The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Six, Heart of the Swarm (16)

Latest website: ――TR.82.10.13――

"Sarah Kerrigan..."

Arcturus has mixed feelings about this unexpected former "ghost."

There may be hatred, but not too much. After all, no victim would hate the murderer's gun, especially when the gun failed to cause harm and eventually "fired" and hit the murderer himself.

However, the root cause of Emil's coma still lies with her. After all, another spy, the "Mora" from the Mobius Foundation, has never seen Emil take action, and it is impossible to send back any information about Emil and her. "Force" information.

But then again, as a ghost who has been "consciously interfered with", it is her duty to deliver information. Should she really be responsible for what she did?

After thinking for two seconds, Arcturus made a decision: listen to what his sister said.

"...You just said, 'That's not necessarily the case'?" Arcturus paused for two seconds, then directly connected to her words without asking how Kerrigan appeared.

"Now that the little princess of Korhal has woken up, as a former 'Ghost', I should give her some congratulatory gifts." She turned her eyes to Angela: "If it won't cause permanent damage to her combat effectiveness, I don't mind giving her transmission points. Psychic."

"If it will cause permanent damage, I will not use it rashly." Angela shook her head: "It will only cause the inability to use psychic powers for about three days. My original plan was to have other medic sisters instill it in batches. In case there is a fight, but since there is a 'ghost' here, there is no need to bother them."

"What is your purpose?" Arcturus did not continue the topic directly, staring closely at Kerrigan: "You can evade federal pursuit for so long, I don't believe you will sneak into Hyperion just to do good things. .”

Just like when she infiltrated Korhal before and mixed with the "War Porcupine", this time she undoubtedly came with Renault's rangers. Arcturus glanced at Renault while asking questions.

"In fact, the action of exploring the Blackwater Outpost mine was exactly what Sarah proposed to us," Renault suddenly said: "The Federation secretly mined a terrazine mine here, and destroying it should be our common goal."

Did this guy start lying and trying to attract people in front of his face? Arcturus laughed in his heart, but did not reveal it. After all, he had no plans to win over this "ghost" for the time being.

"I came looking for something,

But I don't know what it is." Kerrigan acquiesced to Raynor's words and answered Arcturus's initial question: "At this time, the place there has been made a mess by the terrazine eruption and bugs, so I can only use your help. Looking for it. "

"Don't know what it is?" Arcturus raised his hand and glanced at the communication request. At this time, the staff collecting terrazine did not send back any noteworthy information. "You always have to have a certain understanding of the target. It’s time to start looking for it.”

"In terms of characteristics," Kerrigan thought for a moment: "The volume is no more than two cubic meters and the weight is about one hundred kilograms. There should be no obvious leakage of psychic energy..."

"Sounds like a unit of terrazine," Raynor interjected.

Kerrigan smiled slightly and completed the last sentence: "...Be able to 'leap' directly from Tarsonis to Marsala."

……What! ?


After a while, the supply deck.

"Boss, all the gadgets we got from the mine that meet your requirements are here." Ranwen

Rory Swan commanded the tall construction machinery to move the strange-shaped objects out of the warehouse one by one, and then turned to report to Arcturus.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Arcturus nodded, then looked at Kerrigan, "You can see if there is what you are looking for."

Most of these debris are building materials after the mine collapsed, and there are also some equipment for underground operations and some furniture. However, they have not been cleaned up because they were infected by terrazine. The overall look is green and you don't want to touch it at all.

"This is a bit time-consuming..." Kerrigan pulled down her goggles and went to inspect the debris pile.

"Hey, cowboy, didn't you see, the place where the terrazine is collected over there is really spectacular."

"Don't mess around on other people's ships, Tychus."

In the distance, a big man named Tychus Finlay, who boarded the ship with Renault, seemed to be talking to Renault. It is said that when he negotiated with Renault in Arcturus, he very skillfully put Hubery on board and allowed him to We visited all the places we visited, and somehow we made friends with Siwang.

Maybe people with more straight personalities are easier to get along with?

Angela did not come with her when she came to the warehouse to identify supplies this time. She and her medics assisted the ship's doctor in taking care of Emil.

Judging from the news from the ship's doctor, there is no doubt that the medical soldiers are also attracted by others' beloved sister, and one or two of them want to transmit psychic energy to her as soon as possible.

After his sister woke up, Arcturus really wanted to stay with her and tell her what happened in the past two years, but when outsiders boarded the ship, he didn't want to expose his biggest weakness. .

In any case, the reason of "resisting angrily because the home planet was bombed" can gather more people than "the reason of overthrowing the Federation because my sister turned into a vegetable".

However, even now that my sister has woken up, the "Children of Korhal"'s goal of overthrowing the Tyranid Federation has not changed. After all, it is already sunset, although it is not yet known what kind of regime will be rebuilt on the ruins after its collapse. , but Korhal must have a place among them, so that his father's concept of "natural people and clones are equal to each other" can be implemented smoothly.

Uh...have you put your father's ideas too far down the list?

In short, after the matter in the Sara Galaxy comes to an end, I will take Emil back to Kehal to meet his parents and make them happy, but I have to find a better excuse so that it will not arouse the suspicion of the crew members...

"Found it! This is it!" Kerrigan's voice interrupted Arcturus' thinking.

"Is that... a rescue capsule? But isn't it too small?" When Arcturus followed the sound, he found that Kerrigan was scanning an oval egg-shaped machine.

"Oh, I should have thought of it earlier. With the character of those guys in the Federation who engage in shady things, how could they let things get out of their control?" Kerrigan circled around the egg-shaped machine: "But the experimenters He actually has no objection to stuffing it into something like this.”

"Him?" Arcturus asked.

"Of course, they still have some scruples when using female 'ghosts', but when they are using the 'ghosts' of big men, they are basically used as livestock,"

After Kerrigan used the goggles to scan for a while, she seemed to find something:

"Well, according to the dog tag, this guy's name is 'Gabriel Tosh'."

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