The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty-two, Heart of the Swarm (22)

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Agria system, Bucephalus.

After contacting the Haven Space Station, Renault asked the navigator to make a short jump to the target location provided by the other party.

Of course, this kind of procedure is only a rule that civilian ships need to abide by in peacetime. After entering a battle, if you still keep fussing about the jump, you will have been blown up by others long ago.

By the way, the ban did not stop Jimmy from promoting delicious food. Since there was no combat mission at the moment, he went directly to brag with Tuo Xu.

A person who is well-informed because he often performs reconnaissance missions and has a large amount of knowledge about the food of different galaxies meets a person who becomes hungry because of the use of psychic powers and needs a lot of food supplements but refuses to eat bland compressed energy bars. , it feels like they can chat all day long without getting tired.

That is to say, the mechanic Siwang did not mix with them because of the large age difference and he was more interested in machines than food.

"Hey, boss, do you think there will be bugs in Haven?" Tychus was rubbing his hands next to him.

Well, here's another guy who's more interested in fighting.

"Currently, there is nothing unusual about Haiwen's border defense and external liaison departments. If there are bugs, they are small and insignificant." Renault looked at Haiwen's information and responded to Tychus: "So, Trust There is probably nothing wrong with the 'research institute' mentioned, and the enemy we are about to encounter should be the special forces of the Tyranid Federation."

"Ha, you can also hit people," Tychus grinned: "Those bugs won't be afraid or run away because they are injured, so there is no point in killing them."

"..." Renault glanced at him and said nothing.

With a character like Tychus, being in a peaceful environment for a long time will cause problems. Fortunately, the battle to overthrow the Federation will not end so quickly. If the bugs in Tarsonis become the climate and evolve the ability to navigate space, that will be the case. Not a small trouble.

Going back to the Agria galaxy, this galaxy is different from other galaxies controlled by the Federation. The highest power does not belong to the governor appointed by the federation, but to the "three-person parliament" composed of the chief executives of the three planets. The chief executive of a planet changes to serve as the speaker every two years, and this rotation has nothing to do with the rotation of the chief executive of each planet, so the change of chief executive of each planet will actively avoid this time node.

Bernat Hansen, who served as the administrator of Haiwen Star at this time, was a natural scientist. He was originally a technical consultant for the development of agriculture on these three habitable planets. However, after solving several major scientific research problems, Haiwen After his agriculture achieved great development, he was unanimously elected as the chief executive.

So far, he and another deputy chief executive with a military background alternately serve as chief executive and have cooperated to govern Haiwen for more than 20 years.

After all, it is the governor of a remote agricultural galaxy, and truly talented people will not stay here. The other two planets named Haven II and Haven III have similar political structures.


Haiwen star space station, commercial dock.

Different from the situation in Marsala, due to his sensitive identity, Renault, who may run away at any time, will naturally not place his main force on the space station with obvious targets. Businessmen who want to purchase must land on the surface by boat, and Haiwen's side , agricultural products from the entire planet will be transported to the space station to be transported away by merchant ships.

As a result, the huge size of Bucephalos made the cargo ships that came here to buy agricultural products look extremely humble. Even though the berths were far away from each other and it was impossible for the warships to fire here, they also shrank away.

In this situation where there is obviously a lack of effective monitoring, if the Federation secretly establishes a base somewhere, it will be impossible to discover it. Further reasoning, maybe other galaxies with similar conditions will also have secret bases of the Federation, and bugs... Tsk.

"[Sorry, Renault Ship...Captain,]" At this time, the correspondent accessed the space station's communication.

The originally relatively casual Haiwen liaison officer seemed very nervous at this time, and was still struggling with whether to call him the captain or the captain: "[Your order is already being processed, but Speaker Hansen wants to talk to you. I wonder if you can Do you want to show off?】"

"Oh?" Renault touched his chin and thought for a moment. When the Haiwen liaison officer was so nervous that he almost fainted, he replied: "Of course, no problem."

The order was of course genuine. It was about Keha's less urgent needs for crops. It didn't matter if Haven was already infested with bugs and couldn't buy them.

The current situation is that there are no bugs in Haven, at least not on the surface, so after receiving the goods, why should we continue to stop here to search for the federal secret base is a question. At this time, Speaker Hansen proposed to meet. It’s a good thing to give you a pillow if you feel sleepy.

After a while, Renault, who had changed into business attire, and Tychus, who was wearing a black suit and large sunglasses, stepped off the battleship. They did not bring more rangers with them on this trip. After all, the two of them were strong enough to deal with dozens of gunmen. Ordinary people, if something goes wrong, it won't take long for the Rangers to come over from the battleship.

The staff in Haiwen who were responsible for guiding the way were also very nervous and did not even do a regular body search. Renault thought that he looked quite friendly to the people, so it must be the fault of Tychus's vicious appearance.

"Hello, Captain Renault, or rather, would you rather I call you 'Chief Renault'?"

In an ordinary reception room, Renault met Bernat Hansen, a very energetic middle-aged man. It could be seen from his gray hair that he was already quite old.

"Just call me Renault," Renault shook hands with him: "I wonder why Mr. Speaker invited me to meet with a buyer?"

Obviously, Speaker Hansen's partner is not an ordinary military personnel. He at least knows that Renault was the commander of the "Devil of Heaven" and the police chief in Marsala, and dares to let Renault land on the space station without fear of the Federation. Make trouble for him.

But if he knew Raynor's Rangers had teamed up with Korhal's Children... hey.

"Haha, ordinary buyers don't use battleships as cargo ships," Speaker Hansen asked Renault to sit down before saying: "If my prediction is correct, you should be here for the secret affairs of the Federation."

"Oh? What do you say?" Renault neither admitted nor denied, waiting for the other party's next words.

"We are a system under the direct jurisdiction of the Federation, and the Chief Executive is basically inextricably linked to the Federation. It can be said that he is directly related." The Speaker knocked on the table: "But even so, there are still goods and personnel who deliberately avoid us. It means that those guys above are doing something that may be detrimental to Haiwen, but unfortunately, I can't find out where they are or what they are doing."

"What do you mean?" Renault asked.

"Since I don't know, then it doesn't exist," the Speaker's lips curled up slightly: "Even if they are destroyed, the Federation cannot use the excuse of 'non-existent things being destroyed' to trouble me."

Sure enough, since he can manage Haiwen so well, how can he be an ordinary scientist?

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