestorm.

"Hey! Cowboy! Did you see it? They evolved power armor and mortars~" Tychus shouted on the channel while firing at the approaching "armored bugs".

"I saw it," Renault responded helplessly: "The original plan was cancelled. The attack on the black bugs was mainly delayed. They retreated to the temporary base and prepared to leave by car - Mayor, prepare the vehicle."

"Ah...Okay, okay." The mayor of Settlement No. 47 responded as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The situation has changed. Now that the "Children of Korhal" have arrived and have ideas about this mine, they will definitely not leave these bugs alone and communicate... If the other party thinks it is necessary to communicate with this little " "Local Sheriff" can also be discussed after the crisis is resolved.

"[No need to bother, Chief Reno.]"

At this time, a cold and majestic voice sounded on the channel.

Although there is no evidence, Raynor believes that this should be the voice of Arcturus Mengsk.

Whoosh whoosh——

Along with the words, a group of things that looked like metal balls scattered from the battlecruiser at high altitude, and landed very accurately between the "armored bugs" and Renault's rangers.

The next second, the landed "metal ball" stretched out, first stretched out four legs from the lower half to grab the ground, and then the upper half quickly deformed and combined into a... flamethrower.

When this series of actions was completed, the armored bugs had already rushed in front of them, and these strange devices immediately erupted blazing flames around them. The carapace originally hit by the bullet was instantly ablated and deformed, and the bugs wearing these carapace They screamed and fled in all directions, but were soon reduced to ashes in the increasingly fierce burning.

Cha-collapse! Not to be outdone, the "four-legged spider" at the entrance of the mine launched an attack on what seemed to be fire-breathing turrets and successfully destroyed some, but before they could fire for the second round, new "metal balls" fell from the sky again. , smashed straight into the vicinity of the mine and expanded quickly.

This time, the metal ball deployed was not a flamethrower, but some strange weapon similar to a single-barreled nail gun. Their attack frequency was not high, but each shot could completely penetrate those "four-legged spiders". In less than a minute, these biological versions of "mortars" were completely paralyzed.

"[I think we need to talk, Chief Reno]." The voice said again.

Damn it, saying that we want to talk after easily destroying these bugs is definitely threatening in advance.

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