The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty-three, Heart of the Swarm (23)

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Haiwen Star Surface, Botanical Research Institute.

The name of this institute is not very loud, but it is the most authoritative crop research institution on the planet Haven. From the appearance alone, you might just think it is an automated farm.

Before Renault, Tychus and Jimmy landed in the shuttle, they could see that the surrounding fields planted with various crops were actually covered by a huge dome. In other words, the place he set foot on at the moment was actually a super room. Before the giant greenhouse.

Tuosh did not accompany him because his appearance was very distinctive and he was likely to be recognized directly. He only provided intelligence support to Renault through communications.

After the staff member who brought them in spoke a few words on the intercom next to the door, some researchers soon came out to greet Renault.

"Hello, Commander Renault, I am the dean of this institute, Ariel Pamela Hansen." The leading female researcher stretched out her hand to Renault: "I think my father has told you that I matter."

This is a very capable professional woman with black hair, gray eyes, oval face, thin eyebrows and phoenix eyes. She is wearing a black sweater, a straight skirt, a white coat, a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and long hair. Braid it into a single braid hanging on one shoulder.

"Ah, of course, nice to meet you, Ms. Hansen," Renault shook hands with her, and then glanced at her entourage: "About our purpose..."

"The relevant research results have been prepared, please come with me." Ariel nodded and took the initiative to lead the way.

Research results?

Renault was a little surprised, but still followed her.

Before that, he had reached a consensus with Speaker Hansen. Renault and his rangers secretly investigated the possible secret base of the Federation, and Hewenxing would help cover up the news of Bucephalos' appearance and the commotion during Renault's operation. , as long as the matter is not too big, various accidents can be used to cover up the past.

In the speaker's words, since the Federation wanted to build a secret base without telling him, then if the base was stolen secretly, there would be no way he could be held accountable.

Since Haiwenxing was the one asking for help in this "transaction", Speaker Hansen decided to give away everything on Reno's shopping list for free, while sharing Haiwen's years of agricultural experience and technology.

Obviously, the Speaker still regarded Renault as the leader of the mercenary group who retired to the countryside. These things were really useful to Marsala, but to Korhal they were just icing on the cake, but since they were gifts, it would be disrespectful to reject them.

According to Speaker Hansen's hint, this botanical research institute should have clues about the federal secret base, but judging from his daughter's meaning, could it be that he took his sentence of "sharing the latest scientific and technological achievements" literally?

But she doesn't look like such an upright person.


A moment later, Ariel, who led Renault to a conference room, carried out a series of textbook anti-eavesdropping operations after removing her entourage, proving that Renault's hasty judgment of her was completely wrong.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't sure if there were any of their people in the institute, so I didn't talk about business right away." She shook off the braids on her shoulders: "Now we can talk about the task of eliminating the traitors that your father has entrusted to you. .”

No, in a sense your father is the traitor.

"Them?" Renault asked, "Do you already have a suspect?"

"Of course," Ariel turned on the projection in the conference room: "Most of the farms in Haven were rebuilt from the original colonial settlements. If the Federation had planned to build a secret base in Haven from the beginning, then we We also recognized it, so our focus has been on farms with suspicious behavior established in recent years.”

The projected content is a global virtual image of Haiwen Star. You can see that most of the areas are green, a few areas are bright yellow, and there are three specific locations that are dazzling red.

"Are these locations suspicious farms?" Renault looked at the red locations.

"To be precise, there are only two places." Ariel enlarged the images of the three places: "This is a livestock farm. The live birds it exports recently are very aggressive. Although it cannot cause any trouble, it is too noisy. There have been many complaints; and this is a wheat farm, it is nothing special, and the quality of the flour it produces is also very good, but according to their planting area, the yield is a bit too low."

"It does sound a bit suspicious. Maybe there is some secret research going on. Have you conducted a search?" Jimmy commented with his scout's intuition.

"Since they have not committed any obvious illegal or criminal behavior, we have no reason to go directly to search." Ariel glanced at Jimmy and started to show the third place: "This is not a farm, but an undeveloped jungle on the planet Haven. We noticed it because the fields of surrounding farms were encroached upon, and the growth rate of plants in this woodland is dozens of times higher than normal. "

"I think you have already analyzed and checked them?" Renault said, looking at the forest land analysis report that was more detailed than the previous two.

There were many pictures in the report, showing a strange forest composed of towering trees, huge vines and shrubs. If I hadn't been told in advance that it was Haiwen, it might have been regarded as some undeveloped primitive planet.

"This is our job," Ariel nodded: "After testing, it seems that the forestland existed before Haiwen was developed. Haiwen never approached its territory during the previous development process, so there has been no action. , and after surrounding farms expanded to its vicinity, reports of farmland encroachment began to appear, as if they were...alive."

Saying such unprofessional words made Ariel's cheeks blush slightly. Tychus whistled and was elbowed in the waist by Renault.

"I think what you mean is that these plants have their own consciousness and are not ordinary plants?" Renault followed Ariel's words: "But if they existed before Haven started construction, they must not be a federal ambush. means, so we should go to the livestock farm first to have a look."

After all, it is impossible for those bugs to evolve from plants. If the federation has relevant research, it will definitely conduct biological experiments. However, the farm with abnormal yield is also questionable. It is very likely that those fields are just a cover-up to cover up what is underneath. of terrazine deposits.

If you have the chance, you should check out both.

"Your identification and transportation have been arranged," Ariel seemed to agree: "As agricultural experts visiting from other galaxies, you have been given the privilege of exploring every farm in Haven at will."

The arrangement was quite good, the only problem was that Tychus didn't look like an "expert" at all.

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