The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and eleven, the fourth natural disaster (51)

"Collect Doomsday ()"

【Warm Home Star】.

【Good weather planet】.

In the home galaxy where the "First Alliance" is located, there are no other planets or asteroid belts. There is only a solitary planet, not even a satellite. From an objective point of view, if there are no tides and meteorites, the weather will indeed be smooth.

Malefia rode Therazoido close to this planet with blue land and purple ocean.

‘This should be the last civilization that needs to be saved. After it’s done, go back and take a look at Green Light. I don’t know what they have developed into. ’

[If you want to watch it, you can watch it directly. 】

'That would be boring. ’

【as long as you are happy. 】

After leaving the galactic center area where Cyberlux is located, Stupid System and I arrived at the other side of the galaxy, on the other cantilever directly opposite the cantilever where the green light is.

It’s strange to say that nine of the original ten civilizations were wiped out. Only six of the nine were worth saving, and four of them were concentrated in the spiral arm of the Milky Way where the green light was. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been taking care of it. The reason for the green light.

If this guess is true, then life in Cyberlux, the center of the galaxy, and the farthest "First Alliance" will not be easy.

If you think about it carefully, could it be that the creatures on this planet are united because they cannot see movable celestial bodies and feel particularly lonely?

But in that case, how to resolve the conflict between carnivores and vegetarians?

[You should know it just by looking at the remains they left behind. 】

'uh-huh. ’

While thinking about it, Therasuido had already entered the planet's atmosphere.

What comes in front of you are man-made structures that cover almost all the land surface and even most of the sea surface in the field of vision.

‘Are there too many ruins? ’

[After all, it is a composite race named "First Alliance". If there has never been a war, it is normal for it to be built like this. 】

'But the only war is a war of genocide. ’

[That’s the problem you have to solve. 】

‘Tsk… Anyway, let’s scan the entire planet first to look for any clues. ’

Perhaps this civilization went extinct a little too early, and anything they suspected of being an information carrier was in a state of weathering or shutdown. Even Ether La Soido's scanning ability couldn't stop it from "turning on" without using its authority. Just parse the data in the "hard drive".

However, it's probably enough to just scan the things on the surface. If that doesn't work, you can also call out the "land".

After preliminary analysis of architectural styles and text, it can be seen that the "First Alliance" has at least six major categories of participating civilizations. The numbers from most to least are mammals, reptiles, birds, arthropods, molluscs and fungi. , their architectural styles are also different, such as rectangular, sharp, hollow, divergent, multi-structure, twisted, etc.

What is a bit incredible is that these buildings with completely different styles did not form "blocks" according to their characteristics, but were combined with each other very naturally, as if they had already decided on their own style at the beginning of the construction. Same.

This can only prove one thing. These races, which are not only very different in appearance, but also in their living habits, do not feel any discomfort at all that their neighbors are not of the same race as themselves.

Of course, that harmony is only temporary.

The evidence is that almost none of these buildings of different styles all over the world is intact, and traces of damage by various weapons and self-collapse after being damaged can be seen everywhere.

It is obvious that these buildings built together cannot provide an effective defense against those originally friendly and vicious neighbors when the disaster that sweeps the world comes.

‘Hmm…wait a minute, I don’t seem to see any national borders or anything else? Have they been globally unified? ’

[No, no. Judging from the scan results, during the civilization stage, there were at least a thousand countries on this planet, but there were no clear dividing lines between them.

‘If races are all mixed, how should countries be differentiated? ’

[Preliminary judgment is that the birthplace and surrounding areas of each race are the 'countries' of that race. However, none of these 'countries' have the ideas and means to continue and expand themselves. They often only have one city, which is the capital at the same time. But also the country itself. 】

‘What about the Alliance founders? Isn’t there anything special about that race that has taken the peaceful route and made everyone an alliance? ’

[There is really no such thing, at least I haven’t found it. 】

‘Hey, since it’s called the ‘First Alliance’, there should be a leader, even an honorary one, but the founding race doesn’t have this title? ’

[After all, no race shows any special characteristics. Although mammals have the largest number, even if the scope is narrowed down to each mammal, their number of buildings is not much different from other races, so it is impossible to tell. Find out who the 'leader' is. 】

'This is really strange...incomprehensible. ’

[So, there is only one thing to do now, right? 】

‘After retrieving the papers, call their Alaya out for questioning. ’

At this time, Therazoido finished the survey and scanning of the "Good Weather Planet" and carried Malefia back to the sky. Malefia looked at the almost endless city ruins below and snapped her fingers briskly. .


Buzz buzz——

At this moment, the city ruins on the entire planet began to "tremble". No, that was not shaking, but these architectural ruins that had been abandoned for an unknown amount of time changed back to their original appearance at the same time, resulting in what looked like " "It's just a trembling wave"

Although it's not like I haven't seen scrolls before, this time there are ruins all over the planet, and the visual effect is completely different.

The city that was the first to return to its old appearance suddenly lit up with lights, followed by their neighbors, and their neighbors’ neighbors, turning into a whole sea of ​​light, spreading overlapping waves of light from near to far, Eventually the entire planet is completely lit up.

[Tip: The status of the ‘First Alliance’ and its habitat has been rolled back. 】

[Tip: The current civilization level of the ‘First Alliance’ is: Civilization Stage. 】

[Tip: The current mainstream trend of thought in the ‘First Alliance’ is: extreme equality and peace. 】

[Tip: The current population characteristics of the ‘First Alliance’ are: gregarious, hard-working, adaptable, and environmentally friendly. 】

[Tip: The current political system of the ‘First Alliance’ is: All living beings are equal. 】

[Tip: The 'First Alliance' is a federation jointly established by nearly a thousand races. Its founders have been peace-loving since the biological stage, and have worked hard to establish alliances with other creatures and races. Until the end of the civilization stage, it will Almost all races on the planet were included. After the initial prosperity, they fell into disintegration and chaos due to the shortage of materials, especially food. After a great chaos and famine that swept the world, only the remaining people on the planet were left. There are city ruins containing various buildings of different styles. 】


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