The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and nineteen, the fourth natural disaster (59)

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I have thoroughly analyzed the benefits and harms of dangerous technology, and the development work of the glasses researcher has just begun: communicating with Mana.

Although it is not clear what the Catalyst did when the big-eyed monkey discovered that Mana had consciousness, he should also be paying attention to this technology leader now.

If you think about it carefully, the concepts of "peace" and "equality" have been deeply rooted in the bones of the various races in the "First Alliance". No matter how "diligent" and dominant the big-eyed monkeys are, they will not bully other races. Actions and thoughts, but if they awaken psychic powers, the situation is different.

Everyone is also an ordinary creature and can be equal, but one side is a psychic user and the other is an ordinary creature. If we insist on equality, it will be fine in the short term, but over time most members of this race will not agree.

[Sounds like X-Men? 】

''s a bit, X-Man became X-Monkey. ’

As an aside, one of the reasons why the X-Men have been unable to integrate into the Marvel Universe is the huge difference between the two "ordinary people".

Ordinary people in the Marvel Universe are really ordinary people. If they don't have some adventure to become a superhero or super villain, then they will just be backgrounds and extras.

But the setting of the X-Men is that "a small number of people possess mutated genes." No matter how small the proportion of this "small number" is, once 7 billion people are used as the denominator, the total is definitely not just an X Academy Can fit.

At that time, various countries will gather their own mutants and train them into armies, and they will fight each other secretly or openly. There will be nothing to do with the Little Avengers.

[Why do you feel like you are linked to the Hokage? 】

'Essentially, it's almost the same. Chakra is like a mutated gene. It's only born and inherited, and it can't be trained at all. ’

[Xiao Li, miserable. 】

While he was talking nonsense about the stupid system, it was already time for the Food Research Institute to get off work, and the glasses researcher left with his friend. The friend seemed to think that the glasses researcher hadn’t given up yet, so he walked with him all the way and repeatedly emphasized to him “Don’t do useless things.” , but the effect is not good, or in other words, it has no effect at all.

After returning to his dormitory and resting for a while, the glasses researcher went out again and went straight to his place of work during the day.

Come on, that's how superheroes are born.


At night, the research institute is much quieter than during the day. Only some signal lights that will not go out and the lights near the material storage warehouse are still on.

Due to the political system of "all beings are equal", there are no thieves or overtime in the First Alliance, so there are no guards in the institute to guard the warehouse or experimental equipment. There are only simple expulsion devices to prevent the intrusion of brainless insects or beasts, and these Means are of no use to glasses researchers.

He skillfully avoided all security measures and arrived at his laboratory. Since there was no night duty, he turned on some lights. However, in order to avoid being noticed by some colleagues who were wandering around after dinner, he temporarily turned on the lights. The curtain blocked it.

After the preparations were basically completed, he came to the "centrifuge" during the day, picked up the microphone and said to the fluffy Mana inside: "[Hello?]"

There was silence everywhere, and Mana, who was in the centrifuge, didn't give him any response.

"[Are you here? How old are you? What's your name? Have you eaten?]" The glasses researcher started to talk.

‘...If there is a second monkey present, I’m afraid he will laugh to death. ’

[Just think of it as watching a monkey show. 】

'But where does he have the confidence to get a response by doing this? Manna has been eaten for such a long time, so people often talk about it while eating it. If there was a response, it would have been there long ago. ’

[Let me take a look...ah, I found it. 】The stupid system pops up a picture of a glasses researcher conducting experiments.

As can be seen from the screen,

This centrifuge-like thing is actually a machine similar to sonar detection. It is used to detect the absorption and diffusion of sound by Mana. The sounds emitted by the experimental samples range from ordinary speech, natural sounds, to the ears of big-eyed monkeys. There are all kinds of frequencies that are not available.

In this scene, when the speaking voice should be used according to the experimental procedures, the glasses researcher did not use the original lines, but directly started chatting with the Mana sample. It was obvious that he did not think Mana could understand it at the time. The words were also somewhat casual.

"[The weather is good today.]"

"[——Good energy.]"

"[I feel silly talking about food.]"

"[——Those words are silly.]"

"[Hope this behavior will be helpful for artificial synthesis.]"


"[After testing, Mana's internal structure will completely reflect all received sounds in each frequency band outward, while making no sound on its own.]"

"[——make a sound.]"

Basically, his words were synchronized with the detected "reflections", so only the tail sounds of the sonar feedback were heard.

At the end of this experiment, the glasses researcher probably had a trance and added an extra sentence.

"[I am the most handsome in this laboratory.]"

"【--You are lying.】"

The glasses researcher was stunned for a moment, and immediately paused and started searching for records, but all he found was the record of Mana faithfully feedbacking "the most handsome", repeated several times.

Then, he thought for a few minutes and roughly came to the conclusion that it was not an auditory hallucination.

Then, there's the scene where he starts to loudly announce, "Mana is alive."

'This...' After turning off the scene playback, I looked at the glasses researcher who returned to work late at night: 'Then it's obviously the catalyst causing trouble, right? What's the purpose? ’

[Of course it is to let him discover the 'psychic theory'. Although this theory is still just an idea in his mind and has not been summarized in detail, from the beginning of the warning of 'dangerous technology', we know that its emergence is inevitable. 】

‘Tsk, tsk, as a group consciousness, it is really convenient to be able to search the thoughts of living things at will. ’

[I seem to hear a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred? 】

‘It’s so noisy, shut up. ’

In the institute, the glasses researcher tried to communicate with Mana for a while, and even said that he was the most handsome several times, but without a catalyst to cause trouble, Mana certainly would not respond.

After pondering hard, he even began to move the equipment from other experimental groups one by one to examine the Mana in the "centrifuge".

Those equipment included high-speed cameras, ultraviolet imagers, EMF detectors, sensitive thermometers, and even electrocardiogram measuring machines.

Although it was a bit overkill, the glasses researcher seemed to have determined that there must be something different about this ball of mana, and he was not going to stop even if there was no result, and was prepared to work like this all night.

Could it be that the Catalyst's plan was to exhaust his energy and establish contact again while half asleep and half awake? That doesn't seem to be of any use -


At this moment, the EMF detector and the electrocardiogram rang at the same time. The former jumped directly to the highest level 5, while the latter showed a violent fluctuation that was more like a voiceprint than an electrocardiogram.

Before the glasses researcher had time to react, the next second, a deep and hoarse old male voice came from the sonar that would only repeat his words:





When the glasses researcher jumped up to respond, bits and pieces of light began to gather from the surroundings, and finally the child named Catalyst was re-condensed on Thela Soido's head.

"So, that's not you?" Malefia asked while touching the catalyst's head.

"[That's...Mana's...maker.]" Catalyst still seemed unaccustomed to speaking, but his speech speed and grammar were close to normal.

The planetary consciousness of the "good weather planet"? Would He actually respond to a creature that spoke to food? Is this reasonable?

[If you think about it carefully, there seems to be no problem? ] The stupid system replied: [The nature of Mana is that it can be eaten by all living things, so it can be considered as an alternative kind of 'wishing machine'. 】

Therefore, when those creatures are ignorant and hope to have something to eat, it becomes food. The glasses researcher is extremely firm in believing that it can respond - even though it was made by the catalyst child - then it can really respond.

Since the glasses researcher can communicate with the star soul, it means that he can resonate with element zero, and has initially reached the first step of the "psionic theory".

In the process, the catalyst deliberately guided the development of the big-eyed monkey group through hints, and pretended to communicate with the glasses researcher, eventually allowing him to talk to the planet's consciousness and discover and improve the theory of psychic energy.

He seems to have done a lot of things, but none of them are out there, and there is no evidence or sign to prove that the group consciousness took action, as if these things are the result of the normal development of the big-eyed monkey group itself.

When the matter was over, he brushed off his clothes and hid his identity and reputation. He was worthy of being a "catalyst".

While I was praising the catalyst here, the communication with the glasses researcher was also going on simultaneously.

"[Who are you? No, what are you?]" The glasses researcher was excited and incoherent: "[This ball of mana must not be you.]"

"[You are very perceptive, child, yes, what you are talking to is an insignificant part of me.]" The tone of the planet consciousness, or that it deliberately made the tone that the glasses researcher could hear appear slow, gave people a The feeling of not caring about anything.

However, it is obvious that there is a deviation in the understanding between the two parties. The glasses researcher probably believed that the person speaking to him was "the aggregate of all Mana", and the planet consciousness actually meant "Mana is only an insignificant part of his body."

"【I am--】"

"[I know who you are, child, and I know your purpose,]" Planet Will interrupted the glasses researcher: "[You can't succeed, and that's not something you need to worry about.]"

"[Yes, of course,]" the glasses researcher nodded: "[Is there anything we need to cooperate with?]"

"[If possible, control the population size,]" Planet Will replied slowly: "[If there are difficulties, you don't have to do it.]"

Great, "population" size and "population size" must be understood as completely different things.

"[So, do you have any requirements for the growing environment?]"

"[Just keep the status quo.]"

Therefore, there will definitely be misunderstandings in cherishing words like gold. The glasses researcher defaults to the other party as a Mana aggregate. The question is of course also asking about the growth environment of Mana, but from the perspective of planetary consciousness, his question should be the same as the previous one. It is related, that is, what are the requirements for the number of species on the planet’s surface, so the answer is “maintain the status quo”.

And as long as the "population growth rate" is positive, then the environment on the planet cannot always "maintain the status quo."

“[Nana, that—]” The glasses researcher obviously still had a lot to say, but because there were so many words he didn’t know which to say first, a bunch of words were stuck in his throat and he couldn’t say them out at all.

"[Talking to me for a long time will have an impact on your mind. This communication ends here.]" After a few words, the planet consciousness unilaterally ended the call.

Naturally, the glasses researcher was not happy. He continued to try to communicate without belief, but there was no response to any of the messages he sent. A bunch of detection devices only detected his own signal. He could only move the instruments back to their original places one by one in frustration and clean them up. After removing the waste generated by the experiment, turn off the power switches everywhere in the laboratory, and finally leave the laboratory and go back to the dormitory to sleep.

[Tsk tsk... In this case, on the eve of the demise of the First Alliance, there was probably a member of the ethnic group who accidentally established contact with the will of the planet and received the same unclear response. As a result, this happened There will be great chaos, and civilization will perish.] The stupid system makes an evaluation.

'After all, no one will officially write this kind of thing into history. Talking with the will of the planet is a bit too mysterious for ordinary creatures. It is possible if group consciousness appears. ’

"[Untie the knot?]" Catalyst tugged at the hem of Malefia's clothes: "[Let them meet...understand each other...the crisis is resolved?]"

"The end of the famine has been lifted, but it seems that new troubles have arisen," Malefia touched the Catalyst's little head: "But this is my sister's job."

'【……Um. 】’ Catalyst nodded blankly, completely unaware that he had just led the big-eyed monkey group to perform a series of feats.

Specifically, after the First Alliance established contact with the consciousness of the planet, the "great chaos" caused by famine in the original timeline would not happen, but instead there would be a series of troubles caused by the improper use of "dangerous technology" .

These troublesome types include, but are not limited to, "dimensional demon invasion", "subspace evil god coming", "omnic crisis", and so on.

【Isn’t it right? Dangerous technology is not a doomsday element and will not necessarily lead to the extinction of the population. Where is your job here? ] Complaints about the stupid system.

‘Isn’t it a sister’s job to clean up her brother’s mess? ’

【……as long as you are happy. 】

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