The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and twenty-eight, Heart of the Swarm (28)

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Tarsonis, sheltered area.

"what is that?"

After the "psionic shielding" was temporarily dispelled by Emil, what Arcturus noticed immediately was not the federal troops with strange weapons and armor styles, nor the devastated battlefield on the other side, but the "broken" that faced him. Bridge" a high-rise building.

The building itself has many cracks and collapses. It would not be surprising if it looks like it will collapse in the next second. The reason why it does not collapse is that more than half of its side is covered by a large area that looks like tangled vines or blood vessels. entangled.

While this dark red thing "hugs" the building firmly, it is still contracting and expanding like a living thing.

"Old Siwang dares to bet with his beard that it is impossible for the Federation to control this thing." Siwang's eyes widened.

"Then you can just shave it off now." Angela pointed to the bridge at the other end.

Arcturus turned his gaze to the ground, finally seeing something he recognized this time.

Aren’t the lumps and lumps that continue to spread outward on the streets the “tumors” and “sludge” of the Marsala Blackwater Outpost? The various bugs running back and forth on the mud were the targets of the group who came to Tarsonis.

Arcturus squinted his eyes and observed the bugs carefully. He always felt that something was wrong. They seemed not to be as organized as they were when he saw them in Marsala. They just stayed in place or walked around aimlessly. Occasionally there were some bugs. When he walked to the bridge, he was immediately killed by federal soldiers who were waiting for him.

"This..." Siwang blew his cover and was a little embarrassed. He was about to say something to smooth things over, but suddenly his eyes lit up and he pointed to the other side of the bridge and said: "Ha, how could old Siwang be wrong? Those things are not controlled by the federation at all. .”

Arcturus looked in the direction of his short finger and saw a large number of bugs emerging from the "silt", rushing directly towards the building entangled with "vines", and then directly facing The "vines" on the building's facade launched an attack.

The "vines" didn't respond at first, but after more than ten seconds, a large number of weird things that looked like a mixture of vines and branches suddenly poured out of the building. They were either whipped or tied up, and the batch of bugs was wiped out almost instantly.

After these "vine monsters" eliminated the bugs, they seemed not to be relieved, so they rushed towards the "tumors" and "mud", and this time they were the unlucky ones. While stepping onto the "mud", " The "vine monster" immediately began to be corroded and sink, and the time it took to be completely destroyed was even shorter than the time it took to kill those bugs before.

Arcturus noticed that during the conflict between the two monsters, the federal soldiers guarding the bridge obviously relaxed a lot, and some even left the guard post and ran to light a cigarette.

"Indeed," he nodded in agreement with Siwang's words: "The Federation did not control the situation, just because the conflict between two equally dangerous... creatures allowed them to calmly seal off the battlefield and sit on the mountain to watch the fight between tigers. The reason for using 'Apocalypse' was not made, presumably because they intended to conduct research on both monsters."

"So can we withdraw?" Siwang scratched his beard: "The weapons prepared by Old Siwang cannot deal with so many monsters."

Arcturus nodded: "Well, there is no need to go in to explore. Now we just need to find an opportunity to destroy its cover and let the people of Tarsonis know what is happening here."

"No." X2.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Arcturus looked at his sister first and then at Angela.

"Tell me." Angela winked and gestured to Emil.

"Brother, you don't have the force to notice," Emil raised his hand and pointed to the area covered by psychic energy: "There are two powerful and evil forces there, and we cannot let them win or lose."

"The reason why they didn't break out is because the things that can help them go further are right around them.

"Angela explained: "The Federation still wants to sit back and watch the tiger fight, but no matter who wins or loses between the two things, what is left will not be an 'injured tiger', but a 'tiger in full swing'. dragon'. "

The controller of those bugs and vines? Arcturus frowned, but if he took action, he would definitely be discovered by the Federation.

There is nothing wrong with the combat power, or even a bit excessive, but from the bottom of his heart, Arcturus does not want his lovely sister to use her "Force Lightsaber" to chop those disgusting things.

"How about we return to Hyperion and shoot it a main gun from high altitude?" Arcturus thought for a while: "The Federation will definitely be in chaos to cover up the situation here, and they will probably not have time to hunt us down. "

"It doesn't seem possible." Emil closed his eyes for a while: "One of them is deep underground, and the other is moving quickly."

"Move quickly?" Arcturus was about to continue asking, but was interrupted by vibrations and roars coming from under his feet.


When Arcturus looked up, he saw a huge beast appearing on the other end of the bridge. It looked to be at least fifty meters tall and shaped like a mammoth from ancient times. It was covered with a reddish-brown carapace. The unusually huge tusks protruded forward from the bottom of the head. With just a flick of the head, the dilapidated buildings along the way collapsed. As it rushed all the way, its destination was the building covered by vein-like vines.

“Hiss—” Siwang gasped from the side, “If Marsala had this thing back then, old Siwang could only ask for Hyperion’s artillery support.”

"I think one main gun shot may not even be able to kill it," Arcturus observed the behemoth carefully: "This is-"

Boom! Crash--

Before Arcturus finished asking, the giant beast had already crashed into the building. When the main body of the building collapsed, it also revealed a large number of tangled vines inside. These vines were winding around like pythons. However, a large piece of the giant beast's body was broken off by its constant shaking and trampling. The nearby "tumors" and "silt" also took the opportunity to spread to the ruins of the building, intending to beat up the drowned dog.

"Is this one of them?" Arcturus just had time to ask.

"No, it-"

Chi hum——

In the middle of Emil's words, he was interrupted by a sharp sound breaking through the air.

Arcturus subconsciously looked at the giant beast, and saw a human figure descending from the sky, drilling into the back of the beast's head, and piercing the lower jaw, as if it had penetrated a piece of tofu.

The giant beast that was trampling the vines on the ruins fell into a daze for an instant. It wasn't until the figure landed and stood firm that it finally fell to the ground as if it had reacted.

"——It just arrived." Emil blinked and completed what he said before.

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