The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty-seven, Heart of the Swarm (27)

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Terra system, Tarsonis.

"[Sir, there is nothing abnormal about Tarsonis, this is the scan result.]" A moment later, the adjutant sent back the results of Hyperion's scan of Tarsonis.

Following the message he sent, a real-time picture of the surface of Tarsonis appeared on the holographic projection sand table on the bridge. Each functional block was highlighted, and everything seemed normal.

"[In addition, the news about the explosion in the research institute and the flying bugs in the previous period was completely missing from Tarsonis' public buoy network. It was replaced by one without pictures, indicating that the biochemical leak in the suburbs had been controlled and Text message for processing.]" The adjutant sent another dry news.

"Huh? Could it be that the Tyranid Federation has really controlled those bugs?" Arcturus narrowed his eyes: "In this case, it is not impossible for the rescue mission to be converted into a reconnaissance or assassination mission."

"Hmph, that's impossible." With a cold snort, Kerrigan appeared out of thin air next to the holographic projection.

"I thought you had disembarked." Arcturus glanced at the former "ghost".

"Your ship didn't land. I can't fly like your sister." Kerrigan looked at Emil, who was floating around on the bridge.

"Hmm... So, what do you think?" Arcturus pointed at the holographic projection.

"If it can really be controlled, Nova won't escape. It's a good opportunity to gain political capital." Kerrigan clicked on the block where the "biochemical leak" occurred: "I guess they did control those bugs. , but it only controls their activity area.”

"Oh...that's true." Arcturus carefully observed the path traced by Kerrigan's fingers and nodded in agreement.

If you only look at the ground block where the biochemical leak occurred, there is indeed no problem, but if it spreads outward from the center, you can see that a total of thirteen blocks are on a peninsula. If the federal forces control the waters and the peninsula, By connecting the main road to the land, it is indeed possible to restrict the insects to a certain area.

With this judgment as a premise, Arcturus can easily find clues when he observes the expected blockade area: the scenery nearby is relatively blurry, and the movement routes of pedestrians and vehicles have obvious repetitions.

"So, the Federation restricted the bugs to a certain area and covered that area with some kind of phantom," Arcturus raised his eyebrows: "But what are they waiting for?"

"Obviously, their regular troops are no match for those bugs in a head-on confrontation. However, using 'Apocalypse' on their home planet is not a decision that one or two people can make," Kerrigan sneered: "Those SoundOnly guys probably have to gather together to figure out how to deal with it."

"In other words, the Federation Council may make a decision at any time and prepare cover-up methods. If their plan is allowed to be implemented smoothly, the Tarsonis may think it is a shallow earthquake at most," Arcturus thought. After a moment, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly: "And if we can expose the Federation's move of 'dropping a nuclear bomb on its home planet', it will definitely be of great benefit to overthrowing it."

"And for this kind of task, as a 'ghost' who knows their methods clearly, he is naturally the most suitable candidate." Kerrigan continued.


Tarsonis city, sidewalk

" how did things end up like this?"

Arcturus, who was dressed in smart casual business attire, was pushing a silver-white wheelchair. Sitting in the wheelchair was Emil, who was wearing a pink and white dress and looked a little tired. Next to Emil was Angela, who was dressed in a nurse's outfit. , and behind Angela is Old Siwang, who looks like a porter at first glance.

Kerrigan, who originally volunteered for the mission, disappeared.

"Because Emil judged that the shield covering the accident area was held up by the joint efforts of the 'ghosts' and could not be broken by Miss Kerrigan alone, he volunteered to perform the mission with her.

Angela said in a brisk tone: "Mr. Mengsk, don't worry, my sister is here, and I have to take care of my patients. As for Uncle Siwang -"

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, you are going to make a big fuss, so how can you leave out old Siwang and his arsenal?" Siwang patted the suitcase he was carrying: "Although the suitcase is small, activate Then it’s enough to blow up an entire block!”

"Then you should be gentle," Arcturus was speechless for a moment, and then said: "Speaking of which, I am a wanted criminal in the federation, but until now, it has not triggered an alarm or pursuit. It's Emile, you use the Force 'made?"

"Yes, 'Force Illusion'. This is the reason why I passed through the star gate and stayed in the satellite orbit before." Emil made a slightly proud gesture with his middle finger and ring finger separated: "The force is with you."

"Although it is very useful, it can only deceive mechanical equipment such as monitoring and scanning. If someone with psychic abilities approaches or sees it directly with the naked eye, it will be easy to find something wrong," Angela continued: "So we can't directly detect suspicious Landed near the location because we don’t know what’s going on inside the ‘spiritual shield’.”

"I understand the truth, but why do you have to play the strange drama of 'a busy brother returns to Tarsonis to visit his sister who has limited mobility in her lower limbs and take her out for a walk'?" Arcturus knocked on the handrail. The wheelchair he was sitting on: "This is obviously the exoskeleton armor from before, right?"

"Because this is a forged identity and reason for entry," Angela replied: "You can't let Emil cover up for you the whole time, right? She still has a planet and a battleship to cover up."

"Huh? Are you dissatisfied with the name I gave you? Brother Lelouch?" Emil tilted his head and looked at him.

"Of course not, Nunnally," Arcturus replied immediately.

"Humph~" Emil narrowed his eyes as if satisfied.

Forget it, it's just a name anyway. If she doesn't give her a random name, she won't be my sister.

Moreover, every time Emil named something, he would always match it with a lot of settings related to it. Even in order not to waste the effort that his sister spent on this, Arcturus would not raise any objections to this.

If he remembered correctly, the last victim seemed to be "Captain Nemo".

"Here we are," Angela paused for a moment and gestured to a bridge under construction on the side of the road: "It looks like a broken bridge over there, but the broken part is disguised. There is a sentry post there - Nana Li, are you tired? Can you create a 'Force barrier' for a few minutes to let us pass through?"

"It won't be a problem for a few hours~" Following Emil's words, Arcturus saw the surrounding scenery blurring and distorting. The broken bridge and construction machinery in the distance disappeared, revealing a line of loaded guns and live ammunition. The line of defense where troops are stationed.

and the devastated battlefield in the distance.

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