The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twelve, the fourth natural disaster (52)

"Collect Doomsday ()"

After the "First Alliance" was rolled back, the process of this composite ethnic group from development to destruction also became clear.

As I guessed at the beginning, this planet has been following the path of a friendly alliance since the biological stage. The reason why it finally formed the "First Alliance" is that it is "exceptionally rich in food."

According to my experience, an organism will branch into two branches during the cell stage: carnivores that eat other cells and vegetarians that eat seaweed detritus. This is mainly determined by the function of their mouths. At this stage, I want to create To get an omnivorous cell, you have to find a very rare cell with an "omnivorous mouth", kill it and seize the evolutionary components.

However, this "good weather planet" does the opposite. There is a kind of thing called Mana growing in its ocean... uh, I don't know what kind, it looks like a marshmallow. Both carnivorous and vegetarian organisms can grow by eating it. In this way, carnivorous cells will not hunt vegetarian cells, and vegetarian cells will not fight with each other due to lack of food.

The final result is that on this planet, the differences between meat-eating and vegetarian eating are just like the differences between sweet people and salty people. They look down on each other, but they are far less than life-and-death. This provides the basis for the next "whole race" Alliance" and "Equality for All" laid the foundation.

However, no matter how "all living things are equal", the establishment of an alliance still has to have a leader, and the leader of the first alliance is a race called "Big-eyed Monkeys".

Its appearance is easy to describe: a blue capuchin monkey. The largest part of the body is the head, and the largest facial features are the eyes. It looks very cartoonish.

Unlike other randomly evolved neighbors, the "big-eyed monkey" has arms, feet and a tail, corresponding to the negotiation skills posture, dance and charm, and has innate diplomatic advantages.

So, when other species still didn't know how to communicate because they looked completely different from each other, it danced and completed a series of alliances and took the lead in entering the tribal stage.

From here on, the development trend of "Good Weather Planet" becomes strange.

According to normal development, the "big-eyed monkey" that has gained wisdom will become the dominant race of the planet. It will turn the "allies" in the biological stage into "domestic animals" or "guardian beasts", and then fight with other similar animals with different colors. Fight, establish a country after unifying an area, enter the civilization stage, then fight with other countries of the same color with different concepts, and finally dominate the world and enter the universe.

But there were problems with this development route from the beginning.

The naturally born chief of the big-eyed monkey regards other creatures in the biological stage alliance as "tribe members" and gives them the same treatment as his own tribe. Since these creatures are not yet smart enough, it even arranges for tribesmen to help them become enlightened.

…Does this actually mean that all living beings are equal?

If you think about it carefully, since Mana is extremely abundant, it seems that there is no problem if the big-eyed monkeys hope that their former friends will become their helpers without having a "group consciousness" to direct them?

Since those "allied races" themselves are also on the road to evolution, but their pace is just a little slower, now the "big-eyed monkey", the forerunner, not only does not suppress them, but instead supports them. As a result, they have entered the tribal stage even when there are already races. reached the tribal stage.

As a result, the blue "big-eyed monkey" that was supposed to compete with tribes of the same race in other colors instantly gained four more allied tribes, directly completing the task of "alliance or conquering four tribes" in the tribe phase and entering the civilization phase.

What a magical BUG is this...

However, the magical things are not over yet. After the blue big-eyed monkeys entered the civilization stage in this way, they did not directly start designing cities and vehicles. After discussing with the other four allied races, they organized a team The diplomatic mission, carrying cucurbits, maracas, flutes and other musical instruments, went to other big-eyed monkey tribes that were still developing in the tribal stage to conduct diplomacy.

And the purpose,

Of course it's still an alliance.

Just like in the biological stage, when conducting diplomatic negotiations, the party with the larger number of participants will have an advantage, while the other heterochromatic big-eyed monkeys who only have a single tribe have no chance at all when faced with the singing and playing of diplomats from five tribes. Any room for resistance was agreed upon by the Alliance.

As the stronger party, after the blue big-eyed monkeys absorbed monkeys of other colors to become allies, they forcefully asked new allies to follow their own methods, that is, to upgrade all the allies in the enlightenment biological stage to the tribal stage.

The consequence of this behavior is that every time the blue big-eyed monkey tribe makes a new alliance, there will soon be four more affiliated alliances of other races. When the lower-ranked tribes are negotiated to request alliances, the scene is like literature meeting.

Finally, after all the tribes that could only be touched by two feet were allied, the blue big-eyed monkey tribe finally decided to enter the civilization stage, and the number of races in the resulting new country was... one hundred and twenty-five.

Since all races in the tribal stage are in an alliance, there is no way for the new country to give birth to a king with more than ten thousand people, not even the chief of the blue big-eyed monkey race.

After a period of discussion, the operating method of the new country was determined: the chief of the "Blue Eyed Monkey" will serve as the "spokesperson" of the country, and the other 124 chiefs will form an "advisory group" to make major decisions. It is made by the "spokesperson", but any "advisor" has a veto power.

However, even if the decision is vetoed, it does not mean that the decision cannot be implemented. If the "spokesperson" tries to persuade the "consultant" to change the vote successfully, the "one-vote veto" proposed by him will be invalid.

This system of equality that was so egalitarian that it was difficult to imagine how to communicate in normal times was finally implemented smoothly. While maintaining the internal stability of the country, they also began to contact and engage in diplomacy with other countries through sea, land and air vehicles.

Due to differences in geographical location and resource reserves, national systems in the civilization stage are no longer the same. Some focus on culture, some develop science and technology, some like trade, and some are keen on preaching. But the only thing in common is that they are all composed of Multi-racial countries have also made many attempts to unite multiple tribes to govern the country.

The result is obvious. They all accepted the "equality of all living beings" system advocated by the "Blue Big Eyed Monkey" and established an alliance composed of all countries. There were only eight participating countries in this alliance, but the participating countries There are nearly a thousand races.

At the same time, because this was the first global alliance organization, it was named "The First Alliance".

Based on the principle of "all beings are equal", any matter involving more than two countries must be resolved by holding an "Union Conference" with the participation of a thousand consultants.

The "general spokesperson" who presides over the conference will face... 999 "one-vote vetoes".

What a miserable look.

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