The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Ten, Heart of the Swarm (20)

"Collect Doomsday ()"


Kehal IV, Presidential Palace.

"[Dear viewers, this is Tarsonis Television.]"

Following the words of Adjutant Hyperion, the large screen in the living room lit up and began to play the TV signal from the Tyranid Federation.

As the first planet that humans landed on, Terra has a total of twelve giant cities, more than 300 industrial areas, and more than a thousand villages, with a population of nearly 2 billion, and its capital is Tarsonis.

Since Kohal is quite close to the Tarsonis system, there is almost no delay in the signal transmitted through the buoy network. On the screen, the beautiful female host and several gray-haired experts are sitting together. Judging from the posture, they should be in the same gear. News reports plus news talk shows commenting on these events.

"[The 'Unnamed Beast Incident' that has attracted attention in Tarsonis City in recent weeks has been investigated and confirmed to be caused by the leakage of terazine stored in a biochemical company. Now, please ask the reporter from the front to relay the live report for us, Nova?] "

"[Okay, host,]" Nova, blond, blue-eyed, dressed as a reporter, and wearing glasses, appeared on the screen: "[As we all know, terrazine is a precious resource, but it can also cause serious Contamination, if improperly stored and leaked, may cause mutations in organisms exposed to it. As you can see, this company located on the outskirts of the city——】"

Renault's hand shook and he almost threw the tea cup away.

"Do you know him?" Arcturus looked at Renault with interest.

"I said before that we have intelligence sources within the Federation," Renault slowly put the cup down: "I just didn't expect that she would be so high-profile."

"Reporter, a good choice." Arcturus nodded without making any further comments.

"[——We can see that the federal rapid reaction force is already in place, and the sporadic gunshots are them destroying the mutated beasts that escaped from that enterprise.]"

"[Sir, this is the picture of the 'mutated beast' I found before.]"

As Nova continued to report on the scene, the adjutant spoke up and "pasted" an extra, somewhat blurry photo on the corner of the screen.

However, it didn't matter even if the photo was blurry several times. Reno, who spent a whole day fighting bugs in Marsala, recognized these "old friends" at a glance.

"Obviously, those idiots in the Tyranid Federation brought back insect eggs or something else when they were performing the 'psionic jump'," Arcturus sneered: "And on the other side of the 'passage', food It must be quite sufficient.”

"If there are only this kind of bugs, there should be no 'Queen' brought there, so the situation is not serious." Renault analyzed while looking at the screen.

Da da da! Da da da!

As if to fight against Renault, a roar and fierce gunshots suddenly came from behind Nova on the screen.

"[Did everyone hear that? There must be an emergency happening. Let's go to a closer place to observe!]"

"[Wait? Nova?]"

Nova ignored the host's obstruction, took the cameraman, or perhaps an automatic camera, and headed straight for the direction where the gunshots came from.

"[This is the quality of a professional journalist.]" "[Yes, yes.]" The two guests praised him one after another.

These two guys must know that Nova is the daughter of a congressman!


"What a quick reaction force. They are the Alpha Squadron, also known as the 'Blood Hawks'. They are the sharpest knives in the hands of the Federation."

"Ha, a biochemical company? What kind of biochemical company can be established on the outskirts of Tarsonis? Look at that ugly logo. It's obviously the base of Beta Squadron. Oh, they're also called 'Cerberus', and they're responsible for researching 'spirits'." Can jump'."

A moment later, Kerrigan and Tosh arrived in the living room and almost immediately exposed the cover-up in the news.

Forget about Kerrigan, why would he sell out his teammates so decisively? Renault glanced at them and said nothing.

Stay tuned for news.

"[We can see that a fierce encounter broke out here before, but the brave federal soldiers still won. They have entered the biochemical enterprise. Oh, look at that, these monsters are really big~ ]"

Nova dutifully pretended to be a reporter, and the soldier next to her, whom she used as a background, probably knew something, and looked like he didn't dare to get angry or speak.

In the distance, on the buildings of the "Biochemical Enterprise", there was pollution and rust that seemed familiar.

"These are all old friends." Renault identified their species one by one from the remains of the insects, almost all of which he had seen on Mar Sara before.

"Tosh," Arcturus said solemnly: "You said that when you arrived at Marsala's base through the 'psionic leap', the surroundings were already full of bugs, right?"

"Ah, yes, that's why I slept in that egg for several months." Tosh scratched his head.

"So, who activated Masala's receiving device? Or, if the bugs are just brainless beasts, why was the jump receiving device not destroyed?"


Tosh was stunned, and Renault also felt a chill creeping up his spine.

Now it has been proven that what he thought at the time was "the insect forces were exhausted" was just an illusion. The opponent was actually mutating. If it weren't for the sudden eruption of terrazine, "Reno's Rangers" rashly went deep into the mine and encountered the worms that poured out of it. Especially for If they are insects that evolve due to their attack methods...

"No, wait," Tosh responded: "You mean, the bugs reached Tarsonis in reverse through psychic leaps?"

"Ha, isn't that normal?" Kerrigan interjected, still sneering: "With the character of those guys, it is absolutely impossible to destroy these 'precious experimental samples'. They must have conducted many experiments, and then, they were These bugs pretending to be pigs and eating tigers took over the base in one fell swoop."

"Masala's terrazine has not been purified. The only biomass they can obtain there is vegetables from livestock on the agricultural planet. Since they appear in the densely populated and resource-rich Tarsonis..." Aktur Si raised his lips: "The Federation is finished."


The next moment, the "Biochemical Enterprise" that only occupies a corner of the camera exploded, just like the Marsala scene repeated, but this time it was not terrazine that shot into the sky, but fire, and countless bugs mixed in between.

"[Oh, my God, I'm sorry, host, this time the frontline reporting is over, just wish yourself well.]" Nova quickly pulled down the sunglasses on her forehead, and the whole person disappeared into the air.

The soldier and his colleagues on the background board looked at the sky blankly for a moment, while the "cameraman" was motionless because he had no command. It was obviously not a real person but just a drone.

Arcturus's expression did not change when he saw this scene: "Next, we just need to hold our troops back -"

"[Arcturus,]" the screen instantly switched to the President's Office, where Angus Mengsk was looking at him seriously: "[Adjust the action plan of the 'Children of Korhal', and temporarily give up targeting The actions of the Terran Federation are fully committed to fighting this 'pest disaster' and rescuing the people.]"

"..." Arcturus looked at Emil who was sticking out his tongue at the camera with a bit of embarrassment next to his father, and sighed: "As you command, sir."

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