The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Five, Heart of the Swarm (15)

Latest website: ――TR.82.10.13――

Hyperion, medical bay.

"……elder brother?"

Arcturus imagined his sister waking up countless times.

Perhaps, on the day when he and his allies overthrew the rule of the Tyranid Federation and declared victory, with the golden light slowly dissipating over Korhal, the little princess of Korhal opened her eyes in the intensive care unit.

Or maybe, when the battle between the "Children of Korhal" and the Tyranid Federation and their accomplices became intense, and they couldn't see their sister for a long time, a Jedi knight wearing strange armor descended from the sky with dissatisfaction and disgust, and... After the overwhelming "force" swept across the enemy, he told him to go home for dinner.

It is also possible that on a calm day, when he came to Hyperion's bridge as usual, a very familiar figure would turn around briskly and say: "Good morning, brother~"

Arcturus responded to every expectation one by one and could implement it as soon as his sister woke up. However, after he really heard the call after more than two years of absence, he staggered a little while walking. He went over to sit on the edge of the bed and grabbed my sister's hand. He couldn't do any of the planned actions. He could only respond stupidly:

"I'm here."

Up until this moment, it had been a relatively warm reunion between brother and sister, but Emil's next words immediately ruined the atmosphere.

"Wow, brother, your beard is so long. Have I slept for twenty years?"

Although Emile's voice was a little hoarse and dry from not speaking for a long time, this mischievous tone and familiar strange focus made Arcturus suddenly return to the time before Korhal was bombed.

No, for my sister, these two years did not exist.

"You have only slept for two you have a long beard? I just imitated my father and looked dignified." Arcturus freed up a hand to touch his face.

"If you record this video, you will definitely get a good price." Angela said jokingly.

Emil didn't seem to have much reaction to "two years". He rolled his eyes and looked around, paying special attention to Renault and Angela.

"Is this sister-in-law?" She looked at Angela,

Then he turned his attention to Renault: "So are we brothers here?"

"This can be it." Renault answered.

"This is really not true." Angela said in the same tone.

"Hehe..." Emil was amused by this unintentional cooperation.

Arcturus thought for a while, and Renault's "can be" should mean that if they cooperate tacitly in the future, they can become comrades in the fight against the Tyranid Federation. As for Angela, probably... no, wait. wait.

He slowly opened his hand and let his sister's little hand fall into his palm. Although it looked healthy, except for its own weight, there was no feedback of any strength, and...

Emil woke up and made no movement at all except his eyes and mouth? This doesn't fit her character at all.

"Doctor Ziegler?" Arcturus turned to look at the medic who had just awakened his sister.

"I see that you are very happy, so I will let you be happy for a while longer," Angela spread her hands: "Now, are you ready to hear the diagnosis results?"

At this moment, Arcturus turned back into the leader of the federal resistance forces who commanded Ruoding.

"Of course," he said.


After a while, Arcturus, Angela and Renault came to the corridor of the medical cabin. Only a few medical soldiers were left in the room to talk to the little girl.

Although Emil insisted on listening, Arcturus firmly refused.

"To put it simply, all of her 'activity', including brain wave activity, has been converted into psychic energy, which is used to replenish Kohal's shield." Angela said.

"This place is not close to Korhal. It doesn't sound scientific at all." Raynor muttered.

"Most affairs in the entire sector strictly follow science, except for the parts related to 'psionic energy'," Angela smiled: "At this time, just accept the effect, and leave it to the research madmen to find out the specific reasons. "

"In other words, she will fall into a long-term coma. It is not a simple 'credit overdraft', but she will owe a huge sum of money, and the little money will be taken away by the 'creditor'?" Arcturus tried to start from finance. understanding.

"...That's right," Angela thought for a moment and agreed with this statement: "My previous behavior of instilling a large amount of psychic energy into her was equivalent to an external investment, although it was still being diverted away. But at least we can make some investments, such as projects like 'brain wave' and 'facial sense control'."

"What's the cure?" Arcturus frowned. He didn't want his sister to fall asleep again. Even if she couldn't use her "Force", she at least had to be able to move freely.

"Remove the shield of Kohal," Angela shook her head: "One person can support the entire planet's psychic shield. This is incredible even in mystical science. If everything is normal for her, I guess she can Just fly through space, or even destroy battleships alone.”

"..." Recalling his sister's original feat, Arcturus strongly agreed with Angela's guess: "The 'Immortal Hero' you had before?"

"This kind of 'angel investment' is only effective for the first time. Even if I do it again, it will only strengthen her facial features and brain wave control." Angela said a pun: "Based on the results of my previous investigation, this time I will only strengthen her facial features and brain wave control." If the medic who comes in pours all his psychic energy into her, he should be able to activate one more arm, unless you also have some psychic users with a high enough psychic level."

"Psychic users..." The first thing Arcturus thought of was the "ghost" that sniped his father. However, he heard that due to that failure, the Federation had completely abandoned the ghost project and turned to training male "ghosts" "The former is difficult to find, while the latter is a federal secret.

"To put it simply," the audience member Renault concluded: "Miss Mengsk's own psychic energy production and consumption have reached a balance. She must obtain psychic energy infusion to support her ability to move, and these psychic powers cannot come from the same target. "

"It seems that I have to find those disbanded 'ghosts' and ask them for help," Arcturus nodded slowly, "However, this kind of 'indoctrination' probably still requires your help."

"Of course, those 'ghosts' can only kill people, so how can they save people?" Angela replied.

"【Not always,】"

Accompanied by a female voice with electronic white noise that was somewhat familiar to Arcturus, a figure wearing silver tight armor and long fiery red hair appeared out of thin air in the corridor:

"[We meet again, Mr. Mengsk.]"

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