The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty, the fourth natural disaster (60)

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Although he was prepared to take over the development after the big-eyed monkey developed the "psychic theory", the reason was not because of the sister the catalyst called.

I am not the kind of person who is overflowing with love and can't walk when he sees cute children, shouting "so cute" and being obedient to them.

Everyone, as long as they have a normal mind, should be responsible for what they do, and as guardians, they can be allowed to pay for the bad consequences of their actions, but they cannot let the bad consequences exceed what they can handle.

The Catalyst originally wanted to kill other species. This behavior would lead to a big fight in advance, so he naturally had to stop it. But if he wanted to improve the social status of the big-eyed monkey in the alliance by stimulating psychic energy, there would be no problem.

Psionic technology causes "danger", and if the follow-up treatment is not good, it will become "doomsday". Therefore, this node is the best time for me to intervene.

This "interference" in the "danger" can be basically completed behind the scenes, without Malefia having to show her face at all.

Specifically, because "Mana" is a creation of the planet's consciousness, it can change its nature at will, but the only thing that remains unchanged is the "zero element" it contains, which can stimulate spiritual energy.

As the origin of "Element Zero", I can change the nature of the psychic energy it inspires to avoid the scenarios described in "Dangerous Technology".

The first is the "dimension demon invasion" caused by "psionic jump". This is the simplest, as long as element zero is allowed to add a protective layer similar to a mass effect channel to the jumped object during the jump process.

Back then, after Sargeras, or rather his arm, was violently beaten by the green light, I hadn't heard anything like the Burning Legion for a long time. I guess he had given up on his plan to make a dimensional breakthrough into this universe.

Then there is the "coming of the evil god of subspace" caused by the communication with the existence of subspace. This is a little troublesome. It does not mean that a ceremony must be held. Evil gods of the level of the four vendors only need a glimpse, or even just know them. If it exists, it will be found by Shuntong Mogua, and no matter how many times it is beaten, as long as the relevant concepts are not completely eliminated, it can be reborn in the subspace.

Although they don't like being beaten and don't dare to appear in front of me, since they can directly cause trouble on the planet where Green Light was born, it proves that they are not afraid of me because of their immortality. If they are particularly interested in the First Alliance, If you are interested, you may come here with the idea of ​​losing one or two avatars to cause trouble.

The solution to this problem is to block all subspace signals in the galaxy and use a white list to enter and exit. If the big-eyed monkeys must communicate with the existence of the void, they may only encounter a "catalyst" or a "mana maker".

The most difficult thing to deal with is the "Omnic Crisis" caused by the "Psychic Interface". Although we don't know whether the "Leviathan" that created the "Syllogism" was born, the premise is that "organic life will always create mechanical life." That's right, because organic beings will want to be lazy after working for a long time, and will naturally think of creating things to work for them. Cyberlux is an extreme example.

This problem cannot be completely solved for the time being, but if we carefully analyze the current situation of the First Alliance and the big-eyed monkey group, we can still find a method that although it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, is basically sufficient - setting element zero will not cause any unnatural The life that is born awakens spiritual energy.

In this way, even if those machines are out of control, organic life with powerful spiritual energy should be able to easily suppress them.

This is the basic response, but whether there will be specific problems depends on the subsequent implementation and whether the consciousness of the planet will intervene indiscriminately.

Speaking of which, the planetary consciousness of the weather-friendly planet is also a strange thing. He pays attention to every mana on the planet at any time, allowing them to change properties according to the user's expectations.

If this behavior continues, as the population of the First Alliance continues to increase, its control over the planet will continue to decrease due to the geometrically multiplied amount of calculations.

Eventually, its strength declined to the point where even the great chaos that preceded the demise of the First Alliance could not stop it.

This is a typical thankless effort. If it weren't for the catalyst to guide the glasses researcher to have a conversation with him, he would probably become a ruthless wish-making machine, just like the one in "Fake God" who clicked on any wish he received because it was too troublesome. YES” Jim Carrey.

If it weren't for the stupid system that would assimilate the star soul once it tries to establish contact with it, I really want to ask why the consciousness of this planet is so persistent in keeping all living things alive.

In the words of the stupid system, the earth's surface and ecosystem are the clothes and pattern decorations of the planet's consciousness, so why does He like to wear clothes full of flowers? You are not an uncle, but an aunt, right?

Hmm... Actually, it would be possible for Malefia to directly talk to Mana like a glasses researcher, but in that case she would just be treated as an ordinary creature and would not respond to such a direct question.

For example, Zurwin, the ancestor of the zodiac, could clearly sense the specialness of Malefia through the group consciousness of living things, but once it was integrated with the consciousness of the planet, he could not sense it at all. This only proves that there is a basic insulation between the consciousness of the planet and the group consciousness of living things. .

While I was making various adjustments to Element Zero, the glasses researcher was also busy.

After he established contact with the consciousness of the planet, he left the Food Research Institute and turned to research on psychic abilities, and summarized the original version of "Psychic Theory."

As a new "scientific" theory, it naturally has to be reviewed by the Academy of Ethnic Sciences. Just like the political system of the First Alliance, whether it can be passed is also vetoed by one vote. As the proposer of the new theory, he must persuade the opposing votes one by one. of judges.

According to the records of the Academy of Sciences, there is no theory that participated in this kind of review in previous years and passed directly on the first try. After all, some judges are keen to find faults in the eggs.

However, the glasses researcher managed to accomplish this unprecedented feat when he defended the "Psychic Theory".

There is no other reason. As a theory that proves the real existence of "superpowers", what could be more shocking than the author of the theory using telepathy to defend the whole process.

The most ridiculous thing is that this matter was not discovered until the defense was about to end.

At that time, he was an unreasonable judge who believed that the glasses researcher was performing a magic trick and that he must demonstrate his psychic powers "on the spot" and "immediately". Otherwise, no matter how perfect his theory was, he would be rejected directly.

Then, the glasses researcher asked the venue staff to play the video of the meeting, so that all participants could see that he did not speak at all when explaining the paper and answering questions, but was just lip-syncing.

It was originally supposed to be "immediately" and "on the spot", but the result was "already". The difficult judge was dumbfounded, and finally passed unanimously and admitted that the "psychic theory" was correct.

After that, the entire group of big-eyed monkeys began to awaken their spiritual abilities following the theoretical development of the glasses researcher, and their influence in the First Alliance continued to increase.


after a while.

[Tip: Psychic Ascension! 】

[Tip: More than 87% of the members of the ‘Big Eyed Monkey’ group have awakened their spiritual abilities, and the conditions for ‘transcendence to sainthood’ have been met. 】

[Tip: All psychic abilities of the ‘Big Eyed Monkey’ group have been strengthened, and they can enter the ‘virtual realm’ to communicate with unknown existences. 】

At the same time as this string of prompts appeared, the glasses researcher, no, the "spokesperson" of the big-eyed monkey group directly stimulated his psychic energy to enter the subspace.

good! I'll see who dares to communicate with him!

Although Malefia and Thela Soido themselves can enter the subspace at any time through imaginary number sneaking, if the catalyst children take the initiative to open the door, they will be happy and leisurely.

"[This is 'subspace'?]"

"[It doesn't look like anything special.]"

"[Don't be stunned! Act according to the original plan!]"

After a group of big-eyed monkeys carrying various detection equipment entered the gray world, they did not dare to disperse and stay away, so they chose to camp in place and install equipment to detect the environment.

‘Speaking of which, it’s obvious that consciousness entered, how on earth did these guys bring in so much equipment? ’

[As long as they insist that those devices are part of their consciousness, they will naturally bring them in. After all, psionic energy is not very reasonable. 】

'What if they insist that other creatures are part of their consciousness? ’

[You definitely can’t bring it in. After all, psychic energy doesn’t make sense. 】

‘I feel like everything about psychic abilities can be explained by this sentence? ’

【after all--】

'Shut up! ’

"[...Sister?]" Catalyst tugged at the corner of Malefia's clothes.

"What's wrong?" Malefia patted his head. She didn't know how group consciousness would grow. He spoke more fluently now, but his appearance remained the same.

"[...You're in a daze again.]" Catalyst shrugged his nose.

Hmm... This is indeed a problem, because usually there is no one around, and the chatting with the stupid system basically stops from time to time. Suddenly, if there is one more person, you will see Malefia in a daze without being controlled, so you have to pay a little attention.

"Not to mention this, is the current scene in the subspace from the perspective of the 'spokesman' or yours?" Malefia forcibly changed the subject.

In my opinion, the subspace is a vast area of ​​chaos. At this time, the location of the Big-eyed Monkey Spokesperson and its assistants clearly shows the appearance of the ground and sky, except that the ground is full of wreckage and ruins, and The sky was a low gray cloud.

"[That's... what I saw from my sister... the future of the planet.]" The catalyst raised his little hand and poked it, and the chaos around the spokesperson once again spread over a large area, showing a planet that I had seen once before, with good weather and good weather. What it looked like after the destruction of the "First Alliance".

Obviously, the catalyst has done some artistic processing. If civilization is destroyed, under the self-regulation of planetary consciousness, in addition to the city becoming ruins, the environmental conditions will still be T3 level. This kind of gray, just like the sky after a nuclear war is just out of thin air. Just imagination.

"[This is—our planet!]"

"[Oh! Oh my god! Look what I found!]"

"【This is impossible!】"

As the catalyst moved, the instruments they brought began to give test results, and a group of scientific research psychics screamed in surprise. Moreover, because they were conscious bodies, they were so shocked that they almost dissipated and escaped.

"[Calm down! This is not reality, it is just what the 'virtual realm' shows us!]" At the critical moment, the spokesperson calmed down the crowd with a loud shout.

It was found that the backbone of this operation was very calm, and other researchers gradually calmed down and began to record the various results fed back by the instruments.

The spokesperson nodded, and then pressed his finger between his eyebrows: "[The existence that shows us the scene at this time, please communicate with us.]"

Isn't this guy too courageous? He dared to call out to the unknown being when he didn't appear? Could it be that the scene at this time was determined by the group consciousness of "Mana"?

"Are you going?" Malefia poked the catalyst.

"[No.]" The little guy shook his head repeatedly.

Thinking about it, he himself can't speak well, how dare he go to see the spokesperson who has done enough to deal with it?

However, the consciousness of the planet is not here. If I go there, their consciousness will probably explode on the spot.

[Then shall I go? 】The stupid system is eager to try.

‘Don’t make trouble! Tip sister, give me some advice? ’

[Tip: After the population psychic energy ascends, there are five types of unknown existences that the psychic may encounter after entering the 'subspace'. 】

[‘The Whisper of the Void’, Tzeentch; ‘The Weave of Life’, Nurgle; ‘The Ghoul of the World’, Khorne; ‘The Instrument of Thirst’, Slaanesh; and ‘The End of Reincarnation’. 】

I knew these four guys were dishonest!

Although it is not impossible to let the spokesmen get a bye this time, I can't keep an eye on them. If they come in again before the catalyst's mind and words are enough to deal with these smart psykers, the Four Vendors will definitely be happy. Teach them to be monkeys.

It's really troublesome, just use "The End of Reincarnation" to scare them away.

Malefia raised her hand to conjure a frost crown and put it on her head, then pulled out a heavy sword with ice blue runes from the void, then transformed into a set of dark heavy armor on her body, and started playing the Lich The opening voice of the Wrath of the King, and a kick to Thelasoido.

——On the day you were born, the entire Elwynn Forest was whispering your name:

【Oh oh oh? Frost dragon? I like! 】


The mechanical octopus transforms into a little snowman that looks like a tough guy to beat up.


【Huh? Hey hey? 】

It was a serious mistake to confuse the Lich King and the Ice Queen, but since he appeared in front of those big-eyed monkeys, he naturally had to finish the show.

——I am proud to watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice,

Malefia ignored the gazes of the big-eyed monkeys and climbed up the stairs towards a nearby mountain.

——You must remember that we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength, and I also believe that you will use your powerful power with caution.

A cliff blocked Malefia's path, and she raised her hand to create a wide ice bridge.

——But the real victory is to inspire the hearts of the people.

Following Malefia's footsteps, countless remains of various creatures emerged from the ground and respectfully moved out of her way. In the direction of her progress, a magnificent ice palace was rising from the ground.

——One day, my life will reach its end.

Malefia arrived at the palace on the top of the mountain, walked in through the open door, turned around and sat down on the throne at the main entrance, a cold blue light burst out from her helmet.

——And you will be crowned king.

At this time, the consciousness bodies of a group of psychics were trembling, and those with weak minds even began to kneel down to Malefia.

"[I am the 'End of Reincarnation', raising your demands.]"

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