The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Four, Heart of the Swarm (14)

Latest website: ――TR.82.10.13――

Hyperion, landing pad.

"The doctor sister is here~"

After Angela arrived at Marsala with a group of medical soldiers on a hospital ship and boarded the Hyperion, she greeted Renault energetically, while the other medical soldiers looked around curiously.

"Please take the medical team with you." Reno naturally could not respond with the same attitude: "You can listen to Mr. Mengsk's request before making a decision."

"Nice to meet you, Doctor Ziegler." Mengsk, in straight military uniform, stepped forward and extended his hand: "I invite you here because -"

"To save the little princess of Korhal," Angela smiled and shook hands with Mengsk: "Isn't it? Your Highness the Prince of Korhal?"

Renault saw Mengsk's iceberg-like face from the side with a slightly surprised expression. He didn't know that Angela had guessed it right, but was that rumor true?

In that rumor, Korhal obtained the pioneer "Ute" technology, and Governor Mengsk's daughter happened to be able to activate and use them. Korhal prepared to use this to become independent. After the Federation discovered this, they directly used 10,000 " Apocalypse" bombed, but the little princess overdrafted her psychic energy and activated the planet's protective shield to block it, but she herself fell into a long sleep as a result.

Although it sounds a bit like nonsense, the logic is very self-consistent. It's just that no one took it seriously before.

"Don't be too surprised." Angela let go of her hand and smiled a little: "Things about psychic powers spread relatively quickly in the circles of psychic users like us. Won't she take us to meet her? She It should be on this ship, right?”

"Of course, let's go this way." Mengsk was stunned for a few seconds, quickly reacted, and took the initiative to turn around and lead the way for Angela and her medics. Instead, he left Renault, who was originally preparing to introduce both parties, behind.

But, no matter what, let’s go and have a look. Renault shook his head and took the initiative to follow the two of them.

"We have thought of many ways over the years, but psionic power cannot be explained by science at all. Even if we know that her psionic power is overdrawn, we cannot cure her. And we have the federal psionic research data and relatively high-level psionic users. I can't get in touch with them, so when I learned that Renault's rangers had a medical team, I was overjoyed." Mengsk's tone was obviously much lighter.

"If all the spiritual energy is consumed,

We do get tired, exhausted or even faint, and there are corresponding treatments. However, for overdraft, there are only theories and no practical examples. After all, ordinary people will not continue to output psychic energy after they have exhausted their psychic energy and fell into a coma, Miss Mengsk. The problem can only be determined after meeting her in person. “Angela didn’t do everything.

"At any rate, you have gained the friendship of the 'Children of Korhal'."

He always felt that he had become a nuisance... Seeing that there were fellow medical soldiers around him, Renault resisted touching his nose and scratching his head.


A moment later, in the medical cabin, Renault met the legendary "Princess Korhal", Emile Mengsk, for the first time.

She is about thirteen or fourteen years old, with brilliant golden shawl hair, endearing and exquisite facial features, a pure white dress like a lily, and a golden horse toy beside her...

Renault was certain that this was definitely not an outfit suitable for a patient who had fallen into a coma for a long time. It was probably a brother who asked the nurse to change it because he wanted to bring outsiders to see her.

Forget it, today's protagonist is not him, let's expose Arcturus's vanity another time.

"Oh~ what a cute little girl~" Angela and several fellow medical soldiers immediately surrounded her. If the girl hadn't been in a coma, they would probably have touched her head and kissed her face - from the settlement in Qiaosala. This is how cute children are treated.

However, they were here for treatment after all. After Angela secretly poked Emil's cheek, she dutifully held her hand to feel it.

Renault doesn't have any psychic power, but he probably knows what the medics do. Usually on the battlefield, they use golden healing light to quickly heal wounds visible to the naked eye, and they can also stimulate psychic energy to blind enemy units. , in an emergency, they can rely on their own shields and take out the small pistols provided by their armors to attack, but they are reluctant to do this unless there are no friendly troops around who can fight.

At this time, little girl Emil has no wounds, and her body data is all normal, but her brain waves are in a straight line, which can be said to be in a standard vegetative state. They must actively use spiritual energy to detect in order to carry out targeted treatment. However, if it is true, It's psychic overdraft, how can they--


Three pairs of golden light wings suddenly spread out from Angela's back. After flapping twice, they were retracted again. Mengsk was surprised with the joy of seeing hope, but the medic and Renault were only surprised.

This "angel wing" is the psychic energy that Angela involuntarily releases when she consumes her spiritual energy violently, such as activating "Heroic Immortality". It is also one of the reasons why other medics accept her as their leader. But why does it appear now? ?

Could it be that just because she was just exploring, she passively consumed a lot of spiritual energy?

"How is it?" Arcturus asked eagerly, completely different from the previous calm negotiation.

"Well..." Angela touched her chin and said while thinking: "She is a standard 'Sleeping Beauty'. It seems that she needs a 'Prince' to kiss her to wake her up."

"So, who is that 'His Royal Highness'?" A fellow medical soldier praised him very cooperatively.

"..." Angela and the medic named Moralis turned to look at Renault.

Who would believe this?

Renault originally planned to join in the joke, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Arcturus looking at him with a cannibalistic look, and immediately put on a serious face: "Don't be ridiculous."

"Yes, that's right." Angela continued.

Reno, who breathed a sigh of relief, watched Arcturus's expression change from "disapproval" to "confused" and finally "reluctantly giving up". He almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. He was very glad that he didn't bring Tychus with him.

"Mr. Mengsk, I have a general understanding of the little princess's problem. Although preparations are still needed for a complete cure, I can temporarily wake her up now." Angela straightened her face and said to Arcturus.

"Thank you." Arcturus nodded.

Angela nodded, lowered her eyes slightly, the light wings behind her appeared again, and then held Emil's hand.

"[Heroes are immortal ()!]"

The strong golden light as always made Renault squint his eyes. In this golden light, he seemed to vaguely see the figure of a girl falling from the sky, completely overlapping with Emil.

When the golden light disappeared, Emil, who was lying quietly, opened her sapphire-like eyes:

"……elder brother?"

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