The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty-one, Heart of the Swarm (21)

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Amarr star field, Agria galaxy.

Although this is an agricultural galaxy located within the territory controlled by the Tyranid Federation, its location is so remote that it has no strategic value at all.

There are three habitable planets in the galaxy, all of which have been developed as agricultural planets. As the capital of the galaxy, "Haven" is famous for the fast growth of plants on it.

For this galaxy with no strategic value, the Tyranid Federation only dispatched a small second-line battle group to station as a errand and ignored it. After being stationed for a long time, this battle group has basically integrated with the local environment and is very Naturally, as a Haiwen person, even if the combat effectiveness has not dropped too much, the reaction speed and vigilance must have been far worse than before.

For example, there are already news and rumors to prove that there is some kind of highly contagious biological disaster in the alliance capital, but the residents of this galaxy do not take it seriously at all, and the Stargate does not take any detection methods. .

Just like now, when the police team guarding the Star Gate saw a ship labeled as a battleship like the [Bucephalus] leaping out of the Star Gate, they actually conducted contact and interrogation according to the procedures. It was known that they were even I don't care much about the ongoing war, after all, no matter which side wins, they still have to eat.

"[Touring? Purchasing? Or coming for investigation? If you are investigating, please indicate your affiliation.]"

Renault looked at the outrageous communication sent by the Stargate Guards and the other party's attitude that they didn't feel there was anything wrong with his communication. He really wanted to put aside his image and cover his face for the time being.

A standard stargate inspection should inquire about "ship registration number", "departure place", "destination" and other items that are documented and will not be easily changed, and use space anchors and other means to prevent the ship from forcibly leaving, and at the same time use Super powerful firepower for deterrence.

"This is the 'Bucephalos'. I am the captain 'Jim Raynor', and I belong to the 'Leno's Rangers' mercenary group. I am here to purchase supplies." In any case, Raynor decided to follow their instructions first. Answer in question format.

"[Oh, then the reason for entry is 'purchase'.]" The guard replied with an even more unprofessional word, and then opened the passage.

The access rights of this star gate are only limited to civilian ships. With a little firepower, they can rush out directly... Renault drove out of the star gate's jump docking area speechlessly.

Apparently, the Stargate Guard was also taken aback by the size of the battleship and did not send any more unprofessional communications.

The Bucephalus, a Gorgon battleship of the same class as the Hyperion, was generously gifted by Mr. Angus Mengsk when Raynor left Korhal.

According to the gossip that Renault heard from Jimmy, the Bucephalos was actually prepared for Arcturus. Hyperion's replacement was one of the pioneer battleships activated by Emil, and there was nothing in it. Where things stand out.

After Emil woke up, Korhal was able to continue to activate the battleship left by the Pioneer. Naturally, he no longer regarded this battleship as a treasure, and Renault also played a great role in awakening the little princess Korhal, so Kehal was in a happy mood. President Kazakhstan gave it as a gift of thanks.

Although Raynor did not refuse, he still felt a little bit "no reward for no merit", so he proposed that "Raynor's Rangers" could go to Tarsonis with the "Children of Korhal" to rescue and prevent the "biological crisis" ”, but this proposal was rejected by Arcturus.

If you think about it carefully, "Raynor's Rangers" really can't appear in Tarsonis together with "Korhal's Children".

If they were partners fighting against the Federation, it wouldn't be a big deal for them to come together, but now the "Children of Korhal" are acting as public enemies of the Federation to "slap them in the face" and "build their reputation" by rescuing Tarsonis. , to lay the foundation for coming to the forefront in the future. If a "Raynor's Ranger" appears around them, who will the rescued residents of Tarsonis thank?

not to mention,

If he really goes, it will cause trouble for the forces behind Nova who have been announcing that "Reno's Rangers" have nothing to do with "Heavenly Demon". Although they should not care much about such trivial matters, after all, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

In the end, "Reynold's Rangers" decided to come to Haven to check if there was any problem with another research site of "Psychic Leap".

According to Tuo Xu, there seems to be an experimental base similar in nature to Marsala on Haven Star, but because he does not belong to that group, he is not very clear about the progress of the research. But if those bugs are really smart enough, It's not impossible to kill them through psychic leap.

This means that Star Haven probably also produces terrazine, but the locals don't know about it; the Federation may have more secret research institutes, but the license is unknown; Star Haven's underground may be full of Bug, but Reynold is currently unknown.

After making this decision, Raynor and Arcturus decided to split up.

Raynor, Tychus, Tosh, and Swann traveled to Haven on Bucephalus, while Arcturus, Emile, Angela, and Kerrigan traveled to Tarsonis on the Hyperion.

Emile has just woken up and still needs the attention of Angela's medical team, and the mysterious Kerrigan apparently also traveled to Tarsonis for something.

As a renegade ghost, Tosh would not feel comfortable going to Tarsonis, and if Haven was really infested with bugs, Swann, a turret expert, could come in handy.

Although the reasons were all good, Leno still had the illusion that he was the manager of some team and signed a transfer agreement in which Angela was exchanged for Tosh and Siwang.

Moreover, why are all the women on Arcturus's side and all the rough guys on his side?

"[Boss! How long does it take to get to Haven Star?]" Scout Jimmy said on the public channel in a very expectant tone: "[Its special food is very famous!]"

"[That's right!]" Tuo Xu agreed: "[Because the crops there grow well, and the quality of the poultry and livestock that eat those crops is also extremely high!]"

"[Old Siwang is also a little interested. If nothing happens to Haiwen, can we get off the ship?]" Siwang from the mechanical deck also came to join in the fun.

Okay, I can understand Arcturus. If you have to be noisy by so many people, it is better to listen to the voices of young women than these big men.

"[Hey, let me tell you, the special foods of Haiwen Star include——]"

While Renault asked the correspondent to contact the officials of Haven Star, he casually banned Jimmy from the public channel.

"Enter communication silence now, everyone shut up."

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