The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-one, the fourth natural disaster (61)

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"Complain, demand?"

"What appeal?"

"Do we have a demand?"

"Aren't we here to find Mana's overall consciousness?"

After seeing the "Lich Queen" ascending to the Frozen Throne, a group of big-eyed monkey psykers who had established a connection with the subspace were obviously shocked and stunned, and made some answers that were completely inconsistent with their identities.

[Hahaha~] Stupid System laughs: [After they improve their psychic abilities, they can use more abilities in reality. After discovering that they can establish contact with the subspace, they came in directly. Although they brought a lot of detection equipment, after they came in, I had no idea what to do. 】

‘Well, if it were you, how would you deal with it? ’ I looked at the bewildered big-eyed monkeys.

[My words would be sarcastic: ‘How could I know your purpose? ’] Stupid system replied.

‘Too friendly and inappropriate for my identity. ’

【ha? Should we ignore their words and wait for the right ‘demand’ before responding? 】

‘Is this some strange NPC? ’

[Then I don’t know.] The little snowman turned around: [Are you coming? 】

'Look, at this time, you should--' Malefia flicked her fingers on the seat and kicked the big-eyed monkey and all the psykers under him out of the subspace without saying a word.

【Oh~There is also this trick~】

"[Primitive creatures have come to my kingdom of God with the help of extensive spiritual power. I am willing to listen to your appeals. It is a mercy, but you don't even have a well-organized speech and don't back down!]" Malefia raised her head. He raised his hand and scolded the empty Ice Throne in front of him.

"Sister... they have left..." The voice of the catalyst came through the vibration of the walls of the ice crystal fortress.

"I am teaching you how to respond at this time," Malefia waved her hand: "You are very fond of this race and want to talk to them, so you must not show it, otherwise they will be pampered and coquettish. Be in awe, this is still a small thing, what should you do if they start plotting against you?"

"...Ignore it?" Catalyst tried to answer.

Obviously, this kid is the type who is still counting the money after being sold.

【Are you talking about yourself? 】

‘I don’t want to sell him! ’

"The right thing to do is," Malefia stood up, dragging the ice epee and clanking around the Ice Throne: "If you want to solve the food crisis of the 'First Alliance', you must at least ensure that' For the survival of the big-eyed monkey race, we must not show any interest in related matters, and when encountering other problems, we can also show an attitude of not caring about destroying these things."

"...cannot be destroyed." The catalyst's tone sounded very confused.

【Hahahahaha! 】

"..." Malefia paused and sighed: "That is the basis of their survival! They themselves cannot be willing to destroy it. As long as you show your attitude, they will try their best to stop it."

"...Oh." Catalyst seemed to understand, but also didn't seem to understand.

"Okay, I'll show you when they come again."

[What if they don’t dare to come? 】

'That's impossible. The benefits of the first two stages of the spiritual ascension route are all in reality, and the benefits of the third stage, except for some enhancements to the political system and technology, all the real benefits are obtained by exploring the virtual realm and listening to the whispers of the void. Even Ou Huang gets the benefits every time. He has to make at least three trips for the psionic jump technology, psionic shield technology and psionic interface technology. ’

[And you can kick people out every time they want something good. 】

‘It’s not that it’s not that it’s not that. ’


Six months later, the Advocate and his team of psykers once again collectively entered the Warp.

The reason why it took so long is not that I created any threshold for them, but because there is a certain interval for psychics to enter the "subspace".

Depending on the physical constitution of each race,

The interval is also inconsistent. For the big-eyed monkeys, it is half a year. During this period, no matter how hard they try, they cannot receive any information from the subspace.

After all, exploring the subspace is not just about shopping for groceries. You can go there whenever you want, unless "someone" in the subspace is deliberately calling them.

Therefore, if the big-eyed monkey spokesperson does not plan to re-select a group of experts to explore the subspace, then he can only wait honestly.

"[Hmm,]" Malefia sat on the Ice Throne with one hand on her chin, watching the big-eyed monkeys appear one by one, and said in an uninterested tone: "Put forward your demands."

Logically speaking, it is completely impossible to determine where psychics will appear when exploring subspace. They may be kicked out if they move normally. If someone accidentally encounters a subspace storm or encounters some time and space distortion, his number will be reduced. If he comes into contact with one of the four vendors, Such subspace evil gods will also cause disasters in reality.

However, in order to avoid trouble, I directly locked the location of their appearance in the square in front of the Ice Throne, and finished the business first. If they conclude that "re-entering the subspace will appear at the place where they left last time" or For wrong conclusions such as "Powerful existences in subspace are friendly", you should bear the consequences yourself.

"Dear [End of Reincarnation], we want to solve the food crisis on our home planet." The Big-Eyed Monkey spokesperson spoke directly.

It seems that they have done their homework after going back. If they can still confuse the "end of reincarnation" that only exists in the subspace with the "planetary consciousness" of the prosperous planet this time, I don't mind taking them out again. Anyway, Catalyst still has a lot to learn.

"[The population is too large, just reduce it.]" Malefia said lightly: "[You can send a batch to my 'Land of Shadows'."

"Sorry, dear, we have considered this approach, but cannot implement it. You must have other ways." The spokesperson tried to bargain.

Hmm...According to the Lich Queen's character, she should be impatient to drive them out again at this time, but in this way, she can only say one sentence every six months. The efficiency is really too low, and the catalyst is also Watching helplessly, let's let their disrespect go this time.

"[Too many populations can also be called 'too few survival resources',]" Malefia changed the hand holding her chin: "[If you are unwilling to reduce the population, increase the survival resources.]"

"We have also considered this, but -" the spokesperson continued to bargain.

"[Go and explore other planets.]" Malefia interrupted impatiently.

"Huh?" The spokesperson was obviously stunned for a moment as he heard very scientific words from the mouth of an obviously metaphysical being in the subspace.

Such a stupid reaction...if we keep them here any longer, the Lich Queen's character will collapse.

I decisively asked the Catalyst to throw the technology related to "Psychic Leap" into the heads of the experts he brought, and then drove them out of the subspace again.

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